Nov 22
Rick Joyner

         I am frequently asked this question: How can we find the body of Christ that is being prepared for Him, the church He is building? This is clear in His Word, as we will see. However, such churches are rare today. There may not even be one perfect example of this, but we know there will be. The word of the Lord that He will have a bride without blemish must be fulfilled. Yet if those who will be this are still in their formative stages, how will we recognize them?

First, it is to our advantage that none have attained this yet, since it is by going through this process of becoming such a body that members are fashioned into what they are called to be. The best we can do is find a body of believers who have this vision and grow with them. Following are some of the characteristics that might help us identify them:

  1. The kingdom will be found by those who seek it first, and those who seek it first will build a culture around seeking the King and His kingdom.

  1. Since the hallmarks of the kingdom are righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (see Romans 14:17), there will be an uncommon peace and joy in those who are seeking His kingdom first.

  1. The Holy Spirit will be welcomed in every way He helps us in our walk with God, especially in the manifestations of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.

  1. The first commandment is to love the Lord. Therefore, those who seek His kingdom first will have this devotion above all things, and love for God is more contagious than any virus.

  1. They make disciples, not just converts. Since we can only impart what we have, these congregations will have a cultural devotion to learn everything He commanded and obey them.

  1. As we are told in I Corinthians 2:10, the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.” Therefore, those who are truly filled with and following the Spirit will be devoted to an uncommon depth of knowledge and understanding; they will not be shallow.


  1. Jesus said His disciples would be known by their love, so love for the Lord and for one another will be a hallmark of all His true disciples. True love does not puff up or make us arrogant but makes us loving servants of one another.

  1. Since the basic call to discipleship is to take up our crosses daily, such churches will be devoted to living lives of sacrifice of their own desires for His.

  1. Since we were created for His pleasure and loving Him is how we do this, we will find uncommon strength in these disciples. Also, since “the joy of the Lord is our strength” (see Nehemiah 8:10), they will obviously live lives that bring Him joy.

  1. Since those who seek the Lord first are promised to find Him, His presence in their lives and congregations will be obvious. Their gatherings will not only have good worship, preaching, and teaching, but they will also have the ultimate sign of God’s favor—His manifest presence.

  1. Since the Ephesians 4 requirement of “the proper functioning of each individual part” of the body is necessary for us to all grow up “in all things” into Christ, the members will know their place and purpose in His body and be maturing in them.

  1. Since Jesus is gentle and humble of heart (see Matthew 11:29), those who are maturing in Him will not be arrogant regardless of how great their walk or fellowship becomes.

There are other characteristics we could add to this list, but all of these should be growing in a church body that is made up of living stones that are being fitted together for His dwelling place. Of course, those who have been devoted to these basics may be further along than those who just started to walk in this devotion, but we should at least see the beginnings of these characteristics. Next week we will continue with other characteristics of church bodies that are the planting of the Lord.

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