I want to talk about something that is not talked about enough—the ministry of angels. Angels are not just characters from Bible stories. They are real and relevant today.
Referring to angels, Hebrews 1:14 says, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” If you believe God for salvation, angels are your inheritance. This is a biblical truth. However, some Christians do not like to talk about angels, because some people have taken their understanding of angels to an extreme.
We should never avoid important biblical truths just because some have taken them to an extreme. In New Testament times, there was so much angelic activity the apostle Paul had to address the idea of people worshiping angels. Like Mary, the mother of Jesus, angels are important figures in Scripture. However, just as Mary was never meant to be prayed to or worshiped, the same is true with angels.
Many Bible characters in both the Old and the New Testaments encountered angels. Angels were sent by God to each person at a strategic point in their lives, either because their purpose was about to unfold, or they were about to receive a commissioning. If we were to take angelic encounters out of the Bible, we would lose much of the supernatural recorded in Scripture.
In any army, there is rank—generals, lieutenants, and so forth. Well, let me help you understand a bit about angels. Whatever rank in the Spirit you are determines the level of angel assigned to you.
Of course, we all have equal value in the eyes of God. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” That is true of our spiritual inheritance, but there are still distinctions between males and females and Jews and Gentiles, such as the end-time purposes God for the nation of Israel. So, your ranking, calling, gifting, and role in the body and in God’s kingdom will determine the level of angel assigned to you.
Some people don’t even recognize or acknowledge their angels because they don’t understand their rank in the kingdom. The bigger your kingdom assignment, the bigger the angel assigned to you to help you fulfill God’s purpose.
Also, angels can each represent a function of God. They are not God, but they can represent some quality or characteristic of the one true God. For instance, there are healing angels. In John 5, there was an angel that stirred the water in a pool, and whoever would jump in the pool first when the water was stirred would be healed. So, find your assignment in the kingdom, and the angelic realm will become available to you.
Many people want angelic activity in their lives, but they haven’t found their places in the kingdom of God yet. Others have given and sacrificed much to further the gospel of Jesus Christ in the earth. The greater your value to God’s kingdom, the higher the rank of angel assigned to you.
Find your field, and you’ll find your harvest. Find your harvest, and you’ll find your harvesting angel. Whether your field is education, business, media, government, or whatever, you have been assigned an area outside the church to make a difference and to represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Angels always show up when great purposes of God are about to take place in the earth.
If you don’t know your assignment from God, ask Him to reveal this to you. Now is the time of harvest, and workers need to be ready to bring in the harvests from their fields. If you know your field, ask the Holy Spirit to send forth angels for your assignment. Next week, I will share more about different types of angels.
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Chris Reed | President & CEO
MorningStar Ministries