MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video

Don't Limit the Lord God of Israel


Ten-Minute Speaker – Tim Flachman: Tim and his wife share encouragement to the audience to serve the Lord in the marketplace. She tells us that we need to operate in faith and wisdom to be successful in business. Finally, they pray blessings over the business people in the audience to be salt and light.

Tom Hardiman – Don’t Limit the Holy One of Israel: During the season when Israel was in the wilderness, they didn’t have the faith to do what God wanted them to do. They limited God, and He wasn’t pleased with that.

The Arena of Compassion


    Cindy Jacobs shares on the compassion of Jesus.  He died for one lost sheep.  Jesus left 99 sheep and was looking for the one that was lost.  Let us be moved with compassion, that we would be like Christ.  It is Christ in you full of compassion.   The havest is white, people need Jesus.   How do we enter into compassion? 1. It is supernatural.   2. Believe He gave it to you.