Sep 10
Rick Joyner

Many have inquired of us regarding what the Lord has said or is saying about this most tragic day in United States history. I will address the relevant words in a very general way now, and in more detail as events unfold. First, I would like to say that we, as Christians, are citizens of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. In the midst of everything like this that happens, we must first focus on the Lord and His unshakable throne in heavenly places.

It is more crucial than ever for Christians to abide in the peace of God which is not dependent on any earthly circumstances, but on the power of our Almighty God. We overcome evil with the counter-power of good. The counter to the fear and panic that the enemy will try to sow in the hearts of all those he can reach through this kind of evil, is the peace of God.

Let me address what I believe the immediate consequences of this tragedy will be, along with what we as Christians should do, and then move on to the more long term. What I am about to share is somewhat technical, and I do not mean to be insensitive to the terrible human suffering that these events have brought. First and foremost we should be praying for the families of all of our fellow citizens that have been affected by this unprecedented tragedy in American history.

Please also keep in mind that with prophecy we "·see through a glass, darkly," and we only - "know in part" -(I Corinthians 13:12 KJV). The Lord intends for prophecy to be this way so that all His people will have to know His voice and seek Him for personal direction. -(I Corinthians 13:12 KJV). The Lord intends for prophecy to be this way so that all His people will have to know His voice and seek Him for personal direction.

If you followed my statements about Y2K, when I was told that Y2K was going to be a non-event, I was also told that the preparation that many people were making for Y2K was actually grace from the Lord to help them be prepared for other events that were to follow. If the events of this day do not bring the kind of consequences that will be ultimately as life changing as many expected Y2K to be, it is likely that this is the beginning of these events.

Because of the emotional trauma that the nation will go through as the extent of this tragedy becomes known in its human toll, there will be demands for massive retaliation against all terrorist groups and the nations that host them. This can unsettle the worldâs political equilibrium much more than anything has in decades. We are entering a time when we must pray for all government leaders around the world. Pray for the Lord to intervene in such a way that the devil does not capitalize from these events, but that it will be the gospel of the Prince of Peace that prevails through these, and all other such attempts by the forces of hell to destroy men. Pray that many are born-again for every life that was lost.

For practical matters, the World Trade Center (WTC) is the heart of our financial system. We took a bullet to the heart. We can survive it, but it is likely that we will be in "critical condition" for some time. It may be days before we understand the degree to which this has impacted the financial system. Many banks, brokerage houses, and other businesses that are the heart and nervous system of our nation as well as many others were located in the WTC or nearby. The degree to which records of accounts, stock ownership, etc., were lost, or recoverable from backups may take some time to sort out. Even if most of these records were kept elsewhere, to enable these financial institutions to operate again after losing their headquarters, and all the leaders and managers could take a while.

Myself, and some of my prophetic friends, have been shown terrorist attacks that would lead to marshal law in the United States for a time. Though I do not believe that these events today will be enough to do that, I do think that the escalation of our warfare against terrorists and their desperate retaliations, could lead to that for a time. At the least, this was an act of war, and we are going into a war mentality until the war is over.

This will also give many people in the United States a profound understanding of what Israel has been going through for a very long time, and why they feel that they have to respond to terrorist attacks on their people with such force. The people who perpetrate these kinds of acts against innocent people are demonic. They will never respond to reason or rhetoric.

Did the Lord give anyone specific warnings about these attacks? I expect He did, and stories of Christians who did not get on those planes, or who did not go to work in those buildings today, may later become known. Even so, as tragic as these events have been, many more attacks that will be much worse will come upon us if our government does not wake up to the terrorist army that has been mobilized to disrupt the world. The intelligence services and armed forces of the world have not yet understood and focused on the true degree of this threat.

What should we do? Again, the main thing is that we abide in the Lord who is the Prince of Peace. We must walk in peace, and sow the peace of the Lord everywhere that we go. Remember that it is "the God of Peace" who crushes Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20). Again, pray for our leaders, and the leaders of the whole world. They need wisdom from above.

I will be seeking the Lord for more insight, and talking to other prophetic friends about what they are receiving, and will post these on this website as soon as I can write them.

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