MorningStar Publications was created for the purpose of publishing and distributing timely and relevant teachings and prophetic words to the body of Christ. MorningStar has published over one hundred Christian and leadership books, including several that were international bestsellers.

For over thirty years, the written work of Rick Joyner, including The Final Quest, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and other books as well as Prophetic Bulletins and our flagship publication, The MorningStar Journal, have been distributed around the world.

Subscribe to The MorningStar Journal, and the Word for the Week, to receive these publications in your inbox as they are released, and view the archives for these publications as well as Prophetic Bulletins through the links provided on this page. Visit our Online Store to access the books of Rick Joyner, and others published by this ministry.

  • Nov
    El Libro del Apocalipsis, Parte 7
    by Rick Joyner
    Jesús no vino sólo para redimir al hombre, sino al mundo entero. Puede que ame a la humanidad más que a otras partes de su creación, pero ama todo lo que creó y restaurará la tierra al paraíso para el que fue creada originalmente, como declaran las profecías bíblicas. Puede que preste la mayor parte de Su atención al hombre, a quien le dio dominio sobre la tierra, y es a través del hombre que restaurará la tierra. Esto comenzará...
  • Jan
    The Goal of Life Is Life
    by Rick Joyner
    As we have considered in our study, our goal is not just knowledge or power, but life. In our pursuit of life we will seek knowledge and the power to authenticate our message, but these are just means to the...
