Jun 28
Rick Joyner

We are addressing the following questions: 

1) What is happening?
2) What is not happening?
3) What can we do about it?

This week we will address question 2: What is not happening?

    The first thing that is not happening is an economic recovery. As Christians, we need to understand the economy for a number of reasons. First, it has been estimated that from 30 – 50 percent of the biblical teachings on righteousness have to do with stewardship. In the Lord’s own teachings, such as in the Parable of the Talents, it is obvious that He expects His people to get a maximum return for what He entrusts to us. As we are called to be the salt and light in the nations in which we have been placed, the stewardship of our resources should also be a concern for us. Last, but not least, the mark of the beast is an economic mark which determines if we will be allowed to “buy, sell, or trade,” in this world (see Revelation 13:17). To understand this mark, we need a basic understanding of the economy and markets.

    I am under the basic conviction that for us to fulfill our callings, we must be the light of the world and should therefore be the most knowledgeable and best informed people on the earth. I realize all Christians do not need to have in-depth knowledge about all of these issues, but we need to have enough to make judgments, and at times to speak into them. For this reason, I will occasionally address these in a way that you can glean enough basic knowledge to understand some of the major trends going on in the world.

    To understand the markets, which reflect basic human transactions and some of the basic issues of where the hearts of people now are, let’s start with the stock market because it is a barometer of the economy as a whole. The value of the American stock markets is basically the value of the business in America at this time. People who are investing money in something have an incentive to understand what they are doing. The investigative tools and resources of money managers can rival the CIA. For this reason, they get it right far more often than they get it wrong. They withdrew from the markets, and it plunged, because they could foresee much of what we are now experiencing.

    At this writing, the plummeting stock market seems to have leveled off, and it has even risen some, but why? It has mostly been because the bad news was not as bad as expected, which is an ominous sign for its future. That the markets are so volatile indicate that these are mostly short- term investors who are riding the ups and downs of the market more than making long-term investments. A huge amount of money has been pulled from the markets and is on the sidelines waiting to get back in. They do for short bursts and then withdraw it again. That even an inordinate amount comes back into the market is good news, or news that is not as bad as expected, is more of an indication that the bottom has not been found yet, and there just aren’t any other good investments out there now.

    Therefore, we should not be surprised if the stock market begins to slide again, possibly even to the 3,000 – 4,000 level on the Dow. The Obama Administration began with much promise, but the actions taken seem almost designed to gut America of its economic strength and future. I do not believe that this is because of evil intent, but ignorance. Even so, the long-term prospects of the American economy are getting more negative with almost every passing week. As with the story, very few seem willing, at this point, to tell the emperor that he does not have any clothes on, or even say to one another that this is the real shape we are in with the present congress and administration.

    The economic engine of America is huge, resourceful, and resilient, but right now we are like a car that may have 300 horsepower, and may be exerting every bit of it, but we are stuck in the sand and are not going anywhere. The economy does not have a footing for going forward at this time, and it is apparent that no one in charge knows how to correct this.     

    What should we do? This is question 3, and we will address it after we take one more week to discuss a couple of factors no one seems to be willing to address. However, for now, get ready for the greatest opportunities for those who understand kingdom economics and for the gospel. These are going to be the most exciting and fulfilling times to be a Christian, maybe since the Lord Jesus Himself walked the earth.

Those whose hope is in the Lord will never be disappointed.

Those who have faith in Him will be rewarded.

Those who have true faith are seeking the city that God is building, one which has foundations. It is beginning to come into view.