Mar 20
Rick Joyner

This may seem like quite a diversion from our study of end time prophecies to be doing such an extensive study of the works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:18-21.However, this understanding is essential if we are going to be prepared for the end times, or for today. It is far more important to be abiding in the Lord than just understanding what is going to happen in these times. It is only by abiding in Him so that we see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and begin to understand with His heart, that we can see and understand anything correctly, including biblical prophecies.

The next work of the flesh that is listed in this text in Galatians is “sorcery” or “witchcraft” (KJV). Certainly no true Christian would ever become involved in witchcraft, but the truth is that most are, even if unknowingly. How can this be?

First, we often think of witchcraft in its extreme forms of black magic and devil worshipers. But, like many of the works of evil, there is often subtle, seemingly harmless, or even benevolent forms of them that entrap those who really do not mean to bring harm to anyone. They may even have good intentions, but are in fact using a form of witchcraft nonetheless.

So we need to begin by defining just what witchcraft is. Such spiritual definitions will seldom be found in any dictionary, but we need to consider them from what Paul wrote in I Corinthians 2:12-16:

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God,

which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no man.

For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.

For this reason I sought a definition of witchcraft that was a work of the flesh many years ago. However, when Paul says here that “we have the mind of Christ” (not that he did personally), he was referring to something we should have corporately. Therefore, I always look for others to have parts of a definition that I do not have. This also means that what I am about to share with you may be incomplete, but I think that it is accurate.

Witchcraft is counterfeit spiritual authority. It is using any spirit other than the Holy Spirit to manipulate or control others with. This can be done to accomplish our own purpose, or even a noble purpose, and even something we feel called to do for the Lord. We may wonder how someone would try to use witchcraft or soul power to accomplish the works of God, but many try, which has caused some of the worst spiritual disasters in church history right up to the present. A noble purpose does not justify evil means. Tacking the Lord’s name onto a project does not mean that the Lord is behind it.

The Lord, being the King of kings, above all rule, authority, power, and dominion, moves with a certain dignity and class in all that He does that is far above such things as trying to manipulate others, or use a dominating form of control. So are those who move by His Spirit in true spiritual authority.

As stated, it is not only possible, but common for people to try to accomplish the purposes of God using what is in fact counterfeit spiritual authority or witchcraft. They manipulate people into giving to their cause, or use a form of control spirit to keep them committed and to get the job done. These are houses that we may claim are being built for the Lord, but He will not bless them with His manifest presence. This is like King David trying to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem on a new ox cart. Oxen speak of natural strength in Scripture, and we often think we can bring God to our place in our own strength. David paid the price for this foolishness, and so do many well-meaning, but misled, Christians.

My daughter and I recently stopped in some used car lots to find her something to drive at college. Two of them were a joy to visit and the salespeople delightful. They wanted to sell us a car, but we did not feel any pressure at all. The third car dealer we visited was the opposite. I do not remember ever being subjected to such base manipulation in any potential business transaction. As we left, my daughter said she felt “slimed.” The whole experience was similar to what I think it would be like to get your hand caught in a meat grinder. I resolved to never step foot on their property again and would certainly never buy a car from them. You could feel hype and manipulation throughout that business. Sadly, it reminded me of some churches I have been in. The salesmen felt like some preachers I have met.

I am not trying to be negative toward the church, because, like the previous two car dealers we went to, most are not like the third one. However, the reason that the third car dealer can stay in business and the reason that churches which are like it stay open, is because of a great number of people who allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled. As Paul the apostle lamented in II Corinthians 11:20:

For you bear with anyone if he enslaves you, if he devours you, if he takes advantage of you, if he exalts himself, if he hits you in the face.

The Corinthian church is still thought of as “the carnal church,” and the above is probably how such forms of base carnality, or works of the flesh, manifested themselves in this church. They were probably the result of the kind of authority they responded to—carnal people respond to carnal authority.

Now we can continue to reproach the Corinthian church in our hearts and teachings, but it is likely that if they existed today they would be the most spiritual church on the planet in spite of their many flaws. Because most people do in fact live in a place of basic carnality, including most Christians as recent studies have proven, car dealers and churches like I briefly described above not only continue in business, but actually thrive. However, one thing we can count on, many temporary successes will prove to be ultimate failures, as we are told inI Corinthians 3:10-13:

According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building upon it. But let each man be careful how he builds upon it.

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Now if any man builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,

each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work.

Works or accomplishments that are the fruit of the works of the flesh or carnal strength will have to be maintained by the flesh. The bigger such works become, the more striving that will be required to maintain them, and so the manipulation and control grows, until the leaders and the people break under the pressure. This is where you find the long train through history of devastated works and people who were supposed to be doing the work of the Lord.

In politics, business, and sometimes even in family relations, these forms of manipulation and control can seem to be almost the fabric upon which all human relations are built. This is true to a large degree in this age. It will not be true of the kingdom, or those works that really are being built by the King.

I have dealt with this form of witchcraft very superficially, as we have in fact dealt with the other works of the flesh superficially as well. We cannot go but so deep in a short format such as this. However, I do want to touch on one more increasingly popular form of witchcraft—that is the use of drugs.

The words “sorcery” and “witchcraft” both mean to call on or conjure other spirits, which God’s people have always been strictly forbidden to do. We cannot serve the Lord and demons. It is noteworthy that the Greek word translated “sorcery,” and “witchcraft” in the New Testament is pharmakeia, from which we derive our English word “pharmacy.”

There is a reason why a large part of black magic involves making concoctions that supposedly empower those who take them with supernatural powers. It works. Does this mean that taking drugs can open us up to demons? We need to distinguish between those that are meant to provide healing to our bodies and those that are for the purpose of altering our consciousness. However, if we are purposely taking mind altering drugs, we can open ourselves to demonic oppression. Continued practice can lead to increasing oppression that leads to demonic possession to the degree that we no longer have control over ourselves, but the devil does.

Of course this study could itself be a book, and deserves far more attention than we can give to it here. There is a co-relation between the increasing debauchery of our times and the increasing use of illegal drugs. This is a gate of hell through which the devil is pouring through. Do not open this gate to him in your own life.

Let us also resolve that we do not want one thing in our life that God does not want us to have. Therefore, we will pursue what we are to have, and the works that we are to do by His Spirit, which is always recognized by the fruit of the Spirit.