As we have been covering our “divinely powerful weapons” that are also called the “fruit of the Spirit,” this week we continue with goodness and kindness. We will cover these together because they are so closely connected.
In Romans 12:21 we are told, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Our divinely powerful weapons are how we do this. We overcome every evil with the good that is the counter to it, as the verse before states: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty given him a drink. By doing this you will heap...
In Hebrews 6:11-12 we are exhorted to have diligence “so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Since it takes faith and patience to inherit the promises, why is it that we have a large faith movement, but there is no patience movement?
There are many exhortations in Scripture to wait upon the Lord, but I have never found one that says we must hurry. It seems that our biggest problem is waiting. Patience is a crucial element in receiving from God, and is linked here...
As we have been covering our “divinely powerful weapons” that are also called the “fruit of the Spirit,” this week we continue with faith or faithfulness, as the same Greek word is translated for both of these in the New Testament. This could be because if one has faith they will be faithful.
If you were a parent that had been able to provide for your family abundantly with everything they had ever needed, how would you feel if they lived in constant fear of not having enough? How does our Father in heaven feel when we live in...
In the last two Words for the Week, we covered two of the three core Christian virtues that are a pillar of stability for believers, especially in these turbulent times. They are “divinely powerful weapons.” As we covered peace and joy in the last two weeks, now we will address the greatest of these: Love.
There is no greater peace that we can have than knowing the love of God. There is no greater joy that we can have than bringing His love to others.
Because “God is love,” His love is the highest expression...
As we began to cover in the last WFTW, three basic characteristics of a mature Christian is love, joy, and peace. These are “divinely powerful weapons.” This week we will cover the weapon of Joy.
In Nehemiah 8:10 we are told, “Do not be grieved, for the joy of The Lord is your strength.” To win any battle we must be stronger than our adversary. This statement that “the joy of The Lord is our strength” begins with “Do not be grieved” because grief is to focus on our problems, or our losses, instead of The Lord. Grief is the opposite of...