Oct 21
Rick Joyner

I confess that I personally have a problem hearing people say that Islam is a peaceful religion. Any religion that has a doctrine which states that if someone leaves that religion they should be killed cannot be considered peaceful. That is terrorism in its most basic, and oppressive, form. However, there is more than one face to Islam, just as there are presently many faces to Christianity. It is wrong for us to judge any person or group by their most extreme elements.

We should be just as concerned about Christian militia groups as we are radical Islamic groups. Both are led by, and can lead to, the most oppressive forms of tyranny, oppression, and terrorism. As the spirit of terrorism and fear continues to try to impose itself over the world, we can expect to see these groups who are controlled by the same spirit to work in harmony. However, this is also a time for many who have been drawn into the militia deception to awaken to the fact that it is a deception and depart from it.

There has never been a more important time for us to stand together as Americans against what truly is an enemy of civilization itself. If we do not fight this war until terrorism in any form is never again considered an option for achieving political goals, we will be faced with increasingly sinister and deadly forms of terrorism.

This is not like any war that has been fought before, and no government that is in this war is going to fight it perfectly. There will be mistakes, disappointments and setbacks. I do not expect it to be over quickly, but rather it will require unprecedented resolve and endurance on the part of the civilized nations who are fighting it. Even so, this terrible form of tyranny will be defeated if we do not quit. We do not even want to contemplate what the world will be like if we quit before the victory is complete.

It is also right that we learn to fight this fight without letting fear control us. Because the enemy intends to destroy our economy, we should pray for our economy and do all that we can to strengthen it. If we let fear control us and the economy keeps weakening, then the enemy is accomplishing his purpose. We cannot let that happen.

I have talked to many Christian leaders who share my concerns about the double standard that is being projected when we resolve to fight terrorism in every form and every place, and maintain that we will consider all options available for doing it, while at the same time continuing to exhort Israel to show restraint when they are attacked by terrorists. I realize the coalition that we have built with the Arab nations is tenuous, and that a lack of restraint at this time on Israel's part can shatter it. However, I also believe that the projection of this double standard can seriously erode our moral authority and the leadership we will need for this fight with all nations, as well as our own citizens. Sooner or later all nations that are sitting on the fence are going to have to make the decision to either really join with us, or be counted with our enemy as we have said. We must pray for our President and leaders to not waver in their leadership, and that those who may be in the administration who are causing this double standard in our policy will themselves unify.

Our government is privy to much knowledge that we as citizens are not, nor can we be at this time. I am no politician but even I can see for the long war that we are in, it is much better at this time to build a coalition of Arab nations to stand with us against this enemy which is as much of a threat to many of them as it is to us. Israel is one of the best friends that America has in the world, and it is also the one nation that is probably the most knowledgeable and effective in fighting this war on terrorism. When Israel is turned lose they will help us to quickly get to the roots of some of the most dangerous terrorist groups. We are going to need Israel to win this war, and we need Israel more than we need all the other Arab nations put together, regardless of their oil.

We are likely to have to choose very soon between some of these Arab "allies" and Israel. The fact is that these Arab nations need us much more than we need them, and sooner or later they are going to have to quit sitting on the fence in this war. Even so, let me propose an even better solution, a Biblical one. This remarkable hope is found in Isaiah 19:19-25:

In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a
pillar to the LORD near its border.

And it will become a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt;
for they will cry to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior
and a Champion, and He will deliver them.

Thus the LORD will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the
LORD in that day. They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and will make a
vow to the LORD and perform it.

And the LORD will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the LORD,
and He will respond to them and will heal them.

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will
come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with
the Assyrians.

In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the
midst of the earth,

whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and
Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

Some say that this can only happen in the millennium just as many used to consider the prophecies about Israel becoming a nation again to be in the millennium. However, that could not be true of this text either because then all nations will know the Lord and be in unity. There are many Scriptures like this that have not come to pass yet, but must before the end of this age. Why not now?

When Daniel read in the prophecy of Jeremiah that Israel was allotted seventy years of captivity in Babylon, and that this time was up, he did not just begin rejoicing, but he began praying for the Lord to fulfill His Word (see Jeremiah 29:10). We too must pray for the Word of the Lord to be fulfilled, and I believe that it is time for the above Scripture to come to pass.