Sep 17
Rick Joyner

This year it seems that every demon in hell has been released against our upcoming Harvest Conference, which is very encouraging to us. As I write this, the remnants of Hurricane “Ivan the Terrible” continues to blow outside. It has been a hellish week for the Southeast, including the Carolinas, but not in the hearts of our people. Everyone seemed committed to overcome whatever came and have fought through every obstacle so far. As the amount of opposition to our conferences has usually been a barometer of how powerful the conference will be, we are expecting this one to be one of the most important we have ever had.

Yesterday Hurricane Jeanne was scheduled to come inland somewhere in the Carolinas during the Harvest Conference. However, we prayed for it to be turned and by this morning it had, being forecasted to turn north and on out to sea. Now the weather is forecasted to be perfect through the entire conference. Thank you Lord!

It appears that Hurricane Jeanne turned right after our people resolved to go forward regardless of what came upon us. They even became excited about the fight. The Lord has been speaking to us about Nehemiah, and how we would have to go through a similar fight as we sought to restore that which was bringing reproach upon God’s people, Heritage USA, where this conference will be located. Even so, as soon as God’s people who were with Nehemiah resolved to fight and prepare for it, the enemies of the Lord became discouraged and withdrew. Because of their resolve to fight, they never actually had to do it. Even so, whether we have to fight through more or not, we are resolved to hold our course.

Now it looks like we may have perfect weather for the Harvest Conference, but this could change, so we do not want to let our guard down. Even though we have resolved to meet regardless of what happens as long as it does not compromise safety, we would rather have great weather. Even so, if you are coming, still come prepared to deal with problems and inconveniences, and to take advantage of them to grow into who the Lord has called you to be.

Even though many of our guests have already cancelled, we have had many call and register when it looked the worst. They said they were doing it because of the potential problems, feeling that because of this it must be an important gathering. These are the true warriors who run to the sound of battle, not away from it. It is that kind of resolve to rise above and overcome obstacles and opposition that we have prayed for years to see rise in God’s people. I do believe next week will be very important, maybe even historic.