Apr 4
Rick Joyner

We should expect God’s Words to be challenged in every way possible if they are valuable. Satan will viciously attack every truth that he can because God’s truth will set people free from the darkness that has them in bondage. The Lord allows His Word to be tested—to reveal its strength and integrity. God allows His messengers to be tested to reveal their strength, integrity, and devotion to the truth. If God had wanted it to be easy for us, He could have bound Satan right after the resurrection, but He left him on the loose for our sakes!

     One time I was listening to the radio program of a man who had seemingly built his ministry on attacking me. He was spewing lies about me that I thought were the exact opposite of the truth about me, and he was twisting or even lying about things I had supposedly said. Flustered, I prayed and asked the Lord to remove this man from his platform. I immediately heard the Lord say that He would do this. He then asked me who I wanted to take his place?

     Almost immediately this man was kicked out of his denomination, and it did seem that his ministry was collapsing in almost every way. However, soon dozens of others like him started assailing me. It was like stepping on one big spider and a thousand little ones came scurrying out. I got the message and started praying for my enemies, not against them. Soon I developed a genuine affection for some, and even felt compelled to ask the Lord to bless them, giving them the Holy Spirit who would lead them into all truth. I also asked the Lord to please not let them die as stumbling blocks.

     I then listened to the program of one of my attackers and he happened to be talking about me again, but this time he said some things that were true, of which I did need to repent. After that, I could sincerely thank the Lord for him. Sometimes our enemies will tell us things our friends won’t tell us but that we need to hear. We are told over and over in the Book of Proverbs that the wise love reproof. I think this is because the truly wise love the truth more than their own reputation, and they know the basic truth that God disciplines those whom He loves. If we are not receiving correction, it should be a much greater concern to us!

     Josiah was possibly the most righteous king in Judea’s history. It is written that he excelled in doing things even his father David did not do, such as tearing down the high places. However, Josiah died because he did not heed the voice of the Lord that came through Neco, king of the Egyptians, who was his enemy (see II Chronicles 35). The Lord did not speak to him twice and did not confirm the word that came through a most unlikely source. Josiah paid a dear price for not knowing and heeding the voice of the Lord spoken through his enemy. Others may have been able to get away with this, but Josiah should have known better.

     The point of this is, the more we are trusted with, the more that is required of us. The things you can get away with in the Outer Court may get you killed in the Holy Place. The Lord does make allowances for our immaturity, but God is holy and will be treated as holy. The more mature we become, the more that proper behavior with Him and His Word will be required. As we are seeking to get higher revelation and more powerful words, let us also seek to grow in the wisdom of God and in character.

     Likewise, the great controversies and attacks now coming at Christianity in America should not discourage us, but rather challenge us to determine what we believe about these important issues and why. We cannot deny the Lord by denying His Word, so we are compelled to do this. When we know His teaching on a matter, then standing for that truth is not an option—we must stand for the truth. We must also stand for the truth in the right Spirit. The result will be a much stronger faith and a much stronger church. This is all working for our good.