Strength Through Waiting


Leonard Jones, Amber Brooks and Molly Skaggs lead worship with the songs "Jesus," "Yahweh" and "All that Remains." Cindy Jacobs delivers a power prophetic message about the power of comfort. Cindy ministers to various needs, and Rick Joyner and Bob Jones end the service with ministry to a woman from Rwanda.

MorningStar 2.0 Part 2


Amber Brooks and Kurt Wilson lead a time of intimate acoustic worship with songs "Your Goodness" and "Be My Vision".
Rick Joyner shares in detail some of the forward motion MorningStar 2.0 is experiencing as well as a prophetic dream that shows where we are headed.

"If I Have Not Love"


Amber Brooks, Molly Williams and Anna Bailey lead worship with songs "Sing My Love," "You Are Glorious" and "Come Away to My Heart." Randall Worley teaches about the deeper things of God, and how to move beyond the standard protocols of religion into a real encounter with God.

Our Name is Heritage


Rick states that America has paid significant prices for its freedom and success. We, as a country, need to stand and fight for the high cost that was paid for with many lives. There is a need for a new type of emerging leader in America. We need leaders who want to accomplish and are not worried about being recognized.

Our Ephesians 4 Mandate


After worship with Amber and David, Mary-Anne Hardiman teaches on principles of our founding fathers as the ten-minute speaker. Rick addresses marriage and divorce and how it's affecting the body of Christ. He concludes that we need the Holy Spirit to convict us and set us free from strongholds in our lives!

"Just Show Up"


Molly Williams, Amber Brooks and David Vallier lead worship with songs including "Like You Promised," "Never Close Your Eyes" and "Open Heart." Lance Wallnau teaches a strategic, insightful message about becoming activated and empowered to take ground.

What Belongs to God


Alan Keyes spoke about the fact that "we, the people" are the sovereign, made in God's image. We "render to God the things that are God's"----which is us. We belong to God. As such, we have the power, by following in the footsteps of Jesus, to help save America. We're in a unique time of destructiveness, but we have hope! II Chron. 7:14.