Sep 4
Rick Joyner

In the midst of so much suffering that we are witnessing from the Katrina disaster, this study may seem out of place. However, I think the timing is perfect. It is the joy of the Lord that is our strength in any situation, and we can and should have joy in Him in any and every situation.

Let us also consider that this kind of suffering is going on every day in our world, though most of it is not in a place where the media can focus on their suffering.  Therefore, they do not get the attention or the aid that the Katrina victims are receiving. This is not to imply that the attention on the Katrina disaster is not warranted, it is, but the answer is not to let our hearts and minds be controlled by the conditions on earth, but by the conditions in heaven so that we can bring heaven’s answers into any condition on the earth.

Last week we studied love. The next characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22 is “joy.” Because this is a characteristic of the Holy Spirit, it should be a characteristic of all who have the Spirit. This does not mean that Christians cannot at times feel sorrow, grief, or even anger, but we should be primarily joyful with these being the exceptions due to exceptional circumstances. If there is more sorrow or anger etc., in our life than joy, then we are not abiding in the Holy Spirit as we should.

Now let’s apply this to some very real and present situations such as the disaster unfolding as the result of Hurricane Katrina, the recent tsunami, AIDS pandemic, and other terrible problems that come cascading down on the world almost continuously. How can we be joyful in the midst of all of these tragedies?

First, the joy of the Holy Spirit comes with the grace and dignity of the Holy Spirit that would never be insensitive to someone else’s sufferings. In fact, we are told that if one member of the body suffers, we should suffer with them (see I Corinthians 12:26). We are also told in a number of places that the Lord Himself shares our sufferings. If He shares them, and He is all-powerful, why doesn’t He just do something about them? If He did, the whole experience of this world, and this life, would have no meaning.

As we are told in Psalm 115:16, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” The Lord gave authority over the earth to men, which is why He will not intervene unless we ask Him to, and usually not until we have so botched things that they are far out of our control. He is still gracious and merciful enough to very often intervene. All of the troubles at the end of this age will be the result of mankind determining to live without God. When we have so botched this world that all life on the planet is in jeopardy, He will intervene. Even so, we need to understand that the great problems we are facing are not His fault, but ours. Our salvation begins with the humility to admit this, which is called repentance.

Christians, who have built their houses upon the Rock, which is to both hear and obey the words of the Lord, have a kingdom that cannot be shaken. There is a joy that we should have because we know the King and we know that He has authority over all things. He will also cause all things to work together for good for His people, so even though we are temporarily hurting, we have an even more profound joy that makes our suffering far more bearable. Though we, too, suffer at times, we have a hope that we know will never disappoint us.

Again, we also need to keep in mind that the fruit of the Spirit is called fruit because, like fruit, it is cultivated and grown. How do we grow joy in our life? First, we plant seeds, we water them, we keep them weeded, and protect them until the fruit appears and matures. If we have a problem with depression, we should focus even more on the things that bring us the joy of the Lord.

If you have a problem with depression, do not read tragic stories or watch tragic programs all of the time. As compelling as the news may be, do not overly focus on it. Our news media hardly knows how to cover anything in a positive way, and those who are getting most of their information from the news media will naturally be depressed and increasingly subject to fear and panic attacks. Do not focus on your own personal tragedies as much, but determine that you are going to thank the Lord for everything He has allowed in your life because it is sure to bring good. Watch or read many comedies for every tragedy. Laughter is one of the wonderful gifts that God has given to us, and we need to laugh often. As we are told in Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” There is healing in joy!

Deuteronomy 28:47-48 is very enlightening concerning the power of joy and the consequences of not having it: “Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore you shall serve your enemies...” Or this could be phrased that if we do not serve the Lord with joy, we will end up going into bondage. This is why “holy laughter” actually resulted in many people getting healed and freed from yokes of bondage.

In I Chronicles 12, we read how much joy there was in Israel when David was made king. Likewise, all of heaven rejoices when a single person submits to the Lordship of Jesus. The greatest joy of all will be when the King comes to establish His authority over the earth. We can begin to have and spread this joy as we submit our lives to His will.

There is a reason why the Lord commanded much more feasting than fasting. If the people are joyful, it is a reflection on the leadership of those in authority. Therefore, the joy of the Lord’s people should be profound and contagious. The greatest joy of all is that all, even the worst of the problems and tragedies on this earth are temporary. The King is going to come back to establish His kingdom, and when He does He promises that there will be no more mourning, crying, pain, or death. How can we not be continually in awe and wonder at our God? How can we not be far more profoundly joyful than sorrowful, unless it is because we have allowed the cares of this present world to choke out our knowledge and vision of eternity?

We have a God who has authority over all. He is full of more kindness, mercy, and benevolence than even the greatest human king, and He is coming back to set everything right! How can we fail to rejoice in Him?