Nov 3
Rick Joyner

What exciting times we live in! The kingdom of God is closer today than it was yesterday. The kingdom of God is coming regardless of who is elected, in any election. The kingdom of God is going to come and the Lord’s will is going to be done, right here on earth as it is in heaven, period.  

This does not mean we should not be engaged in the process, vote, and maybe even run for office, but the promise is that if we will seek the kingdom first, everything else will be added to us that we need. We must always keep the first things first. As long as we are seeking the kingdom first, things will go well for us. They may not go the way that we want them to, but the way that we want them to may not be good if we could see the whole picture like God can.

The kingdom of God is going to make a significant advance over the next few years regardless of who is in power in our civil governments. If we are wise, we will devote much more attention to preparing the way for the Lord and His kingdom than we spend worrying about human governments.

Also, regardless of who is elected to positions in our civil governments and even how much we may agree or disagree with them, we are commanded to honor and pray for them. Even if those are elected that we think are turning our nation in the wrong direction, the best way we can help our nation is not by attacking them, but rather building the highway for the kingdom to come on. 

One thing we can be sure of concerning the election, regardless of who is elected, nearly half of the nation will be extremely disappointed, open to bitterness, feelings of betrayal, and they will be scared. It will almost always be easy for the victors to be magnanimous, but it will take more than that to heal the wounds of those who lost. After these elections, the nation will likely be more divided than at any time since 1860. So what do we do?

First, understanding means to “stand under” the other person’s place. Let’s consider what we would feel like if our candidate lost. The fact is, regardless of who our candidate is, this is possible. Are we going to be bitter, feel betrayed, or scared? This should not be the case for any Christian. We are promised by God, whose Word is sure, “that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (see Romans 8:28). Even an election is included in “all things.”

Like it or not, understand it or not, many sincere Christians will be voting for both sides during this election. Many are going to feel vindicated, and many are going to be tempted to feel bitter, betrayed, and scared. Every Christian should be encouraged, regardless of who is elected. We have this hope, it is sure, and an anchor for our souls that should stabilize us regardless of what is happening in this world. There is no place for us to feel discouraged, bitter, betrayed, or scared. It may take us a bit of time to figure out just how this works for our good, but that is part of the excitement too.

It does not matter who is elected, the kingdom is still going to come, and the Lord’s will is going to be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The gospel of the kingdom must be preached throughout the earth. It is good news, and so much better than any news that this world has to offer, more and more people are going to be open to hearing it. So Christians can, and should be, magnanimous in victory or defeat. We have a Source of hope that is sure and will never fail us. There is no place for discouragement in defeat or arrogance in victory. 

I will write much more about this when the elections have been decided because who is elected will have a major impact on our lives in this world, and we should prepare for it. However, we only have the option of doing it with hope, expectation of good, and the joy of the Lord.

Obviously, this election will decide between two dramatically different courses being taken by our country. However, we do not have an option about the spirit in which we do it. Even if enemies who hate us seem to be empowered, Jesus made it clear how we must respond when He said in Matthew 12:28, “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” The only way that we can cast out evil is by maintaining the right Spirit, His Spirit. God is not in heaven wringing His hands over who wins the election. He knew who would win before the world was founded and He has a plan for ultimate total victory that cannot lose. Even so, there will be many demons manifesting, so let us resolve to stay and abide in the Spirit of God that alone can cast them out. Let us resolve to be ready to minister to those who are feeling hurt, rejected, betrayed, and scared, and give them hope.