Aug 15

      We’ve discussed the idea that we can ascend into the heavenly realm and descend to bring what is in heaven to earth. This is important because every time an ascension happened in Scripture, something greater was released from heaven and came back to earth. It happens when God calls messengers to a level in Him where they can ascend and descend.

      Enoch was one of the first mentioned in the Bible who ascended to be with God. “Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:21-24). Enoch walked with God at such a level of communion that he and the Lord were just walking and talking in the spiritual realm, and they went the rest of the way together.

      The ascension was awesome, but here's the most incredible part: Enoch did all that while he had kids. Some say, “My kids occupy so much of my time that I don't really have time to have that high level of walking with the Lord.” If you ask the Lord, He'll help you live in two realms at the same time. Nothing is impossible with God. A true prophetic person is someone who can see two realms at once.

      How about Moses? Moses ascended up Mount Sinai, spent several days with the Lord, and watched the fiery finger of God write His law upon the Ten Commandments. He got so soaked in glory that he had to veil his face to prevent people from looking at him. Moses came back with the Ten Commandments and the Torah.

      Isaiah ascended to the throne room, had his lips cleansed, and received a prophetic commissioning (see Isaiah 6). He ascended and then descended to give us the rest of the book of Isaiah, which spoke of Jesus some 700 years before He was born. In chapter 66, he wrote about the new heavens and the new earth, which we have not yet experienced.

      All three of those demonstrate what can happen when God grants access to ascension and allows you to see into eternity. That's the power of a throne room encounter. It's amazing how much more powerful your ministry and prayers will be when you spend more time in the secret place than you do in the public space. You will have something to give, write, say, and to prophesy because you will be able to share what you see the Father doing. But you won't see it unless you ascend.

      When one of God's children ascends, something gets released—new levels, new dimensions. We saw this happen multiple times with Jesus. When Jesus ascended for the last time, until the second coming, something greater descended ten days later: Pentecost. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He sent to believers the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead, giving them the power to preach the gospel and perform signs, wonders, and miracles.

      So, what does that mean? If we want to see the greater works of the Holy Spirit, a real ascension needs to happen to some of God's people. What comes back will not just be a repeat of Pentecost. I'm not interested in a repeat of Pentecost; I want the kingdom age. I want what is yet to come, and that's only going to come from ascension. I am prophesying to you that God is going to grant access to His throne room so His messengers can ascend and descend, bringing what is there to here.

      Jesus said, “Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending” (see John 1:51). There is coming a time—the kingdom age—when messengers of God will be given access to ascend and descend. And it will not just be angels as we know them, but also God’s human messengers. When they ascend and descend, they're going to come back with the power and message of the kingdom. They're going to bring back healing, deliverance, and prophetic words. They're going to carry the demonstration of the Spirit and His power. That's the ascending and descending to which we’re being called.

      I am encouraging you to make it your priority to go up higher into the secret place and go deeper into the things of God. Pray that He will help you do this. Everything else will fall into place when you put Him first. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).