Dec 31
Rick Joyner
Before the Lord ascended He gave a wonderful promise, as we read in Acts 1:8: "but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."
The enemy of our souls uses fear to keep people in bondage just as the Lord uses faith to set us free. By ratcheting up terrorism the enemy is boldly trying to get the whole world under the control of fear, to have us make decisions and take actions because of fear. If he can succeed, there will be even more division sown between nations and people groups, and more death released in the world because of it. The counter power to this is the peace of God. The peace of God is one of the primary powers of the age to come. That age is going to be ruled by the Prince of Peace from Jerusalem, which means the "city of peace."
Just as Jerusalem is today one of the most violent, strife-filled, and fought over cities in the world, it is a barometer of the present condition of humanity. However, Christians have been given a hope which is greater than any other philosophy or religion in the world. A new age is coming that is much greater than any utopia that the New Age Movement has promoted. Jesus is coming back to rule over the world which will again know such peace that even the lions and lambs will lie down together. It is our calling and destiny to live in that peace now.
The peace of God is the linchpin fruit of the Spirit that holds the others together. That is why almost every attack of the enemy is designed to steal our peace first. Satan knows if he can rob us of our peace we will quickly lose our patience, love, faith, and so on. That is why we are told in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." As long as we abide in the peace of God, our hearts and minds will remain in Christ Jesus.
Because we are experiencing a worldwide assault on our peace, we must strengthen our resolve not only to maintain the peace of God in our hearts, but also to grow in peace and spread it around the world. Every time we are assaulted by circumstances that would cause us to fear and worry, if we determine not to submit to fear or worry, but rather trust in the Lord, we will grow in peace. We spread it every time we abide in the unshakable peace of God as we go forth into the world that is in such turmoil.
We can walk in the power of the age to come now by abiding in the One who is going to rule in the age to come. This is how we become His witnesses, not just by our words about the kingdom, but also by living lives that demonstrate the kingdom. As we are reminded in Hebrews 12:28, "Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe."
What is this acceptable service? It is obedience to the King. This we can only know as we abide in Him day-by-day. If we know we are doing His will, and living in obedience to Him, we will have an unshakable confidence and boldness in this life that is tempered with His love and peace. If we are abiding in the King of kings who sits above all rule, authority, and dominion, who causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, we will live in an unshakable peace.
As we are told in Romans 8:6, "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." A key to abiding in the peace of God is having our mind set on the Spirit, not the flesh. As we are told in Romans 14:17-19:
     For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness
     and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who in this way serves Christ
     is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue the things
     which make for peace and the building up of one another.
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, and they are found in that order. When we walk in righteousness, which is to be right with God and obeying Him, we find peace. When we find the true peace of God, it releases a joy that is beyond any other that we can know in this world. For this reason, we should pursue the things that make for peace, and to build up one another in them. We should seek to sow peace everywhere we go. Determine that you are not going to let fear or terror overtake your office or workplace, but that you are going to make it a fortress for the peace of God.
If we are abiding in the Lord, "...the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet" (Romans 16:20). One of the reasons the enemy seeks to steal our peace first is because he knows if we walk in the peace of God it will crush him in every way that he tries to manifest himself. The key to our victory is walking in the peace of God. When we walk in the peace of God, we are walking in a fundamental power of the age to come, and we bear witness of that power. Don't let anything steal your peace.