Aug 17
Rick Joyner

In Luke 17:20-21 the Lord stated, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” This past week will go down in history as one of the most important weeks in the spiritual history of the world. There were major signs of this, but few observed them. As the above verse says, most are looking for physical signs, and this causes them to miss some of the most important events that are taking place. The real signs are happening in the hearts of men instead of events that make the news.

What happened that was so dramatic that it will make last week one of the most important in history? A subtle resolve was released in Christians around the world. They will begin to refuse to give any more ground to the devil. A turning has begun that will ultimately reveal that in many nations the devil reached his “high water mark” last week and he will not advance any further. Christians in many nations will take their stand for righteousness and truth, and the darkness will be turned back.

There was a sign in the natural of this major turning—the blackout over the Northeastern United States. They may come up with other explanations of this event, but what happened was a reversal of the current, or a reversal of the power. The reason that they will probably come up with other explanations for this is because what happened is technically impossible. This was just a little token from the Lord that the power which has been flowing one way for so long, corrupting the morals of our nation, and releasing perversion and deception, are now going to reverse. As this happens, you can count on it being disruptive and unsettling in a multitude of ways, but overall it will be handled very well, and the end result will be the deliverance of a nation from destruction.

The death of Edi Amin was another sign that few observed or understood. This man represented a kind of ruthless demonic power for slaughtering Christians and Jews. A prophecy came forth in 1975 from Bob Jones, saying this man would be demonically protected and kept alive for many years, but when he died it would be because these demonic powers were being weakened. Now we can expect others who operate by the same power to start losing their protection as well.

Other areas where we will start to see a reversal are:

The Removal of God From Our Schools and Public Places.
God is coming back. The defiance of the judge in Alabama to remove the Ten Commandments from his court has the kind of prophetic power behind it to begin turning back the tragic loss of freedom of religion and freedom of speech that has been working for decades to undermine our basic liberties. Many others have defied such orders for a time, but they did not have the kind of prophetic power that this event does.

When I speak of prophetic power in an event, one of the great examples of this in history was when Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg. Many others had taken similar stands, but when Martin Luther took his stand for his convictions, even though he was an obscure person in an obscure village, it set off a chain of events that changed the world more than any conqueror in history.

This is the kind of prophetic power that the courageous act of Rosa Parks demonstrated when she took her stand against the humiliation and injustice of segregation by refusing to move to the back of a bus. Who would have thought such an act would spark the revolution that it did? Many others had done similar things without the same kind of results.

The only way to explain it is that it had prophetic authority. God cares so deeply about injustice that we are told that righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne (see Psalm 89:14). He is only looking for someone to stand in the gap that He can use to intervene in the affairs of men.

I am not saying by this that this one event in Alabama will be as big an event as that of Martin Luther, but it has prophetic power behind it and will accomplish much—far more than we would think such an event could.

As a footnote, there are gates of hell and gates of heaven. These are places where either heaven or hell gain entry. It is no accident that Montgomery, Alabama is a place where two such prophetic events have taken place.

The Homosexual Onslaught Of Perversion and Immorality Has Reached Its High Water Mark and Will Be Turned Back.
Homosexuality is not only clearly and repeatedly stated to be a sin in Scripture, but it is called “a sin against nature,” and “an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22). It is a perversion that leads to a depravity that God will not tolerate long, and will lead to the destruction of a nation. The things that are done in public at gay parades and demonstrations are becoming such a demeaning outrage to the rest of the human race that a huge backlash is beginning.

It is incomprehensible but true that today, in the United States of America, it is against the law to even mention God in schools and public places, except to take His name in vain, while homosexuality is not only flaunted, but promoted. This is not only done in the public schools of the nation, it is being promoted even to young children.

Homosexuals, who are demanding tolerance from all others, are now seen to be the most intolerant of all in threatening and attacking those who they perceive to stand in the way of their drive to dominate only the political, public, private, and even the religious life of the nation. This has gone as far as it will, and will be turned back.

In this there is a real danger for Christians. Satan will not cast out Satan. Anger, bitterness, and violence will not cast out perversion. God does love every single homosexual and desires for them to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Every human being should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity by Christians—regardless of their religion or sexual orientation. We should be outraged and take a stand against injustice inflicted upon homosexuals. Do not forget Abraham, who interceded the way he did for God to, if possible, spare Sodom. Because they may have overreacted to the intolerance and injustices that they have been subject to does not mean that we should. Our goal or desire should not be the destruction or even injury to any human being, regardless of the grip that sin now has on their life, but rather their salvation and true freedom.

Even so, sin is a choice, not a biological condition. True religion cannot be imposed on others. What needs to be pushed back is the imposing and even militant flaunting of this perversion and immorality on others, but we should care and work for the civil rights of every person to be preserved.

Great Lights Are Being Sent to Break the Oppression and Bondage Off of “The Dark Continent.”
The “dark continent” I am talking about here is not Africa, but Europe. Missionaries from Africa are going to help save Europe from the veil of deep darkness that now grips this continent. This is the bread that was cast upon the waters by the European nations who sacrificed so much to send missionaries all over the world with the gospel. Now, for the sake of the fathers, missionaries from the nations they sent them to are returning as grace from the Lord to help save Europe.

This is another “reversal” but it is from the Lord, and it will turn back the tide of darkness in many of these nations. Even so, some, such as The Netherlands, are in danger of natural disasters soon washing them away if the turning of repentance does not come soon. Pray especially for The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, and France.

There are other areas, such as abortion and the regard for life that we will begin to see light prevail over the darkness after many decades of retreat. Many nations that have been poor and oppressed will begin to prosper because of turning to the Light. Many nations that have been prosperous, but have turned to the darkness, will begin to slide economically. This is because Satan is losing his power to give the kingdoms of this world to those who bow to him. He may become even more enraged, and will yet do much damage as he loses his exalted place in the affairs of men, as he is “cast out of heaven,” but his time is short, and the reversal has begun. It may take years to be able to see it clearly, but last week marked the beginning of this turning.