Jul 18

      The United States recently saw something no American should ever want to see—the attempted assassination of a U.S. President. Someone tried to shoot former President Donald Trump while he was speaking at a campaign rally on July 13. Sadly, one bystander was killed in the shooting, and others were injured. Despite this tragedy, I believe God heard our prayers for President Trump’s protection. Miraculously, he only suffered an injury to his ear.

      On May 31, I had a vision in which I saw President Trump near a vehicle, and someone had tried to take his life. I previously shared this from the pulpit and via this newsletter in early June. I had also received a word related to this when asking the Lord for prophecies for 2024 and beyond. I shared this at MorningStar Ministries’ 2023 Vision Conference and via this newsletter: “A candidate for U.S. president will experience an assassination attempt.” When I saw news footage of Secret Service agents ushering him a car after the shooting, it looked like what the Lord had shown me.  

      Back on March 9, I had what I called The Rebirth of America Dream. In this dream, the Lord showed me that the United States would begin to go through a 16-month period, starting with the total solar eclipse on April 8, which would lead to a rebirth of America. I saw forty long weeks of pregnancy, with complications happening before and after the birth. Nine months after April 2024 is January 2025, so the birth would be in the same month as the U.S. presidential inauguration. There were complications at the birth, so the baby was placed in an incubator. At the end of the dream, it was July 2025. It seemed that most of the chaos had ended in the nation, and things were starting to heal.

      In my dream about the nation’s rebirth, I saw July 11 circled on a calendar. However, I never saw the year specifically, and there are two Julys between April 2024 and July 2025. When I shared the dream, I put the date at the end of the 16-month period—July 11, 2025. However, we later learned July 11, 2024, was the original date for President Trump’s sentencing after he’d been convicted of class E felony charges on May 30. When the sentencing was set, I became open to the idea that perhaps this was the reason I saw July 11 highlighted. Then, I called the church to pray regarding the events on that date, and the sentencing was rescheduled. Prayer can change things! During our MFM Retreat on June 5, I felt a new sense of urgency for us to pray and shared the more recent vision about the assassination attempt. The Lord heard our prayers and changed things again, just like we asked Him to do.  

     Given what I saw in the dream, I don't think the attack on President Trump is the last traumatic event we could see happening. The Lord has also highlighted the date August 11, 2024, to me. There's something about that date for which we need to pray. Please pray for divine grace, protection, and divine intervention on August 11 and beyond.

      Pray also for President Joe Biden. I believe the Lord has shown me that his presidential term will not end in a normal way. I received this word about him as part of the 40 prophecies I shared in 2022: “President Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. I do not wish him harm. I pray for him. I pray for God to remove him, but I also pray for him and his salvation and for him to become a Saul of Tarsus figure. He will lose power, and it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the 2024 ticket. He will attempt to redeem his failed presidency by making a woman president for the first time. I have seen Kamala Harris at the helm, but only for a short time—weeks or months.”

      Saul of Tarsus, who later became known as the Apostle Paul, went from being one of the greatest persecutors of Christians to becoming one of the greatest advocates for Christ. God used him to preach the gospel to other nations and write several books in the New Testament. Despite what one has done or said in the past, God can change a person’s heart and give them a new purpose in life. I pray this for President Biden.

      So, continue to pray for both presidential candidates, as well as those who were affected by the July 13 shooting. Pray especially for the family and friends of the one who passed away and those who suffered injuries to experience God’s healing.

      As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:9, “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” While we do not have the full picture, I believe God has shown us part of what the coming months could look like. As we get closer to a hopeful rebirth, we can pray that the complications will not be too severe. Let’s thank God for His protection so far and pray for His protection in the future. Again, prayer changes things!