I want to share about the hidden seed of the Moravian Revival. This movement of God, which began with the Moravian Pentecost and changed the world, is so much a part of our spiritual heritage and legacy here at MorningStar.
The 24/7 prayer movement originated with the Moravians, who were from the modern-day Czech Republic. They were known for their love feasts. They were also known for sending missionaries to places that had never heard the gospel and would even selflessly sell themselves into slavery to free others. However, persecution came on the Moravians because of the increasing divisions among Christians in Europe.
The seed for what the Moravians would accomplish was planted before the Protestant Reformation, which sought to correct the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church. The Moravian movement goes back to the leadership of John Hus. Hus began calling for a reformation in 1402, more than one hundred years before Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church.
Hus had a revolutionary vision for what the church should look like, which was totally different from the Roman Catholic Church’s vision. He preached that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God and that every believer could have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ outside institutional Christianity. He believed in restoring Communion. He also stood strongly against churches selling indulgences, which “guaranteed” deliverance from things like purgatory.
He stood against the morality of the priests, bishops, cardinals—even the pope himself. The church did not like what Hus was preaching, so he was summoned to appear before the Council of Constance in 1415. His heart was for true church reformation, so he agreed to attend. Sadly, Hus was declared a heretic and burned at the stake.
However, his death only helped spread his message. There was such outrage when Hus was killed, his followers fought in violent protests against Rome for more than a decade. In John 12:24-25, Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” Since Hus was willing to give his life, that seed later sprouted. One hundred years later, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
Hus’ commitment to Scripture was carried on in the hearts of many great saints who protected the seed until the time was right. One of them was Jon Amos Comenius (1592-1670), the last Bishop of the United Brethren in Moravia, who is now considered the father of modern education. He led a group of Moravian believers into Poland to escape persecution. As Comenius stood at the border, he prayed that there would be a remnant which would be like a hidden seed ready to grow and give glory to God.
In 1722, part of this remnant from Moravia crossed from Poland into Germany. These persecuted followers found refuge on the property of Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf in what is now Herrnhut, Germany. From that community sprang up a movement that continues to affect all the prayer movements in the world.
Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians were used by God to establish the first Protestant 24/7 prayer movement. The Lord also used them to pioneer the first Protestant missionary movement. They also spread the idea of people meeting in homes.
On August 13, 1727, the Holy Spirit broke out in what has become known as the Moravian Pentecost. They overwhelmingly felt what they described as “a baptism of love,” which birthed unity, missions, and a 100-year prayer meeting. A total of 226 missionaries were sent out before Zinzendorf died in 1760, and they established more than 5,000 missionary settlements around the world.
One of those settlements was in Moravian Falls, North Carolina, where MorningStar also has a ministry base. So much about MorningStar is connected to the Moravians, from Herrnhut and Count Zinzendorf to the Bob Jones Vision Center, which houses our Moravian Lampstand Prayer Room, where people can go to pray throughout the week.
The Moravians birthed this prayer movement. However, it is our responsibility to continue it. Let’s go into that prayer room, have passionate prayer, and keep that candle burning. The harvest is upon us, the hidden seed has been revealed, and the fruit is ready to be harvested. Praise God we get to live in these times and become a part of such a rich spiritual lineage.
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Chris Reed | President & CEO
MorningStar Ministries