Feb 3
Rick Joyner

         Since Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Freudian psychology, and Marxism have all been soundly debunked by true science, and have proven to be very destructive to society, why are they still embraced by so many? Why are they still taught in our schools? Why do they still influence educated people? When the reasons for this are understood, they help free us from many other diabolical influences that have brought such deception upon the earth. These are some of the most basic reasons so many accept such deception:

         #1)   Politics. This is the art or science of seeking to achieve an agenda by building on human alliances. We may think that this is essential in a democracy or a republic, but there can be a big difference between building on human alliances and building on merit and truth. 

         There can also be a big difference between a politician and a leader. Our government was designed to be led by servant leaders, not career politicians. As Churchill said, “A statesman thinks of the next generation. A politician thinks about the next election.” Our world has become so politicized that information is now weighed more for how it will affect opinion polls rather than if it is true or right. 

         Politicians should be an extinct species in America. It is because of such that our system of government has become so twisted and dysfunctional. Its primary purpose is now to serve those in government rather than the people.

         #2)   Because of the way #1 now colors and influences thinking in America, authorities and even experts are reticent to admit mistakes, but tend to bury them in even more lies and deception. Now almost every bill in Congress is titled the opposite of what it actually does to the American people. 

         For the so-called experts in science, this is indicative of how far we have departed from true science. True science welcomes challenges and is glad to find any flaws in any premise it asserts, because they are after true science based on the pursuit of truth more than public opinion.

         #3)   Modern education promotes conformity, mediocrity, and political correctness over wisdom, discernment, and the ability to think. Because of this, the more education one has, the more knowledge they      may have while having less ability to reason and think. Such can be led by a multitude of influences, but wisdom and truth are rarely among them. 

         #4)   We have a politicized, corrupt, and deceiving media that has lost basic integrity and pursuit of the truth. It therefore spins the information it publishes by its political value and not its validity or accuracy.

         #5)   Education, the media, and entertainment have worked together toward common political goals, and have conditioned people to weigh information for its political correctness and political expediency, not truth. Propaganda, which is the ability to manipulate public opinion by manipulation of information, deception, and intimidation is now valued in the media, education,  and entertainment more than reason and truth. 

         This brings an emphasis to the first thing Jesus said when asked about the signs of the end of this age: “Let no one deceive you…” (see II Thessalonians 2:3). Many other prophecies of Scripture point to deception being a prevailing condition at the end of this age. All of the conditions above are increasing deception. For this reason, one of the most valuable abilities one can have in these times is the ability to discern truth and the courage to stand for it. 

         Three of the biggest roots of deception perpetrated on humanity are those we have been covering: Darwin, Freud, and Marx. A foundational purpose of all three of these was to destroy people’s faith in God. However, for all of the damage they have done to civilization, profound and remarkable truths have been rising to counter them. Though we may still be in the period when darkness is prevailing and spreading because people have been so conditioned to resist the truth, we are promised by God, who cannot lie, that this will change and the light will ultimately prevail as we read in Isaiah 60:1-3:

         “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. 

         “For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. 

         “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” 

         Regardless of how dark it may get for a time, the light will surely come, and the light will prevail over all deception. We may be seeing the first rays of the dawn now, not just in religion, but also in science, education, and other fields of knowledge. Just one person who stands for truth with courage can have great influence on people who are so starved for truth. 

         While true science has been unraveling Darwin for a while, brilliant new schools of thought in psychology have not only debunked Freud, but are seeing spectacular success in delivering people from even the most crippling mental disorders. Some of these new movements in psychology are Christian and moored to the Scriptures. Some are not, but they are promoting what is in fact biblical teaching that is thousands of years old even if they have not recognized their connection to Scripture yet.    

         Marxism is perhaps the most foolish and easily debunked of these three. Yet after being repeatedly proven a folly, even after it was so crushingly defeated with the fall of the Soviet Union and was considered dead, it has made a comeback. At this writing Marxism is threatening to take over its greatest enemy and most sought-after prize—The United States. Because this is the greatest threat to freedom and reason in our time, we will cover this assault of Marxism on the U.S. in more detail in the coming Heritage Briefs.

         Though Marxism is our greatest threat now, and it is the cruelest and evilest system ever imposed on mankind, the reformation rising in science is mirrored by a continuing Reformation in Christianity that is countering it. It is when it gets dark that the stars are seen, and it is in the times of greatest darkness in history that some of the greatest souls have arisen to push back the darkness. As we are now entering the times when “deep darkness” is covering the people, we are promised in the text above from Isaiah 60 that this is when we can expect to see the glory of the Lord appearing on His people. For this reason, those who believe biblical prophecy should be expecting some of the great messengers of the age to soon be revealed. 

         As Christians we must keep in mind that some of the deepest darkness previously brought upon the earth came through politically dominated institutional Christianity. When Christianity was politicized it led to the time called “the Dark Ages” because of its unprecedented darkness. The Reformation that led Christianity out of that darkness came because of a rediscovery of the Scriptures, combined with the courage of a few great souls willing to stand on its truth without compromise. 

         The Reformation in Christianity and its return to the true biblical moorings is not complete, but progress is continuing. A reformation is also gaining traction in science. In psychology there are now a number of schools of thought that are constantly increasing our understanding of how the mind works or gets twisted. The results in helping people with mental problems or distress has been spectacular. These are based on biblical truths even if many now applying them do not know this. This same truth that can be applied to individuals can also be applied to nations and civilizations, and are a part of the dawning of the new day that is promised in biblical prophecy.

         While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a standstill—little better understood, little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago. ~John Adams

         I cannot believe the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all. ~Leo Rosten

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© 2021 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.