Dec 10
Rick Joyner

          As we consider the lessons from the recent elections, a major factor was that more moral firewalls were breeched as America continues down the road defined by the Lord in His Word as “wickedness.” This is the road He affirms that He will judge the world for. We are no doubt headed for increasingly severe judgment. We must keep in mind that God’s judgment is not condemnation or destruction but discipline from the Lord for those He loves.

          The Lord usually calls, beckons, and even reasons with nations before He sends judgment. When judgment is necessary, He is usually as gracious and merciful as possible, always preferring mercy over judgment. It becomes more serious if we continue to resist and go down the wrong path. There is a time when only severe judgment will work. Then there is a time when no discipline will work, and that is followed by destruction.

          There are four major causes that bring God’s judgment on a land in Scripture: 1) the shedding of innocent blood, 2) turning to what the Lord defines as “wickedness,” 3) turning from the Lord to worship idols, and 4) rebellion. There are others, but these are the four most frequently addressed in Scripture and have the most severe consequences. For more than half a century, America has been heading in the wrong direction on all of these. America has been under an increasingly severe judgment also. Nothing to date seems to have gotten the attention of more than a few. Now let’s briefly look at these four factors and how America might be doing:

#1) The shedding of innocent blood.    

          What could be more innocent than the unborn? Many debate if an embryo should be considered alive, but God’s definition is that the life is in the blood. If there is blood, there is life, so in His eyes, the embryo is alive immediately after conception. Even the beasts will willingly sacrifice their own lives to protect their young, so the sin of abortion is falling below the beasts in this basic morality. The first test of Solomon’s wisdom was to discern the mother who was careful and esteemed the life of her child. This is the most basic test of the morality of those in leadership.

          We do have a bit of encouragement in that now more than 50 percent of Americans consider themselves to be pro-life. However, we must also ask how could nearly half of all Americans think that there is nothing wrong with abortion? Also, how could such a large percentage of those who claim to be pro-life vote for pro-abortion candidates? At best, there is a serious disconnect somewhere for this most important of moral issues not to be a deciding factor in who we vote for.

#2) Turning to what the Lord defines as “wickedness.”

          Sexual immorality in any form is defined as wickedness in Scripture, but “perversion” and homosexuality are especially singled out. Evidence of our slide into this is abundant. Studies have shown that a majority of Evangelical Christian youth do not think there is anything wrong with having sex or living together before marriage. Perversion in just about every form is finding increasing acceptance and popularity, and the Islamic world considers America a homosexual nation because of its dominance in our culture.

#3) Turning from the Lord to worship idols.

          An idol is not so much what we bow down to as much as what we put our trust in instead of God. Money is the most prevalent idol that people put their trust in rather than God. Where do we stand in this?

#4) Rebellion.

          The only commandment with a promise, which is stated in both the Old and New Testaments, is to honor our fathers and mothers. The promise is that it would go well with us and that our days may be long in the land that the Lord has given to us (see Deuteronomy 5:16). Think about this: Where does it say in Scripture to honor the youth? Nowhere. Many times we are told to honor the elders. Where does the youth-centric emphasis that we have today come from? Of course, we love and esteem the youth from the womb on, but where is the respect for elders in our culture that is so fundamental to biblical righteousness? Do we need to even talk about the rising rebellion from the youth to the elderly, who are turning against the Lord and His ways?

          We are obviously failing in all of these, and falling further continually. What will end the slide? No election can do this. We must have another Great Awakening or our time is short.