Aug 5
Rick Joyner

     I want to especially thank all who have responded to these Special Bulletins about the National Health Care bill by writing and calling your representatives in Congress, and by attending their “town hall” meetings and other gatherings. Your voice is being heard. However, the battle is far from won, and we cannot stop until this attempt to open what could be one of the biggest gates of hell into our country is stopped. As the research comes in on what the proposed national health care HR3200 bill says, the conclusion is that the brief we included in our first Special Bulletin about this bill was generally accurate, even if some of it did not match up to what was said in some of the paragraphs noted. Likewise, those doing the more in-depth research have been shocked and alarmed. Below is a link to the conclusions of The Southern Baptist Convention’s Committee on Ethics and Religious Liberty:

Southern Baptist Convention

     Please read this. It gives a more comprehensive explanation than the first brief we sent out. We will be sending out more information as soon as it comes in. Please pray for those who are doing this—anyone who wades through 1,000+ pages of legalese in this bill should be honored as a true Christian martyr. We should deeply appreciate Mat Staver, the Liberty Council, Freedom Federation, and the Southern Baptist Convention for the work they are doing to try to protect the liberty, and undoubtedly many lives of Americans.


     From all of the ensuing outrage of those who have started to examine this bill, and seeing what has been proposed in it, we must not let that outrage turn into bitterness. We must keep in mind that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of wickedness, principalities, and powers in high places. It is right that we hold people accountable for doing or promoting wickedness, but our ultimate goal should be their illumination and salvation. We must not think of people as being the enemy. God loves every one of them and desires their salvation.

     Standing firm for truth can help to wake up some who are deceived and bound by darkness, but as the Lord explained, “Satan cannot cast out Satan” (see Mark 3:23). Our rage is not going to cast out deception or any other evil. In Matthew 12:28 Jesus said, “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” We cannot win against the evil that is seeking to gain dominion over our country if we do not abide in the Spirit of God.

Relentless Assault

     You may have also seen on the news that when car dealers logged in to access the “Clunkers for Cash” program, they had to agree that the computer they were using and all of its contents became government property. The outrage was so great that the government immediately backed down on this, but the fact that this kind of thing is now coming from our government is a clear indication of what our government is now trying to do. It is about control. As I started warning about the totalitarian spirit being manifested, I was chided for overreacting, but now you have to be pretty blind not to see it. It does not have to win, but it will if we do not stand up. We must not forget that our government is built upon the foundation that it is “by the people, for the people, and of the people.” We are the people, and we must take our authority and refuse to let the liberty be lost that so many paid such a high price for, and for so long.

     With our resolve, let us not compromise our stand or retreat before the enemies of our liberty, and let us also resolve to do so while abiding in the Spirit of God. This could not be happening if the Lord did not allow it, and if He is allowing it, He will always lead us in His triumph. Basically, everything that happens in this age, including at the end of the age, is “training for reigning” for His people. So, rather than just being overwhelmed or fearful of the evil one, let us resolve to use these trials to grow in faith in our Lord and the knowledge that His truth will forever ultimately triumph. Regardless of what happens now, His kingdom is going to come, and His will is going to be done, right here on earth as it is in heaven. Our struggle is to prepare the way for His kingdom by “building a highway” as we are told in Isaiah 40. This highway to the kingdom is God’s higher-way.

     As we see the enemy rising up with this kind of desperation, we can be encouraged by knowing that he is doing it because he knows he only has a short time. The shorter the time, the more desperate we can expect him to become. The unfathomable acts of the federal government now seem to be motivated by such desperation. As great as America has been, it is not the New Jerusalem. Even so, we are not a post-Christian nation; we are a pre-Christian nation. Revival is coming to America, and the devil is desperate to preempt it.

     Though we should gladly take our responsibility to be the salt and light we are called to be in this world, for the sake of our neighbors and our children, who may not even appreciate it now, we must always keep our real hope in the coming King and His kingdom.

     This hope is sure and will not disappoint us. It is hard to suppress outrage when we see some of the things our government, which is supposed to work for us, is now trying to do to us. However, when you call your senator or congressman to protest, if you do it in the Spirit of God, it will have more impact. We can be resolute, uncompromising, and also abiding in the peace of God.

     In Scripture, the Lord uses the title “Lord of hosts,” which means “Lord of armies,” ten times more than all of His other titles combined. He is a marshal God, a military leader. However, we should note that we are also told that it is “the God of peace who will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20). Don’t let anything steal your peace, but resolve that you are going to grow in the peace of God through all of this.

     Always remember that if the demons are cast out by the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God comes. We see the nature of the Spirit of God in Galatians 5:22-23, “ but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

     Think about that, “against such things there is no law.” It is encouraging to see so many Christians waking up now and resolving to stand against the great darkness that is rising. We must stand in the Spirit of God, and if we do, there is no law that can prevail against us.

     Because patience is a fruit of the Spirit, we can be sure that the impatience of those who are trying to ram these laws through before anyone even has a chance to read them cannot be motivated by the Spirit of God. However, our impatience with them is not going to cast out their impatience. Can we learn to react fast and yet with peace, with patience ruling our spirit, and refusing to let fear, impatience, or any other evil drive us? We must. That is basic Christianity.

     I have much more to say about all of these things, and I think you are going to find them interesting, illuminating, and at times undoubtedly shocking. Even so, we must keep in mind that most of the people we are dealing with are obviously not Christians, and we should not expect them to be acting from a Christian worldview. If you do not have hope in God, then it is understandable that your ultimate hope will be in the government. When the government is used to supplant God, it will be perverted, which is basically what is happening. The greatest thing that we can do for such people is to maintain peace and hope in our lives. This peace is so strikingly different from the fears and hopelessness that are rising in the world that those who are now driven by fear and darkness will start to see and know where our peace and hope comes from.

     Never forget that it is the Father’s heart that those who may now be in the grip of the enemy, become our brothers and sisters in Him. Getting this terrible law defeated will be a great victory, but an even greater one would be the winning over of those who proposed such a thing. If government is done right, the laws are for the people, and if we are doing the work of the kingdom of God, our ultimate goal will always be to save the people. The greatest victories are saving those who are in the deepest darkness. If we do this right, people will be illuminated so that they can see the truth, and the truth will set them free. ” 

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