Detrich Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite authors. He was a true prophetic voice during the twentieth century. He stood against the greatest darkness of his time without compromise, and died because of it in a Nazi concentration camp. In one of his books, ...
The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah are two of the most important prophetic messages for our own time. They contain the story of how a remnant of God's people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon to rebuild the temple of the Lord and the walls of the city. These faithful ones met with...
Though every believer should be rooted in all of the basic Christian doctrines, no one person, church, or movement, has all the truth. As we discussed earlier, the gravitational pull of all the different planets help keep the earth in its proper orbit. Likewise, all the spiritual heavenly...
In John 10:35 Jesus said, "... the Scripture cannot be broken." None of God's truths are isolated. They are all interrelated and do not stand alone: As Psalm 119:160 states it: "The sum...
As we pursue sinking our roots deeper into God's Word, we need to understand the basic biblical principles that lead to truth, and most of all, lead to Him who is the Truth. A fundamental requirement for discerning the truth is found in the remarkable statement made by the Lord in...