Oct 20
Rick Joyner

         It is America’s nature and calling to be a healing nation. This is why Americans are usually the first to respond with aid after a disaster anywhere in the world. After World War II, instead of subjecting our enemies to servitude and harsh reparations, America helped to rebuild and restore them. Can anything like this be found with any other nation in history? 

         As a South American leader once said, “The fastest way for any country to prosper is to go to war with America, surrender quickly, and then wait for the aid to pour in.” American aid to developing countries is unprecedented and unparalleled. This is not to congratulate ourselves, but to understand where this nature to help others comes from and where it can lead us in helping to heal the suffering in this world.

         One can be a doctor with great skills and knowledge, but still not have the gift of healing. The gift of healing is a calling, not just a profession, and it is sharing in the compassion of The Healer. As we see in the Gospels Jesus was moved to heal when He felt compassion. His compassion is different from mere human sympathy. His compassion comes with power.

         We are told in I Peter 2:24 that we are healed by His wounds. There is a principle here that is also true with us—when we have been wounded, we can receive authority for healing others of their wounds. Jesus is the most righteous person to ever walk the earth yet suffered the worst injustice there will ever be, but it resulted in our healing! The wisdom and nature of God revealed in this principle are much more than we can cover in these Briefs, but we must comprehend the principle that worked through Jesus can also work through us. In any place that we have been wounded or suffered injustice, we can receive authority for healing others of those same wounds. 

         It is written of Jesus in Hebrews 5:8, “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” We are also told in Scripture that God takes no pleasure in our suffering, so He does not waste it for all who follow Him, but uses it to overcome evil with good. God made the greatest injustice, the cross, become the source of the greatest mercy. If we take up our crosses to follow Him, walking in His compassion, He will also turn all of our suffering into grace and mercy for others. To the degree that we do this as a nation we will be used to carry His healing to other nations.

         America is called to especially be the source of perhaps the greatest healing of all, from the deadliest afflictions of mankind—racism and bigotry. The wounds in America from these are deep, but the deeper they are the greater the authority we can receive for healing others of this ultimate disease of mankind. However, to be a healer one must first get healed.

         America is not alone in this great battle against racism, but we have a unique opportunity to confront it. We are a nation that is made up of those from every nation, race, and culture on the earth. For this reason, we may have almost every racial fault-line a nation can have. Each one is unique, just as healing needs to be unique for every different case. Can we find any two people that Jesus healed the same way? No. People are unique and their afflictions are all unique. The same is true of nations, and so God deals with each person and each nation in a unique way.  

         We tend to think of healing mostly in relation to our physical bodies, but mental and spiritual healing can be even more important. It has been estimated that 75% to 98% of physical maladies are linked to mental and spiritual problems. Nations can need physical healing from things such as natural disasters, wars, etc., but they also need much deeper healing from such trauma to restore the mental and spiritual health of the people. 

         It is a fallacy that time heals wounds. Wounds only heal if they are cleansed, dressed, and properly closed. Otherwise they will become infected, and infections can be deadly. America is still suffering from old and deep racial wounds, but so is almost every other nation on earth. If we can find healing for our wounds, we can likewise help almost every other nation with something far more valuable than money. 

         To deal with the infection that has kept our wounds from being healed, we must understand why Jesus called Satan “the father of lies,” as well as Beelzebub, which means “the lord of the flies.” These two are linked. In prophetic symbolism flies often represent lies. Like lies, flies harass and keep one agitated. Flies also carry bacteria that infect wounds. Lies do the same thing.

         Flies are attracted to wounds, and every time a fly lands it defecates, depositing the infectious poison it is carrying. If you have ever witnessed a major dispute in a company, church, or neighborhood, they too are battles even if not physical ones. Lies swarm to the scene of mental and spiritual wounds just like flies do to physical ones.  

         Again, what is true with people is true of nations. Wars are still being fought because of roots of bitterness from previous wars and injustices, some that happened centuries ago. Much of the racial bitterness that continues in America goes back to injustices suffered long ago that have not been healed and are continually re-infected with lies. This is not to say there are not present injustices, but many of these new injustices are often the result of previous animosities and divisions that were not healed.


         Some of the most deadly and destructive philosophies, political and religious movements, have been born out of the poison of unhealed wounds in nations or people groups. The National Socialism of the Nazis was born out of the bitterness of Germany’s defeat in World War I. Marxism is one of the ultimate examples of such a deadly reactionary ideology. A basic strategy of Marxism is to gain power by finding and agitating the bitterness of unhealed wounds in nations and people groups. 

         Marxists do this with stirring up identity politics and increasing the victim mentality. This has worked so well that Marxism quickly became the deadliest ideology in history, accounting for hundreds of millions of deaths in just one century. Those numbers do not include deaths from wars, but the killing of their own people such as with Stalin’s starvation strategies and Mao’s Cultural Revolution. 

         Even though the present rage and divisions being agitated in America are being fueled by Marxist operatives, what is intended for evil can be used for good. As our unhealed national wounds are being exposed again it gives us another opportunity to address them, cleanse them, disinfect them, and close them properly. Then, instead of the riots, destruction, and death—we will see healing and building for an even better life in their place. 

         Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult someone with less ability might have your job. ~Captain James A. Lovell, Astronaut

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© 2020 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved. 

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