The following publishers provide select MorningStar published titles in their country’s language. Please contact a publisher through the link provided to receive information on the titles they have available.
If you are a foreign publisher interested in publishing one of Rick Joyner’s books in your own language, please fill out the application form for consideration. A ministry representative will contact you after your application has been reviewed.
Amharic | Good News Renewal | henalakew@gmail.com |
Arabic | Prepare the Way | ptwegypt.com |
Bengali | CMER7@headsail.net | |
Bulgaria | Eagle Publishing | Eagle_2001@abv.org |
Chinese | Agape Christian Center | agapecenter.net |
Elim Christian Bookstore | elimbookstore.com.tw | |
Olive Christian Foundation | www.cclm.org.tw | |
Yung-En Publishing | antiochou@hotmail.com | |
Czech | Christian Mission Society | www.kmspraha.cz |
Rod of Iron | Zeleznaberla.org | |
Danish | CSundgaard Forlag | www.csundgaard.dk |
Estonia | Charismata Ministries | pood.harta.ee |
French | Lumiere de La Vie | lalumieredelavie.com |
Menor | editions-menor.com | |
Editions Jeunesse en Mission | jeunesse-en-mission.ch/index.php/editions | |
German | Schleife Verlag | schleife.ch |
Hungarian | House of Prayer | szocszo@gmail.com |
Levy Publishers | www.levita.hu | |
India | Glowing Creations | cliff@printinindia.net |
Indonesia | Metanoia Publishing | metanoiapublishing.com |
Revival Publishing House | www.revivaltm.com | |
Japanese | Rivers of Living Water | www32.ocn.ne.jp/~rivers |
Korean | Grace Publishers | www.okgp.com |
Pure Nard | purenard.co.kr | |
Palbok Church | www.palbok.us | |
Latvian | Miervaldis Zeltins | vvm.lv |
Vina Vards Mani, Ltd. | www.christinfo.lv | |
Lithuanian | Word of Faith Bible Center | btz.lt |
Norwegian | Gabriel Distribution | gabrieldistribution.com |
Polish | David’s Publishing House | www.wydawnictwodawida.pl |
Portuguese | Danprewan Publishers | danprewan.com.br |
O Verbo Publishing | overboeditora.com | |
Russian | Biblical View Publishers | biblicalview.ru |
Exodus Books | ishod.com.ua | |
Slovak | Burning Bush | horiaciker.sk |
Godzone/GD Identity | Godzone.sk/ | |
Spanish | Aqua Viva Publications | aguavivapublicaciones.org |
Living Hope International | naciones.org.mx/ | |
Producciones Peniel | editorialpeniel.com | |
Swedish | Vingarden Bibelcenter | vingarden.org |
Australia / Asia Pacific Journal and CDs | ||
Australia / New Zealand | W.A. Buchanan & CO | orders@wab.com.au |
SE Asia / Singapore | W.A. Buchanan & CO | ordres@wab.com.au |
Brazil CDs | Dan Duke Ministries | fireandglory.com |
Germany CDs | Asaph Buch- & Musikvertrieb GmbH | asaph.net |
United Kingdom Books & CDs | ||
Sovereign World International | sovereignworld.com |