Apr 3
Rick Joyner

By Rick Joyner

A recent headline in the Fortune Magazine Management Section was "Wall Street in Chaos." The article expressed alarm at panic being shown by the government and the Feds in trying to compensate for the increasing meltdown caused by the sub-prime credit crisis. As I started sharing last year, this problem is much deeper than almost anyone has been considering. Presently, there does not seem to be anything working to stop the bleeding. The ultimate scary question asked in this article was, "Will there be a complete meltdown?"

A meltdown in this case is basically another Great Depression, with banks failing, people's savings being wiped out, 30 percent or more unemployed, with hunger and chaos being widespread in even the most prosperous nations.

Don't panic! Even if the government and Feds are panicking, we do not have to. Be at peace; this storm will be calmed. Even the author of this remarkable article concludes that the meltdown will not be complete, and we will pull through and recover. There will not be a complete meltdown at this time, but this was a powerful economic earthquake, and it does reveal just how shaky the ground is that the world economic systems are built on. This present crisis has made it more clear than ever that it is possible for the entire world economy to collapse.

We are now still in the middle of a crisis that brought us right to the edge of the precipice. Though we kept from going over this time, we will continue to dance right on the edge, because no one seems to know how to get us away from that edge, or if they do know, they do not have the resolve and courage that it will take to return the economy to a relatively safe and stable place. Therefore, we need to keep in mind in our future planning that the world economy could at any time go into an unrecoverable downward slide.

So what should we do? There is another economy that is being built in this world that cannot collapse or even be shaken. It is the economy of the kingdom of God. Those who build their lives on the kingdom should have no fear about any conditions on the earth. When the world economy collapses, the kingdom economy will emerge stronger than ever and growing. A prophetic picture of this kingdom is in Daniel 2. When the statue that represents the kingdoms of this world collapses, the little stone, which represents the Lord Jesus and His kingdom, will grow into a mountain, a government, and continue growing until it fills the whole earth.

Wouldn't you like to invest in a stock that could not go down, but could only multiply from being a little stone until it filled the entire earth? That is the opportunity we have. The kingdom of God is irresistible. It is coming and it will prevail. The Lord has had all of His people praying for His kingdom to come for nearly two thousand years now, and those prayers are going to be answered.

In the last twenty years, more people have come to the King than in the previous two thousand years. Now the kingdom is going to become increasingly more clearly defined, as well as the benefits and responsibilities of its citizens. As the world falls apart, Christians will be coming into increasing unity, and the kingdom is going to begin to form its own culture, with its own economy. Christians will be in the world, but not of it—and they will begin to stand out more and more as distinct in every way. The main distinguishing characteristics will be their peace, joy, and love for one another, which will be in increasing contrast to what is gripping others.

The church itself is about to be redefined. As it is, it is going to disentangle itself from the systems of this earth, living by the storehouse and resources of heaven, which can never be exhausted. This process has been going on for some time, but is now gaining momentum. The little stone is growing. It is time for every Christian to do the same, to disentangle themselves from that which is going to collapse and build on that which cannot fail. Those who do this will be able to help their nations do the same. As was promised through the prophets, we will lend to many nations and not borrow.

To address these most critical issues in these critical times, we are hosting a Business of the Kingdom Conference, in just a couple of weeks, May 1-3. We are bringing together speakers at this conference that we feel have some of the most prophetic understanding in both the economy and the kingdom at this time. Some are counselors to governments, industries, and key leaders in the church, but they all have one thing in common—an uncommon vision for the coming kingdom of God and resolve to prepare the way for it.

The anointing on MorningStar conferences has been ratcheting up dramatically. After hosting about ninety conferences, we now can sense when one is going to be special. This one is going to be special. The timing is crucial. The Lord rebuked those who understood the weather better than they knew the signs of the times, and weather forecasting has become amazingly accurate in recent years. Those who know the Lord must become even more discerning of the signs of the times and know what to do.

This is a trumpet call. We do not want you to come unless you know the Lord is calling you, but if you hear Him calling, do not let anything stand in your way. If you are in business, are called to business on any level, or to marketplace ministry in any form, and the Lord has been putting it in your heart to be a radical reformer, a missionary for change, you need to be at this conference.  If you are called to any ministry to the business community or leadership in the church, you need to be at this conference.

Just as the signs of the present credit crisis were clearly seen, but only a few understood or interpreted them correctly, it is critical that we know the signs of the times. We must take the proper action to be prepared for them. Those who attend this conference will leave with a much clearer understanding of the times and what God's people must do to be prepared for them. You may also meet the key people there whom you need to know to fulfill your own purpose.

There will be personal prophetic ministry provided for all who come, and there will be a release of vision and empowerment by the Spirit at this conference. Be there if at all possible. Registration for all of our conferences is still only $50 per person. There are still rooms available at Heritage where our conferences are held, which is only a little over twenty minutes away from the Charlotte airport.

If you simply cannot be with us at this conference, please consider web streaming. It is easy to sign up for this, and it only costs $20 for the entire conference. For those web streamers who already subscribe to weekend services, it is just $10 extra. 

Webstream sign-up begins Monday, April 7.  Go to MorningStarTV.com to Webstream.