Apr 30
Rick Joyner

In the last Morning Star Journal, Rick shared that Bob Jones had given him a word several months ago saying that we were “returning to 1989.” The Lord told Bob that many things that had happened in 1989 would once again take place in 2001, and we would receive opportunities to pass many of the tests that we had failed in 1989.

Receiving opportunities to pass failed tests is great news for folks like myself who made some major blunders in 1989 and desire to progress to the next grade this year. It has often been said that we never fail the Lord’s tests—we just take them over again until we pass them. This scriptural principle still rings true today, and in our case, twelve years have passed since we last walked upon this ground.

I was recently reminded of the famous “burning bush” recorded in scripture that caught the attention of Moses and invited him to “turn aside” to witness how it could burn without being consumed (see Exodus 3:3). Simple curiosity on the part of Moses quickly drew him into an experience with God that forever altered his life and the lives of millions of Hebrews. From the midst of the bush and on holy ground, Moses received directions on how God intended to use him to free God’s people and take them to the land of promise. It was also at the bush where God redirected the ministry of Moses from shepherding another man’s sheep, to delivering His people. Bushes are prophetic symbols that often appear in scripture just prior to the Lord releasing deliverance to many. Out of a thorn bush, God spoke to Moses and an entire nation was delivered from slavery (see Acts 7:30). It was a thorn bush that served as a crown, woven around the head of the Messiah that delivered people of every nation, tribe, and tongue for eternity. Today, God may use President Bush or various other bushes as messages to communicate to His people about the coming deliverance.

In a far less dramatic fashion than Moses received, the Lord recently spoke to me from the midst of a holly bush with thorns. On April 6, 2001, just before our weekly School of the Spirit meeting in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, I walked out the front door of our building to look at a new outdoor light fixture that had just been hung by our head usher. Under the “burning” light, something suddenly caught my eye from the midst of the bush as I passed by. Like Moses, I too was drawn to see what was inside. Reaching into the bush, I pulled out an unread newspaper that was still in its original plastic cover. Removing the plastic revealed dozens of bugs that began falling to the ground around my feet—bugs that had obviously been enjoying this news for quite some time. Most of the paper had been devoured, but the majority of the headlines and the title of the paper had not been consumed. To my complete surprise, the paper was a Wall Street Journal, dated June 5th, 1989! For nearly twelve years this paper had been waiting in the holly bush, while thousands of people (including myself) had walked past it.

Two headlines that were still readable immediately caught my attention. One article was entitled “China’s Harsh Actions Threaten to Set Back 10-year Reform Drive,” and the other article was titled, “Jobs Data Show Economy Slowing Down.” Recent events related to China’s actions surrounding a downed Navy plane, and concerns about our economy reflect that 1989 is certainly happening all over again. It would seem appropriate to pay attention to some of the events that took place in 1989 so that we can make every personal adjustment that the Lord reveals to us, and pray earnestly for the church and our President during this crucial time for our nation. Apparently, the church is not the only one retaking tests from 1989. In 1989, George Bush, Sr. was the President of the United States. In 2001, his son, George W. Bush is the President of our nation. Although they are two entirely different men and two different “Bushes,” America under “Bush” leadership is being confronted with similar political situations and problems that surfaced in 1989. The US policy supporting the nation of Israel, US response to China, and a possible economic slowdown in the US are just a few examples of the difficult issues that both George Bush, Sr. faced, and our current President is facing.

Similar to the message that God gave Moses from the midst of the bush, I believe that the Lord is preparing many different “bushes” in 2001 to grab the attention of His people for the purpose of speaking to them and sending them to deliver others. We need to pay attention to God’s distractions. If we missed him in 1989, we have another opportunity this year. I believe the “holly” bush speaks of “holiness” for us. The Lord is looking to draw the plastic off of us and bring us to a place of holiness, so that He can send us into Egypt with the revealed “good news” of His kingdom. God will use people who lack eloquence, but have a heart of love, to go to the lost in His name, doing the works of Jesus with signs and wonders (see John 14:12). Many of the deliverers that God is now calling will appear past their prime and out of place. Several of these are people who have been living in obscurity for years, faithfully serving the Lord’s household, and shepherding others in dry places. Some of those who have laid down their lives to help watch sheep owned by another are now going to be released to set free many who have been enslaved by the world.

The year 2001 is a tremendous opportunity for us to be expectantly looking for the Lord to speak. This is a year to turn aside and respond to His drawings, pass tests that we have previously failed, experience Him in brand new ways, and receive direction about setting others free.