Jul 25
Rick Joyner

Last week we discussed how crucial it is to esteem the value of life. It is the reason why this was the first test of Solomon’s wisdom, as it is a value that is fundamental to wisdom. However, history teaches us that this is a value that gets harder to hold on to the more difficult the times become. At the end of this age, during the greatest times of trouble that the world has ever known, the devil, the one who was the murderer from the beginning, will be unleashing his last and most desperate fury upon the earth in an attempt to kill all that he can. The result will be that those who are controlled by him will casually kill multitudes. They will seemingly have no pang in their conscience, but rather will be rewarded for their deeds, as those who kill the most will become the most celebrated. As mankind falls into its deepest darkness and depravity, this will be measurable by their lack of esteem for life.

The Nazi regime degenerated to the point where whole families, and even whole neighborhoods, could be wiped out at the whim of a relatively junior officer, while some of the most brilliant minds were devoted day and night to determining how they could kill people more cheaply. It was just a foretaste of what is to come. In contrast to this, those who grow in the true wisdom of the fear of the Lord will also be growing in their esteem for the value of life. These will be given increasing power to give words of life, even resurrection life, as they grow in this true wisdom.

For this reason we should all be devoted to imparting the words of life every opportunity we can. That words can give life is one of the great marvels. Let us determine every day to sow seeds of encouragement, hope, and faith. We should recognize the encroachment of discouragement and hopelessness as the beginning of enemy strongholds that must be resisted. Above all, we must value the most valuable gift that has been given to any—the value of life.

Again, as we proceed toward the end of this age, one of the most prominent, distinguishing characteristics between those who serve the Lord and those who serve the devil will be the esteem for life. One of the primary entry points for the spirit of death into Nazi Germany was through the medical community. We can expect the same for what is to come. When this profession, which is supposed to be fundamentally devoted to the preservation and protection of life, starts to be used to kill, it will eventually open the floodgates of death.

Before developing this theme further, please allow me to make an important observation about our present, American, medical community. What I am about to say applies to different degrees to other countries, especially Western nations, but it would be too much of a generalization to attribute it to all of them.

First, we should all keep in mind that if we are alive today we probably owe this to at least some degree to the medical community. If it had not been for the advances they have made in medicine, the world would almost certainly have suffered plagues such as were released during the Middle Ages many times over. We should also be very thankful for the quality of life and even life itself, which has resulted from the medical community’s devotion, diligence, and brilliant use of the gifts and talents that God gave to them. For this reason we too should be devoted to encouraging doctors and any other health industry workers for their work.

However, there are some very dark practices already gripping modern medical science—the very ones that preceded the turning of medicine in Nazi Germany into one of the most diabolical tools the devil ever had in his hands. If they are not addressed and reversed, we can expect the same results.

The fall from grace in medicine usually begins when it changes from being a calling to being a business. There are still doctors who are true healers, whose devotion and fulfillment comes from seeing the sick made well. However, these are increasingly rare. Too many doctors today are just professionals, and their practice is a business more than a calling. To them their patients are more like commodities than people. Hope is still the most potent medicine ever devised for any disease. One of the greatest tragedies of modern medicine is that doctors have, to a large degree, been deprived of being able to administer this medicine for fear of potential lawsuits or other consequences to their business if anything goes wrong.

It would not surprise me if 99 percent of physicians are ignorant of what I am about to tell you, and would dispute it, but the cure for cancer could have been found a long time ago, and would have been found if cancer was not such big business. The same is true of almost every other degenerative disease.

The chemicals that are used in chemotherapy cost about ten dollars, while they are sold to patients for fifteen hundred dollars or more. When you are mostly dealing with professionals instead of true healers, who are running a business more than a true hospital, there is really no incentive to find a cure for cancer. Where is the incentive for the pharmaceutical companies to find such a cure, especially if it turned out to be an inexpensive cure? I personally have become convinced that such is in fact the case.

Everyone has cancer cells in their body. A normal healthy immune system will eradicate them easily, keeping them from gathering to become a tumor. However, the chemotherapy that is used to fight tumors attacks the immune system, making future tumors inevitable. Alternative medicine has found ways to eradicate tumors while strengthening the immune system instead of destroying it. Why are these not more widely known or used by “traditional” medicine? I honestly believe that 99 percent of doctors and most people are ignorant of these facts because a system has evolved that is so self-interested and so devoted to self-preservation that it resists and attacks everything not coming through it. Sound familiar? Sounds like many church institutions, does it not?

This is why many of the great advances of the gospel have had to come from outside of the church institutions. Some great revivals and advances of the gospel have come out of denominations, but they are now rare because it is hard for such to maintain the ability to take risks, which is required to walk in faith.

It is not likely that many doctors have even thought through these things, even those who are true healers that are trying to do the best they can. They are just doing the best with the knowledge that they have been given, and within the system as it is. They can draw from the encouragement of many patients that have truly been helped, at least for a time. However, the plot of the movie The Fugitive is more prophetic than many supposed. A doctor who discovers the fraud in medical research will be deemed far more dangerous than any mass murderer by that establishment.

This is not to imply that such a diabolical fraud is to be found in all medical research, or even most of it. Probably, the majority of doctors and researchers are sincerely trying to do the very best they can. It is the system, which has an entity behind it that is bigger and more powerful than any individual. When you start touching, not just a multi-billion dollar business, but a multi-trillion dollar business, it will get very dangerous.

In this format of the Word for the Week, I do not have time to back up and establish some of the statements that I have made in a way they deserve. I am not a doctor or an expert in this field, and many who are have been addressing them. I believe it will become a major issue in the future, even affecting presidential races. In spite of what I have said, I still believe we have the best medical system in the world. It has cancers within itself, and they must be addressed or soon the whole body will die. The answer is to get rid of the cancer, not kill the body.

I think the legal system in America likewise has some very deadly cancers growing within it that will soon have to be addressed. Even so, having traveled throughout much of the world, I think it is still one of the best legal systems there is. The world is the world and we should not expect perfect solutions in this world until the King returns.

Even so, I have talked to too many doctors who are genuinely horrified at what is happening and for these things to continue much longer without being exposed. A growing number are already sounding the alarm. Those who know me, and my message, know that I am not given to paranoia or conspiracies. Even in this I am not ready to put the blame on any individual, as I know that we are not warring against “flesh and blood,” but against higher spiritual powers (see Ephesians 6:12). There are probably some individuals who know what is happening, and have given themselves over to evil. In general, I do not believe that this is the case. I think the system has taken over the people instead of the people running the system.

Again, even though more doctors are seeing what I am describing, greed is driving much of the medical industry. The warnings are presently being treated the same way that they were in Nazi Germany. The momentum of a dark and deadly evil is permeating the medical industry. It is growing in power and is already dominant. There are some who are being salt and light, but not enough. The medical system is headed to the place where doctors will decide who should live or die, not by whether they could be treated or healed, but by the patient’s usefulness “to society.” Remember the “useless eaters.” That is how it began in Nazi Germany, and this same philosophy is now growing in even the most advanced, free nations.

Abortion is the biggest gate of hell, giving hell entry into the medical community in a way that will make it one of the enemy’s most powerful fortresses for his evil devices. It is the snuffing out of life at its most vulnerable stage. Almost any beast that is a mother would willingly sacrifice its own life for the sake of its young. When we sink below this to even casually killing our own unborn children we have in some basic ways fallen below the beasts. This is ultimate depravity, selfishness, and darkness of soul.

Jesus came to save “the maimed, and the halt, and the blind” (Luke 14:21 KJV). He came to save sinners. His grace is more than enough to forgive those who have had abortions, and heal them of even the emotional scars. Some of these, who have experienced firsthand the horrors of abortion and the destruction of a precious life within their own bodies, are becoming the greatest champions of life. Others have had their consciences seared by the experience, and will not live as they could have, neither feeling, loving, or experiencing life, because of their moral and spiritual callouses. Every abortion also kills part of the mother like few other things could.

Those who serve the “Prince of life” will love life. They will esteem honor and protect it, even at the risk of their own lives, just as our Savior gave His life so we could live. The Reformation that released the great increase of knowledge that we are now experiencing (see Acts 3:15), began on the foundational principle that salvation was individual, not corporate, and that there had to be personal faith, not just membership in an institution, to be saved. This gave infinite and eternal value to every individual, regardless of what condition their body was in, because they had a soul that could live forever. This was the foundational belief that gave birth to democracy and free enterprise. For the last five centuries, if you look at where freedom and true, lasting, prosperity spread, it was where these great Reformation truths were spread.

As II Corinthians 3:17 declares, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Freedom is a basic characteristic of anything that God is truly in. The most basic freedom of all is the freedom to live. One of the devil’s ultimate strategies is to take our lives away. To do this, one of his most basic strategies is to take our freedom away so he can give the power of life and death to his followers who are under his control. We will address this issue in more detail in the coming weeks, but for now we must set in our hearts that death is an ultimate enemy, and to love, esteem, and protect life is a fundamental characteristic of Christianity.