Sep 10
Rick Joyner

September 11, 2001 is called “the day that changed the world forever.” It has also been called a “defining moment” in history. Now we must ask two questions. Have the changes been good? How have we let these events define us?

If you are wondering what good could come from such diabolical acts, it is understandable. However, Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” We know this is true for individuals, but can it be true for a nation as well? It can. In fact, the “Great Commission” was to go and make disciples of nations, not just individuals. Certainly personal salvation, and our personal relationship to the Lord is crucial, but we must not overlook His purposes for the nations as well.

Does America Have a Special Covenant with God?
First, there can be a difference between having a destiny and having a covenant. There is also a difference between having promises from God and having His oath that He will certainly bring a thing to pass. In some ways the confusion around this is the result of our English language not being as expressive in some areas. Many of the “promises” of God are invitations with conditions attached to them—they are not oaths. They could be looked at more in the way that when we say someone has “promise” we are saying that they have potential. Most of God’s promises are only oaths if we meet the conditions.

America has not only been possibly the greatest, the most righteous, and the most benevolent nation in history, there is no question that it is the result of God’s blessing on the nation. Our greatest times can yet be in the future. American is not the New Jerusalem or the kingdom of God, but it can have a unique role in preparing the way for both.

However, if we are going to base our beliefs on Scripture, then the answer to this question of whether we have a “special covenant” with the Lord is the answer is “No.” The Lord has a covenant with all nations, and will bless them according to their righteousness, and judge them according to their iniquity, but the only nations in Scripture that He has a “special” covenant with are Israel, and the “holy nation,” His church.

Many make claims to America having a special covenant with God because of the way some of the first settlers and some of the founding fathers committed the land to the Lord. This was true, and certainly a good thing that brought blessings, but a special covenant with God is something very different. We must recognize that the Lord did not bind Himself by a single covenant that He did not initiate, and we have no evidence of the Lord initiating a special covenant with America. Even so, He has greatly used America, and we have enjoyed special blessings because of righteous deeds and righteous behavior. We have also suffered tragedies because of unrighteousness.

Where Are We Headed?
My point here is that if September 11 was a time that changed us, will these changes lead to more righteousness and blessings or judgment? This one year anniversary is a good time for reflection on the events, and their effect. They did change us, but were the changes good? There is a saying that if you do not change your direction you will end up where you are headed. Did the changes point us in a direction that we want to be headed in?

The immediate effect of the tragedies of last year seemed to bring the best out in the American people. There were many genuine heros. There was a unity that sprung forth that made us care for and want to protect our fellow Americans in a way not realized since World War II. The weekend following September 11 saw record breaking crowds filling churches. Over the following weeks both God and the devil were talked about more openly in the media than ever before. Prayer went up from public places and schools everywhere.
A few weeks later there were less attending church than before September 11. The further we get from the attacks the less mention there is of God. On September 11 America woke up, but quickly hit the “snooze” button and rolled over again.

We rightly felt that democracy and freedom itself was under attack, and indeed it is. If we do not win the war against terrorism, the worst form of bondage will come upon this nation and the world. After the initial clarity and resolve, both have waned since. Will it take another catastrophe to wake us up?

In place of clarity and moral resolve there is a strange fixation on Saddam, with every attempt being made to vilify him again. Certainly our leaders may be privy to information that the rest of us do not have that would justify this fixation. However, someone has to make a much better case for attacking Iraq than has been made to date or we will lose the rest of the moral high ground in the war against terrorism, and we will then be in serious jeopardy of losing the war.

It is understandable that if Saddam does have weapons of mass destruction, and has intentions of using them, we are morally bound to try to preempt it. Not only is Israel possibly under a serious threat at this time, so is the rest of the Middle East. With weapons of mass destruction, Saddam could do in minutes what it took Hitler years to do. Certainly it is right for our leaders to weigh these possibilities, and if there is a real threat for this to happen, they will be the greatest heros of all if they prevent it.

However, if Iraq is not a real threat to attack its neighbors, and we attack Iraq without clear evidence that it was, we will possibly have made one of history’s most tragic political mistakes. Even if an attack on Iraq is the right thing to do, but it is not done right, it will make the United States look like Iraq did when it attacked Kuwait, the bully and villain that the rest of the world abhors, not to mention galvanizing the forces of terrorism with a new resolve, and quite certainly, much greater support.

The stakes in this issue are infinitely high. Iraq is not Afghanistan. Even if Iraq is proven to have weapons of mass destruction, this is not a moral sin in the eyes of the world. We have weapons of mass destruction, and we too have used them. We can claim the moral purpose of using them to save many more lives that would have been lost had we needed to invade Japan, but Saddam can make the same claim for using the poisonous gas against the Kurds. He can say that he gassed a couple of small villages to prevent the loss of many more who would have died had the conflict continued. If Saddam was really seeking to gain these weapons to use against Israel or his neighbors, why didn’t he use them during the Persian Gulf War?

There may be good answers to these questions. Iraq may not have had good delivery systems for using them during the war. However, just having weapons of mass destruction has never been a cause for us to attack another nation. I am not here trying to defend Iraq, but without clear evidence, and a clear case being made for attacking Iraq, we may have just started “punching the tar baby” and have been completely distracted and neutralized from getting the real enemy that has our nation under assault.

There may be a serious threat to world peace if we do not attack Iraq. That case is yet to be made, but it could be true. There is also a serious and real threat to world peace if we do attack Iraq. If we do attack Iraq we will be successful, but it can leave us in a much weaker position than before, morally, politically, and economically. There is a very real possibility that this weakened position will cause us to try to appease the rest of the world by starting to turn away from one of the best and truest allies that we have ever had—Israel.

There is much more to this issue than we have briefly covered here. This is what our leaders are now facing, and why they need our prayers for wisdom like never before. Even if the nation continues to sleep, the church must wake up. We are in desperate need for a clear trumpet call that can both rally and impart the resolve that is going to be needed to win the war that is still very much undecided.

What Does God Say?
The above was just to dust off the issues. Now to the important matter: what does the Lord have to say about them? Though I have inquired of the Lord concerning the situation with Iraq, I have only been given that it is a far more dangerous situation than we are now perceiving. Concerning both Israel and the United States, I was given the same word. There is a common bond that must not be broken between them, but even more so, their bond with God must be restored. Isaiah Chapters 1 and 2 will soon be coming to pass.

Where Will the Next September 11 Be?
Decisions and actions that are made this coming year will decide our future in important many ways. Conflict and confusion is ahead, the one with the clear vision from the light will prevail. Repentance for our sin and turning to the Lord, is far more important than any political decisions we can make. We must remember that the Holy Spirit moved upon the chaos in the beginning and brought forth a beautiful creation, and He can do the same for any confusion or chaos that we are in if we will turn to Him. What is coming will be one of the greatest opportunities for the Holy Spirit. Psalm 32 is a word for us all:

How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!

How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in
whose spirit there is no deceit!

When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning
all day long.

For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me; my vitality was drained away
as with the fever heat of summer. Selah.

I acknowledged my sin to Thee, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, "I will
confess my transgressions to the LORD"; and Thou didst forgive the guilt
of my sin. Selah.

Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to Thee in a time when Thou mayest
be found; surely in a flood of great waters they shall not reach him.

Thou art my hiding place; Thou dost preserve me from trouble; Thou dost
surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel
you with My eye upon you.

Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose
trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, Otherwise they will not
come near to you.

Many are the sorrows of the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD,
lovingkindness shall surround him.

Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous ones, and shout for joy, all you
who are upright in heart.

A great move of repentance is coming to America and to Israel. If we will judge ourselves we will not have to be judged.