Dec 14
Rick Joyner

There are three major fronts on which the church will be mobilizing to fight and to be the light of the world, combating the great darkness of our times. These are a basic part of our mandate as the church and there have been many victories in the past, but in recent times, much ground has been lost with each. We will not retreat any further! We will rise up to take the land—the inheritance that we have been given.

The first front we covered was to mobilize for education. To be the light of the world is a call to illumination or education. When the church is in unity, it has resources available for this which are greater than any other entity, including the secular media. There is movement toward this unity, and if we come together as the church, the illumination of the truth will be magnified many times over, and it will have the impact of turning many nations to the Lord. However, as we think of education, we must think far beyond schools and consider all of the ways that people are influenced in their worldview.

    The second major front is to strengthen our own foundations, becoming the great society that is built on love, and the excellence of a discipline that is motivated by love, not law. This must especially be done in relation to families so the church can become the family that it is called to be. Family is one of the primary targets of the devil’s assaults in these times because he knows very well the power of them to be a light in this world. Godly families and churches that become the families they are called to be will stand out more and more in these times as a very bright light, leading many to salvation and victory over evil.

    Of course, there is much more that can and needs to be said about these basic fronts, but now we want to highlight front #3—a kingdom economy.

    We are called to be “a holy nation.” Before the end of this age, the church will be perceived to be a nation within the nations. Its main unity will be spiritual, but it will also be very practical. It will be so practical that when it is determined that no one on the earth can buy, sell, or trade unless they have the mark of the beast, those who are a part of this holy nation will not care about that because they will be part of another economy which is much greater than the world’s economy.

Of course, the big question is how will this happen? How will the church become a separate economy that can be sustained and prosper? It has been done before on smaller scales, and we need to learn from these examples. The foundation of this is becoming the citizens in heaven that we are called to be—living in the world but not being of it. This is not a matter of becoming cloisters or hidden self-sustained communities out in the wilderness somewhere. It is much bigger and greater than that. It is having access to heaven and all of its resources, just as Jesus came to show us how to access and to become the Door to this transcendent life. The Lord did not do this so that we could escape the world, but to help save it.

As we have addressed previously, Isaiah 40 tells us that we prepare the way for the Lord by building a highway. Spiritually, a highway is a “higher-way.” It is the way to the kingdom. It is the path of life. Right now all three of the fronts we have discussed have been crumbling. The wheels are coming off of public education, and in the West, the basic core structure of the family has been disintegrating. Now the economy is shaking to the point where we are in danger of a collapse. In short, everything that can be shaken is shaking right now, but we are called to be a part of the kingdom that cannot be shaken.

Just as the Lord had to shake Egypt to its foundations in order to set Israel free so that it could build a nation that was called to be a light to the world, the whole world is now going to be shaken to its foundations so that God’s people can be set free to become the light that they are called to be. The statue in Daniel 2 is beginning to collapse, and the little stone that struck at its feet is going to become a mountain and fill the whole earth. The way to be a part of that which is growing instead of collapsing is simple and straightforward, but it requires the faith and courage to be different, and to stand out because of those differences. It will require us to have the light, walk in the light, and be the light. Every day the world will get more desperate for that light.   

This coming year will be one of the best ever for those who seek the Lord. The Lord promised us abundant life. That does not mean that it is going to all be good, but that there will be a lot of it. Great changes are coming in the world. We need to see them before they come and make the necessary changes before they come upon the world so that we are standing on solid, unshakable ground. We need to get practical and specific in addressing these. This is not just knowing what is going to happen and what we should be doing—it is about growing in faith and getting closer to the Lord.

“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (I Timothy 1:5).   

    As things tend to get increasingly complicated in the world, one of the ways that we can be a light is to keep the simplicity of devotion to Christ. He is the answer to every problem we have. The ultimate witness of the gospel of the kingdom is that the King is coming, and He will fix everything. Don’t ever forget that, and it is just as good a promise for our personal lives as it is for the world. Even if we are in a mess because of our own foolishness, greed, or any other sin, the world is likewise in its mess for the same reasons. He did not come to condemn, but to save.

    Get ready for a very exciting, fulfilling New Year that will stretch our faith— something that is far more valuable than gold.