Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Kingdom Principles - The Great Commission, Part 39

         One of the American Founding Fathers said, “The government that is big enough to give you everything is also big enough to take everything from you.” From the beginning, governments were formed to control the people and use them for the purposes of the elite. They would often claim that what they did was for the sake of the people, but you must be extremely naïve not to see through that guise.

Prepared for the Times, Part 52

     This coming year the goal of our study is to be able to discern the voice of the Lord better, first for our own guidance, but also in the unfolding events of our times. Nothing is more important for us to do this year than to love God more and follow Him more closely. Only then can we love each other the way that we are called to love.

The Path of Life

          Christians are not called to follow a philosophy of life or a moral system of behavior; we are called to follow a Person—Christ. The Way is not a formula but a Person. Truth is not just getting our doctrines accurate, though we want to do that, but the Truth we are to follow is a Person—Jesus is the Truth. He must be our Life if we are to really know Him as the Way and the Truth.

The Army of God Mobilizes, Part 32

We have been studying the important ability of mobilizing God’s people into the army they are called to be and how what is finished after they are gathered is just as important as gathering them. Presently, we have many who can mobilize large numbers of people, but few who have the vision, wisdom, or resolve to then build them into the force they are called to be, which is to equip them according to the Ephesians 4 mandate. This is not true of all, but of most.

Taking the Land, Part 89

Last week we discussed how the church is supposed to be a representation of the kingdom of God on the earth. For this reason it should be the best run, most efficient, righteous, just, and powerful organization there is, an expression of the character, nature, and authority of God. Even so, at times the church has done many things that are contrary to the nature of Christ.

Taking the Land, Part 35

The purpose of this study is not just to know and understand the biblical prophecies concerning these times, but to be prepared for the times. This week we will briefly look at how the message of the last two weeks is crucial for this. You can know what is going to happen and still not be spiritually prepared for it. You can be ignorant of what is going to happen, but be well prepared. However, it is better to both know and be prepared.

Taking the Land, Part 3

Immediately after Joshua’s encounter with the Captain of the hosts, he had to face the seemingly impossible, impregnable stronghold of Jericho. Of course, the Lord could have flicked Jericho with His little finger and it would have ceased to exist, but He did not want it to be that easy. Though the defeat of Jericho was going to require His intervention, the Lord was requiring His people to be vitally engaged in the fight for their promises. This is because of an important basic principle–anything that comes too fast or too easily is usually insignificant.  

The Beginning of Judgement

Last week we discussed how the primary way we will escape from the mark of the beast is to take the mark of God by becoming a true bond-servant of Christ. One of the principles of the last days that we have not yet discussed is how the judgment of God will come forth. A fundamental aspect of His judgment is to simply let us reap what we sow. In Galatians 6:7-8, we are warned about this:

The Full Gospel

If you take the first three chapters of the Bible and the last three, you have a complete story. Everything in-between these six chapters is about one essential theme—restoration. Restoring the creation from the consequences of the fall begins with redeeming it, which of course was done by Jesus on the cross. There was a long process leading up to and preparing for the cross, and now there has been one leading from the cross to prepare for its application.