The Passover
Rick Joyner teaches that there were many precursers in scripture telling the future of God's people. He also speaks on Jesus, His atonement, and how much we need Him and His blood.
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Rick Joyner teaches that there were many precursers in scripture telling the future of God's people. He also speaks on Jesus, His atonement, and how much we need Him and His blood.
Chris Updegraft and Mikey Morrero leads worship with the songs "Breathe on Me" "Amazed" and "Flowing River" Rick Joyner continues his messages on the history of MorningStar and shares the prophetic words that were given over the years.
Rick Joyner teaches from II Chronicles 7:14, showing how we need for God to heal our land.
Rick Joyner teaches on 2 Sam 11:1. If it’s time for war and if you don’t go to war you will be overcome and out of God’s will. It’s time for battle right now. There are strongholds gripping many people. The Religious Spirit is the strongest, most evil and deceptive spirit today. It keeps us from loving God. It causes us to get further and further away from God. We need to see it, recognize it and win the battle against it. There is truth that will set us free.
Discerning our divine destiny and who God says we are, despite how much we underestimate ourselves.
As today's ten minute speaker, MaryAnne Hardiman shares about women making a stand for God with men.
Tom Hardiman then shares the main message on Jospeh's life and what it would look like by modern standards. He draws attention to what a remarkable journey it was.