Aug 10
Rick Joyner

     The national debate on health care is rising in intensity every day. This is very encouraging—Americans are waking up, getting informed, and becoming engaged. Truth and light are the “divinely powerful weapons” that can have a much greater impact than any military force. As light has been shown on the health care bill, it is creating a remarkable awakening.


     Health care is a major issue, and even though this present bill could be a disaster for the nation if it passes, almost everyone agrees that some kind of change is needed in our health care system. Currently, most of the passion is against something (and this is right); however, once this bill is stopped, let us not lose our passion, but turn it into something positive and constructive. The awakening that is taking place is an opportunity for something extraordinary to be done. There are answers to the great issues of our times. We will address some of these in future Bulletins, but for now we need to look at some issues that have been exposed by the present controversy that is in many ways much bigger than the health care bill.

     One thing we do not want to do is demonize those we disagree with, even if this is happening to us. Some good is in the worst people and some bad is in the best people. Good intentions can be mixed in with the evil, and often in people’s minds those good intentions are what they justify their actions with, but the actions are still evil, and the actions are what must be stopped. Even so, let us always keep in mind that people are not our enemies, as is clear in Ephesians 6.

     I can appreciate those who think my language is too incendiary in these Bulletins when I use such terms as “totalitarianism,” or when I make references to Hitler and Stalin. It is not my purpose to unnecessarily ratchet up the passions, but I do think they are relevant, and we need to understand the clear lessons of history when governments are given too much authority over people. Even so, I confess to having wondered myself if I had not gone too far in some of my statements, so I prayed for the true nature of what we’re dealing with to be revealed. My prayer was answered much faster than I was expecting. I am now much more confident than ever that I am right about the dangers I see, and I will be even more bold in my warnings. I am not angry at any person, even those I think are being used the most to do evil, rather I am praying for them.

     That being said, when people have ulterior or evil motives, at some point they will always tip their hand. Conservatives, and especially Christians, are being demonized by the Obama Administration, and totalitarian control is being sought in ways that are abundantly clear. The list below includes some of the ways this has been made quite clear in the last few weeks:

1) The White House requests informants to send them the names of those who speak negatively about the health care bill. This is nothing less than an enemies list and a remarkably blatant attempt to build a culture of fear in order to stifle dissent. The shock and outrage about this is just beginning, but it is already being publicly called one of the most serious threats to the freedom of speech ever.


2) The Department of Homeland Security put out the infamous memo basically declaring that all evangelical Christians, as well as a high percentage of all Christians and veterans, are potential right wing terrorists. Of course, they did not use the term “evangelical Christians,” but they said those “who believe in the biblical prophecies of the end times,” which does include virtually all evangelicals, as well as a high percentage of all other Christians. At the very least, this has to greatly disturb all Christians and cause great distrust in their present government’s intentions.


3) The U.S. holds a joint exercise with several other nations to combat terrorist attacks. The attacks they simulate are from “right wing terrorists.” Think about that. The world has suffered just one attack in history from one who could be a right-wing terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, and all the rest around the world have come from Muslim extremists, yet this whole exercise is about stopping right wing extremists.


4) Car dealers who logged into the program to apply for the “cash for clunkers” find a notice that by doing this the Federal government claims ownership of the dealer’s computers and all of its contents. The outrage about this was swift, and the Administration quickly removed it, but this is the kind of thing which reveals an obvious pattern that we have to be blind not to see.


5) Families who had car dealerships for generations had them recently canceled, only to be given to others who had no experience in the business. Claims are being made that those who lost their dealerships were Republicans, and those who received them were Democrats. I have not seen conclusive proof of this yet, but there are investigations going on, and if it proves true, it is going far beyond Chicago machine politics to being Chicago gangland politics.


6) The declaration by Nancy Pelosi that those who are so vehemently declaring their opposition to the Administration’s health care bill in town hall meetings are “un-American.” What does this say about what the Speaker thinks of the First Amendment’s right to free speech? Why did the Speaker never raise this issue when this kind of thing is done to conservatives, which have been much more frequent? Some of the protestors may have gone too far in expressing their outrage, but to call them “un-American” for exercising their basic right to free speech is over the line. To his credit, President Obama distanced himself from Speaker Pelosi’s comments, saying that “loud, boisterous dissent is part of the American experience.”


7) The removal of every mention of Israel on the website of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. There is plenty about the Palestinians and other Arab groups, which there is nothing wrong with, but to not have a single mention of Israel on the website of our embassy in Israel does say a lot. One of the basic reasons for all of the blessings we have known as a nation is because of the Lord’s promise that those who bless Abraham’s seed will be blessed. However, those who curse Abraham’s seed will be cursed. This is an ultimate issue for America, not to mention the fact that Israel has been one of the best friends that America has ever had. From one end of Israel to the other, the Jewish people wept after 9/11, while there was dancing and rejoicing in the streets of our Arab “allies.”

     I do not like conspiracy theories. I have yet to see one proven true, and the only fruit that I have seen from such theories has not been good. At the very least, these make people paranoid, which is a terrible spiritual and mental bondage. As a child, I was subject to someone with extreme paranoia, and I realize this can cause me to go too far in the opposite direction, not wanting to ever see fear used to control people. However, it is more than that which compels me to think the best about people, not the worst—it a basic Christian mandate in I Corinthians 13.

     I have been taken advantage of at times because of my devotion to this. However, I consider it better to have this happen, take some losses, and grow in the most basic Christian discipline of forgiveness than to become cynical, and therefore not be able to love people the way we’re called to do. This resolve has caused me to feel that it is my Christian duty to hope for the best for Obama as President. Believe it or not, I still think that is the right thing to do, and I am still resolved to do this.

     I remain thankful to live in a country that would elect its leader from a minority that represented only 12 to 14 percent of the population. I was and remain grieved by the President’s stands on some social issues, but he is our President, and I sincerely wanted and prayed for his success, and I continue to do so. I do not, and have not ever thought that he was totally evil, but I do feel that he is being used to open the door to evil in our country. I have been deeply grieved by the recent Bulletins I’ve had to put out, but the evidence is too overwhelming that something is seriously awry in the Obama Administration and the very fabric of America as we know it. That America has been and can continue to be possibly the greatest nation in history is now in jeopardy.

     A wonderful example of the kind of discernment that we need is found in the movie, The Fellowship of the Ring. When the hobbits meet Strider, who becomes their most faithful friend and protector, he was so hard and uncompromising that they did not like him at first. Their real enemy who had come to kill them came across much more likable. Frodo had a great revelation. In his words, Strider “seemed foul but feels fair,” but the other, who was indeed the enemy, “seems fair but feels foul.” For all of the Obama Administration’s talk of how they want to help everyone, provide health care for all, which may indeed be a goal, and then they also say taxes are not going to go up and they are just having to fix the mess that they were left with—it is feeling more and more foul. We don’t have to go on feelings. We now have proof.

     I hate to keep bringing this up, but how about all of the lies we have already been told? Remember the one about there not being one single earmark in this bill? There were over 8,000 earmarks in that bill! How about, “The federal government is not going to go into the car business.” You have to be beyond stupid to not see that owning 60 percent of General Motors is being in the car business. How about the promise that he would do everything in the daylight and that he would never sign a bill that had not been posted on the government website long enough for us to read and comment on it? He has not even wanted to give Congress enough time to read these bills! Obama made all of these statements with a straight face looking right into the camera. Are we now supposed to believe him when he looks in the camera and tells us that there is nothing in the health care bill about euthanasia? Can we believe anything he’s telling us now? Does he really think America is that slow or naïve? The wakeup that is now going on in America is evidence that the American people are far more astute than they are being given credit for.

     I can’t blame America for voting for Obama. He is likeable, with a wonderful, lovable family. I really wanted to vote for our first black President, but could not because of his stand on some issues that I cannot compromise, but I was very proud to be an American on Inauguration Day. I think it will always deserve to be one of the great days in American history. Even so, we have to be the most naïve on the planet to continue believing in the change he is trying to impose on America. Change is needed, but not all change is good, and we’re headed to a terrible conclusion if we keep going the way we’ve gone under this Administration.

     Our most basic and cherished freedoms are being threatened. We should be thankful that many more people are waking up to this every day. What grieves me the most is that the evidence is quite overwhelming that this is being done in a planned, calculated way. I studied Marxism for a few years, and was a Marxist for a time before I became a Christian. I turned away from it even before my conversion to Christ because I could see that its idealism did not match practical reality. However, I can quickly recognize the basic Marxist strategy to use crises to seize control. I am not ready to call Obama a Marxist, but he is most definitely a socialist, and there are startling similarities between the Marxist playbook and the one that is being used by this Administration to gain increasing control of the American people.

     It is hard not to become fearful, or angry, but we must resolve that we are not going to do either. However, neither can we stop warning the people if we are going to be faithful watchmen or do all that we can to protect the people we’ve been entrusted to watch over.

     It was shocking to discover that when the Soviet Union fell, the KGB never considered the CIA their true counterpart, but rather the IRS. They felt that it was the IRS that had the real control over the people. Provisions are in almost every piece of legislation now being promoted for totalitarian type control. By speaking out the way I am, I have no doubt made myself a target, but I resolved a long time ago that I would rather be falsely charged and go to prison rather than see my country become a prison. It is most encouraging to see so many others obviously resolving to do the same. It would be better to die than to see my children, or their children, have to live under a totalitarian regime. The evidence is becoming more clear daily that this is what we are threatened by.

     Too many have paid a dear price for us over the last two and a half centuries to let all that they sacrificed be lost on our watch. Seeing the way that Americans are waking up and standing up against this health care bill is giving me increasing confidence that it will not happen. However, there are many who still must wake up and stand, if we are going to be able to draw back from the precipice we are now tottering over.

     As stated, this health care bill actually goes beyond totalitarian control and could prove to be life or death for many Americans, especially the elderly. I don’t think there is doubt in anyone’s mind who has studied the bill and who knows about health care, that rationing would happen fast, if not immediately after this bill is passed. The simple math establishes this—the present health care system is already stretched too thin, and millions more will be added to the system immediately. We also have the factor that if its “free,” why won’t everyone go to the doctor for every little thing, which they probably would not do now because they have to pay for it. Just from a management standpoint, this bill is so terribly designed and badly thought out as to its consequences that it might actually cause the collapse of the whole system quickly. Through this crisis, we may be looking at the ultimate form of controlling people, which the present Administration is obviously trying to do in many ways. This has to be stopped.

     If the government is having a hard time managing the “cash for clunkers” program, how does anyone think they are going to be able to manage something as complex as the health care system? I think it would be a much better idea to have the health care system take over the government. As bad as health care needs correcting, it is now run much better than the government is. Just the thought of all of our doctors, nurses, and health care professionals becoming government employees should have us crying, “NO! THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!”

     Again, very few people are saying that the health care system does not need change, and even some profound changes, but not all change is good. It is encouraging that Americans are standing up and letting their voices be heard. I can understand the outrage and anger many are feeling, but as Christians, we must not let anger control us. Satan will not cast out Satan. Rage will never cast out evil. We should treat all people with dignity and respect, especially those who are in authority. We must also keep in mind that in America, the government is supposed to be “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” so we are the ultimate authority and should be treated with dignity and respect too. This should start with telling us the truth.

     We must stand up for truth with the resolve to never compromise. We cannot overcome evil with evil, but we can overcome evil with good. As I have quoted often, “If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed.” Support of the Obama Administration is melting away quickly, possibly faster than any previous Administration. Without major changes in direction, the Obama Administration will likely be considered one of the worst in recent times, if not the worst ever. My prayer, and my ultimate hope, is that change comes to Obama first and he does become one of our great Presidents.

     Before I became a Christian I consider myself to have been far worse, prone to evil in every way, and an antichrist, but the Lord had mercy on me. My whole perspective on everything changed when I was born again, and that is my prayer for all who are in darkness. I earnestly pray for that same mercy and grace to come upon Obama, but I will also not cease to sound the alarm at the unprecedented dangers I see. I am not doing this in anger at anyone because I don’t think that any person is our enemy, but as we are told in Ephesians 6:12:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual
forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

     Because of this reality, we must stand for truth boldly and without compromise, but understand that passing laws, or not passing them, is not going to remove the evil that seeks to destroy all people, through any means. If we are going to win in the heavenly places, we can’t let ourselves be dragged down into the dirt to fight.


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