Aug 22
Rick Joyner

    While I’m writing this, there is a great controversy with a proposal to build a mosque near ground zero in Manhattan. This growing issue has brought up other important questions. Events and issues like this can reveal much about the heart condition of a nation, and we need to understand what it is revealing.

     We cannot understand these times without understanding Islam. There has been a major campaign by Islamists to make the world believe that we cannot understand Islam and therefore should not even try. Many have bought into this lie, but in the last couple of years some have awakened to the fact that this is simply not true. Books written about Islam are now starting to fly off the shelves, and the illumination that is spreading is having an increasing impact on the populations of America and Europe. As this happens, it becomes clear why there has been such devotion by Islamists to keep the world from investigating it.

         The greatest power that evil has is darkness. Darkness is ignorance. If we can be kept ignorant about something, then it is very likely that evil will grow there. When there is a campaign to keep people from knowing or understanding something, then the devotion to understanding it should increase. If threats and attempted intimidation are being used to keep others away, our resolve should be increased even more. This should include any group, including Christian groups, who become secretive and eschew scrutiny. When this happens, you can be sure that evil will be found there. The truth loves the light.

         Even so, it is true that it is hard to understand some aspects of a matter, especially a religion, without believing it. This is the ancient question articulated by Aquinas and Abelard: Must we understand in order to believe or believe in order to understand? Jesus explained in John 3 that the kingdom of God cannot be seen until one is born again. Since we must believe in order to be born again, we must believe before we can fully understand. Therefore, Christianity cannot be fully understood until one is a devoted believer, but this does not mean that the basic doctrines and intents of Christianity cannot be understood. The same is true of Islam. There may be limits to the understanding of anyone who is not a devoted follower, but this does not mean we cannot understand its general teachings and intent. For having such an impact on the world, understanding Islam should be paramount for anyone who is leading in these times.

         There are many faces to Christianity, and there are many faces to Islam. It seems that most who claim to be Christians are nominal at best, and this is obviously true of Islam as well. Just as some of the devout followers of Christ get sidetracked into extremes, many devout Islamists also go into what we consider extremes. The extremists in both religions claim that they are indeed true believers, so to understand this we need to study the teachings.

Are the Islamic extremists the true believers and truly obedient to their faith? That is the assertion of many who have studied Islam in depth, as well as virtually all who have departed from Islam. Others who read the Koran and study the teachings of Islam claim that Islam is a peaceful religion which promotes peace and tolerance. How could there be such extreme understandings or misunderstandings? It could have to do with which face of Islam we’re studying. I was talking to a Palestinian a few days ago, and he also asserted that it simply is not possible to understand the Koran without reading it in the original Arabic language that it was written in because every English translation has been so watered down. The example was given of how in Arabic it says things like “kill and slaughter” in relation to Christians and Jews, but in the English translations this is often translated something like “fight against.” What is the truth?

         One thing that has become obvious through this controversy is that the wound of 9/11 has not been healed and is still very sensitive. Over two-thirds of Americans are strongly against the building of this mosque anywhere near ground zero. Others are indifferent, but only a small percentage of Americans are in favor of building the mosque near ground zero, and this is mostly on the grounds of protecting and demonstrating religious freedom. This is a noble cause, but does it apply here?

         There can be a big difference between something we have a right to do and being the right thing to do. No one has yet said that the Islamists do not have a right to build a mosque there, but the question is whether it is right. One factor that brought increasing outrage is the Islamic tenet and tradition that mosques are to be built as declarations of victory over an enemy, making this mosque at ground zero profoundly offensive. The other is the Islamic tenet that a large amount of territory is claimed for Allah in every direction around a mosque, and therefore ground zero would be claimed by the building of this mosque. This is not speculation as those opposing this are reciting chapter and verse from the Koran, indicating that they’re doing their homework.

As more people are studying Islam, and the Sharia law that is to be imposed where Islam takes dominion, it is obvious that there is probably nothing that has ever been written that is more in conflict with our Constitution. So how can our Constitution provide the freedom of religion if that religion insists on imposing a law upon Americans, in America, that is in direct conflict with our most basic rights and freedoms? This is one of those ultimate questions that is now beginning to be raised and will not likely go away.

         This is a basic conflict that many Muslims have who come here and begin to love our liberties. Others are offended by these liberties and are devoted to destroying them and us. There is a difference between a religion that has precepts that it imposes on its followers, and a religion that seeks to impose its law on everyone else. This becomes even more serious when its followers are exhorted to subdue others with violence.

         Many of the questions brought up by the building of this mosque near ground zero are civil questions, not religious ones, but even these cannot be understood without understanding the religion. As much as possible, it is always the right thing to treat others, even those of other religions, with dignity and respect. Disagreement does not require disrespect. However, we must also resolve that we will not compromise the truth, and we will speak the truth boldly. As Americans, freedom of speech is one of our most cherished liberties, and we must resist with all that we have any who seek to deprive us of this. As servants of Christ, who is the Truth, we cannot be His witnesses if we can be intimidated into not declaring the truth and standing on it.