Mar 10 WEEK 10 A Clear Vision—Heritage Brief 10 by Rick Joyner Following up on the fact that nowhere in The United States Constitution does it state that there must be a separation between the church and the state, it only states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Because Congress was the Federal Government, this did not prohibit the states from establishing a recognized religion if they chose to, and many of them did. For example, a couple of states made it a requirement to be of the Protestant faith to vote. Others required church attendance to... READ MORE Mar 03 WEEK 9 Vision and Division—Heritage Brief 9 by Rick Joyner Contrary to common belief, nowhere does The United States Constitution state that there must be a separation of church and state. There is only one brief statement in the First Amendment that addresses the relationship between the federal government and religion, which says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” How has this misconception that The Constitution mandates a separation of church and state become so prevalent as to so radically change the country and destroy our religious liberty? Charles Spurgeon lamented that he could find ten men who would die... READ MORE Feb 25 WEEK 8 A Higher Vision—Heritage Brief 8 by Rick Joyner The detaching from our constitutional moorings by our government is a reflection of how the church has detached from its biblical moorings. The trampling of justice in our country is a reflection of the lack of justice in the church, where people are quickly declared guilty by slander, gossip, and hearsay without due process. Again, when corruption and darkness grows in our land, we can point to the church for not being the salt and light we are called to be. As citizens in a Republic, we have the responsibility to speak out against the... READ MORE Feb 18 WEEK 7 A New World—Heritage Brief 7 by Rick Joyner It would be a tragic mistake not to honor the American Founding Fathers for their remarkable and unprecedented accomplishments. We must also honor them by carrying their work forward. To do this we must learn from their mistakes so that we do not continue to make them. After the miracle of winning their independence and designing a government like the world had never seen before, America was an infant in comparison to all of the other nations. Even the most perfect infants are messy and vulnerable. As we approach 300 years as a Republic, we are... READ MORE Feb 11 WEEK 6 A Mandate—Heritage Brief 6 by Rick Joyner The number one question people have is what their purpose is. The sense of purpose has been the most powerful motivating force in history, especially a Divinely ordained purpose. American Founding Fathers were infused with a sense of Divine purpose more powerful than all their learning and brilliance—a mandate that they believed would change the course of nations. When the odds are against you, having a sense of a Divine calling can be encouraging. They were convinced they were serving One who was bigger than any odds, regardless of how small and weak they were... READ MORE « first ‹ … 12 13 14 › last »