May 30
Rick Joyner

One of the cities where we will see a concentration of forces will be Atlanta, Georgia in 1996. During the American Civil War it was prophetically spoken that “the battle for Atlanta will decide the fate of the South.” This prophecy proved to be true. There were many more spectacular battles during the war, but possibly none that proved more strategic in deciding the war.

Lessons from History

Through 1864 the anti-war movement had been growing dramatically in the North, while General Lee and his Confederate Army at Richmond held their ground and inflicted terrible losses on the Union army that faced them. When it looked like popular sentiment was going to topple Lincoln’s government and the Union resolve to continue the war, a breakthrough was desperately needed. General Grant, unable to defeat Lee, sent his Western forces around the Confederate rear to take the city of Atlanta that was supplying the Southern army by rail.

After days of intense fighting it looked like the Battle of Atlanta was going to be another impasse, which would have been a defeat for the North. Then General Sherman concentrated his reserves at Jonesboro, just South of Atlanta, for one last major thrust. There was a breakthrough and the Confederates were forced to abandon Atlanta. With the supply lines broken, Lee’s position at Richmond was untenable and his army began to collapse. The Battle of Atlanta did seal the fate of the South. The spiritual battle for Atlanta will be of the same kind of strategic significance. The key to victory is to create a major spiritual breakthrough that cuts the supply lines of the enemy.

Assaulting the Spiritual Forces of Darkness

Atlanta is now the cultural center of the South and a true world-class city. Cultural centers often reflect their spiritual significance, as culture is a reflection of prevailing spiritual powers. The South is still one of the enemy’s greatest strongholds for one of his most effective lies keeping men in darkness—RACISM. There have been significant advances against the forces of racism in the South, and there may be less racism in much of the South now than in the North, but there has not been a victory over this terrible enemy of truth and righteousness. We cannot settle for advances, we must assault the forces of darkness until they are completely eradicated, or there will be no peace.

An Approaching Spiritual Conflict

It is no accident that the Olympics came to Atlanta in 1996. Just as the Olympics represent the contest of the best athletes, or physical forces from all nations, cultures, and races, what will be taking place in the physical will be just a reflection of what will be happening in the spiritual realm. The cultural and spiritual forces of the world are still being assembled in Atlanta for one of the ultimate spiritual conflicts.

A City for God

In 1996, the Atlanta Olympics was a great spiritual opportunity for the church to engage and breakthrough some of the enemy’s most powerful strongholds. There was a concentration of forces to a degree as believers from all over the world came to the city with the purpose of reaching the athletes for Christ. Even though some great victories were won, significant advantage was not taken from them. The victory in Atlanta cannot be won until the church leadership does three things:

  1. Begin to have a vision for the city, and not just their local works.
  2. Like the High Priest carried the stones of all of the tribes of Israel on his heart, the leadership in Atlanta should begin to carry all of God’s people in Atlanta on their heart.
  3. Councils of the spiritual leadership of the city should lay aside other agendas to put a high priority on first sitting together on a regular basis, and then linking together in God’s purpose for the city.

If the present spiritual leadership of the city does not do these things, a leadership will be raised up that will. The Lord has laid claim to this city and will have it. He is now seeking those who will agree with Him in His purposes there.

Since that time the church in Atlanta has suffered significant setbacks instead of a breakthrough. Those who will go forward with the Lord in His purposes for the city must go forward, and those who do not will go back. This battle is not over, and it certainly has not been lost. Some of the church’s important future leaders are now being raised up in the Atlanta area, and many spiritual reinforcements are on the way.

The leadership of the church in Atlanta will grow in strategic wisdom and vision. The best soldiers will be defeated if they do not have good generals, and the best generals will still be defeated without good troops. Both are needed in Atlanta. A great spiritual breakthrough in Atlanta will result in other strategic breakthroughs around the world. We can all be a part of this victory by praying for and supporting the work there.

Great fortresses of truth are being raised up around the perimeter of Atlanta. These need to build strong links to the inner city churches and ministries. To the degree that the churches in the Atlanta region will link up and work together, increasing anointing and spiritual authority will come. The test for the leadership of this city now is the willingness to put a higher priority on the higher purposes of the Lord for their city.

Other Related Battlegrounds There are strategic spiritual relationships that either have formed or will form between the church in Atlanta and Germany, Africa, and Israel. These links are very important for Atlanta.