May 30
Rick Joyner

New Zealand is one of the great missionary nations on earth. If the size of a nation was based on the good it has done on the earth, New Zealand would be one of the largest nations on earth. In heaven, New Zealand is one of the most important nations, providing us with many leaders who are the true salt and light of the world.

It is because of the great missionary calling on New Zealand that it may seem hard to sustain spiritual advances at home. For New Zealanders, the world is their land of anointing, and because they are called to go forth, the fire and light that will burn in the churches at home will be related to their devotion to missions.

New Zealanders are called to be like the adrenaline of the body of Christ. They will be sent especially to the lukewarm to light fires of renewal and revival before they are lost. New Zealanders have had, and will continue to have, some of the most effective ministries to the youth and children. At the end, many nations will recognize their debt to New Zealand and her missionaries.

As racial reconciliation proceeds in New Zealand, the church will prosper in all ways and spread good will over the earth. Her greatest enemy is apathy. Her greatest strength is zeal.