Aug 29
Rick Joyner

     Last week there was an article on AOL News about how an increasing number of Americans doubted that President Obama is a Christian, but rather believe that he is a Muslim. This has also been picked up by television news. Much of the media seems intent on establishing Obama as a Christian, but in the words of Shakespeare, I think he “doth protest too much.” The way the media and the White House are covering this, it is likely far more people are being persuaded that Obama is indeed a Muslim.

     Because I am often asked what I believe about President Obama’s faith, and this is becoming a rising issue in America, I will give my opinion. This is not a simple matter; rather it is serious, and I am concerned about addressing anything of this nature in a format such as the Word for the Week requires. Also, I have not given this as much attention as it deserves by those more qualified than me. However, because of the increasing number of requests to address his faith, I will do so admitting that my perspective is also a superficial one.

     When I read both of Obama’s books, I concluded that he was a Christian but a superficial one and gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was an honest person. However, my opinion of him has changed greatly since then with the number of unquestionable and blatant lies that he has told to the American people. For example, he said, “There is not one single earmark in this bill” when there were more than eight thousand earmarks in that bill. See the following link:

     If I read his books now, I would probably see them differently and may come to a different conclusion about his faith. It is very hard to know what is in another person’s heart, so I do not try to judge that. However, we are told that we can, and should, judge people by their fruit. What is the spiritual fruit of President Obama that would reveal what his faith truly is?

     While reading Obama’s books, I did feel that he had some beliefs that were in conflict with the clear, basic teachings of Scripture. I also felt that much of what he was confidently asserting to be true was based more on his own reasoning, or those of others, or on political persuasions rather than on Scripture. That is a dangerous opening for deception. Almost every heresy is the result of prideful people trying to carry to a logical conclusion that which God has only revealed in part.

     If Jesus, who was the Word personified, would take His stand on, “It is written” when challenged, how much more do we need to do this for any challenging position? A sincere Christian will be devoted to finding God’s opinion on matters, not just trying to reason them out. Such reasoning about ultimate issues, especially when they conflict with Scripture, can be an ultimate form of pride. Pride does come before a fall, and deception is a fall.

     Tragically, studies show that most Christians also have such a confused worldview that is shaped more by human philosophies, the media, even prejudices or their own experiences, rather than having sought out God’s perspective which is revealed in His written Word. However, Obama’s understanding of the atonement of Jesus seemed sound and sincere, even if superficial—again like most who claim to be Christians.

     Having a little knowledge of the Liberation Theology that Obama had sat under for more than twenty years, which has both racist and Islamic influences, I felt that Obama was at least remarkably free of racism. This is not to say that I think he is totally free of racism, which may not be true of anyone. I did feel he had resisted the racist tendencies in Liberation Theology, but not necessarily the Islamic influences.

     Again, that was my opinion, and it is based on a very superficial knowledge of Liberation Theology and of Obama. We “see in part,” and “know in part” (see I Corinthians 13:9) so I have tried to remain open about my beliefs and determined to hold them lightly.

     I still believe that Obama really would like to know God and the truth. For all of the strange spiritual and radical political influences he’s had in his life, he is an obvious product of them. When I pray for him, I always feel that he is in a struggle in his own heart with many conflicting issues, so I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead him into all truth, especially to Jesus. The Jesus taught in Islam is definitely not the Jesus we serve and could hardly be a more distorted version of Him. However, Christian movements and denominations can and often do try to make God in their image rather than seeking to know Him as He is too.

     Our experiences and the people we associate with do shape our beliefs, and from some of the extreme religious influences Obama has sat under, I did not feel that he was nearly as affected as you might think. I also consider that if I had been an African-American man that came up in the times that Jeremiah Wright did, and had been subjected to the same kind of humiliations that African-Americans were, especially those of his generation, I might be far more racist and maybe even anti-American than he is. This is not to justify racism and bitterness in any form, but we are all dealing with issues and are seeking to have our minds renewed.

     I also sincerely believe that it is more than a cliché that “Except for the grace of God, there go I.” I certainly do not want to take such issues as judging another’s faith lightly, but the Scriptures command us to judge those who are in the church, and if Obama is claiming to be a Christian, we need to judge this by biblical standards, which is by his fruit.

     I have many Christian friends who I have a great deal of respect for who have been sure from the beginning that Obama is a Muslim and a deceiver intent on doing America great harm. I know political leaders, or close friends of leaders, in Europe and the Middle East, who are absolutely convinced that Obama is a Muslim. Some of these are basing this belief on their intelligence analysis, not a religious analysis. When I protested that Obama had a dog, and had barbeques at the White House, things that no devout Muslim would do, they brought up the teachings in the Koran that allow for any Muslim to break the laws of Islam in order to deceive their enemies until they have gained an advantage over them. They were resolute that our President was indeed a Muslim and that Islam considered America and Americans the most easy of all prey to deceive, infiltrate, and ultimately to take over.    

     I still am not totally persuaded that Obama is a Muslim, but there is no question that the evidence seems to indicate this is very strong. If 20 percent of Americans believe he is definitely a Muslim, then I would think that there may be as many as 30 to 40 percent more who are tottering on believing this like I am.  

     As we are told in I Corinthians 13, we see in part, prophesy in part, and even know in part, so we also tend to believe “in part.” Presently, I am about 55 percent persuaded that Obama is a Christian and 45 percent that he is possibly a Muslim, and at times I have been more persuaded that he is a Muslim. This ratio began for me believing that he was a Christian at about 95 percent, so I fully understand why so many are beginning to believe he is a Muslim, and I think it’s possible that soon the percentage will be rising.  

         One fact that should be very clear to any thinking, unbiased observer is that from the beginning of Obama’s Administration, we cannot trust what he says, but we have to observe what he actually does, which is to judge him by his fruit. Even a casual observer would see that Obama has demonstrated a great deal of hostility toward Christians and Jews and has demonstrated a basic affinity for Islam and Muslims. The following is an example of what is being widely distributed on the Internet, which is the kind of thing that is persuading more and more people Obama is a Muslim (I edited this slightly to tone it down just a bit):

In 1952, President Truman established one day a year as a National Day of Prayer.

In 1988, President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer.

In June 2007, (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA was no longer a Christian nation.

This year President Obama canceled the twenty-first annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of “not wanting to offend anyone.”

On September 25, 2009 from 4 a.m. until 7 p.m., a National Day of Prayer for the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill beside the White House.

This year President Obama held a Ramadan celebration at the White House, and pictures have widely been circulated with him taking off his shoes to pray with Muslims to Allah.

I guess it doesn't matter if “Christians” are offended by this event as we obviously don’t count as “anyone” anymore.

The direction AMERICA is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.

                   Websites noted are:

         In judging Obama’s faith, many are simply using the basic reasoning that “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck—it’s a duck!” No doubt President Obama is acting more like a Muslim, and doing far more to promote Islam, while at the same time demonstrating disdain or hostility toward Christians and Christianity. The fruit of his actions bears strong evidence that Obama is indeed a Muslim, or at the very least has far more affinity for Islam than Christianity.

         So why am I not persuaded that he’s a Muslim? I would believe this except for one thing—I inquired of the Lord about this and feel that I have been shown something else—that deep in his heart he wants to know the real Jesus, just as many Muslims do. He has had a hard time finding Jesus in His people. He has had bad influences to shape his life and bad counselors now. I’m praying for the Lord to raise up a Joseph or Daniel to help him.

         Even so, presently we are no doubt in a very grave situation in our nation with a President who has, at the very least, shaped by some bad influences. If Obama is a Muslim, this could mean that the things being done that are eroding the core strength of America could be intentional, not just done out of ignorance. That would make it treason of the highest order. I’m not there yet. Even so, drunk drivers may not have wanted to hurt anyone, but they hurt nonetheless, and the core strength of our nation is being devastated right now. So what do I recommend? The first thing we should always do—pray. As we read in II Chronicles 7:14:

     If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (NKJV).

     Wicked and/or immature leaders are a judgment from God in Scripture. At the very least we have immature leadership. Above anything else, we must return to the Lord, humbling ourselves and seeking His face. Wise, mature leaders are favor from God, and we need to have His favor return to our land. The greatest victory of all could be Obama’s illumination and conversion, which could lead to him becoming one of our great Presidents. Above all, pray for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to move upon our land.