We are in the planning stages for bringing a MorningStar Conference to a number of cities in the United States and other nations. Our purpose for going to them is to help prepare the way for a coming great move of God in our country. We want to prepare the way, not get in the way, so we are very sensitive to only go in the will and timing of the Lord. Every city is different, and needs a special word and ministry, just as we see that the seven churches in Revelation all needed a different word from the Lord. We feel that we must therefore work with local leaders so that we are able to build up that which the Lord is already doing in those cities.
We know that if the grace of the Lord on our conferences to keep going higher is to continue, we must never start having conferences just for the sake of having them. In each one we want to leave behind fruit that remains by edifying the church in those regions. We appreciate all of the requests that we receive to bring one of our conferences, but please understand that we do not want to go anywhere until we have a clear mandate from the Lord. To have a message that is relevant to the church in that city at that time usually takes time. The greatest purposes require time and seasoning. As plans are finalized for cities to which we are going, we will be posting notices on our website (msm.morningstarministries.org), and through this newsletter. Thank you for your interest in our conferences. MorningStar Teams
Are Available for Ministry to Churches
MorningStar does send teams who have proven ministries to help equip local churches, especially in the prophetic and in worship. If you have an interest in having one of these teams come to your church, please contact Deb Williams at 336-973-5123 (ext. 301). She will send you a Ministry Request Form to fill out so we will have the necessary information to send a team that can serve your needs.