Feb 5
Rick Joyner

        America is not the kingdom of God, and it is definitely not the New Jerusalem. Even so, many nations have been called by God for special purposes. After years of studying American history and the founding of our Republic, His hand in our founding became clear to me. America has a purpose in preparing the way for His coming kingdom.

       The kingdom of God will not be a democracy, but a kingdom. It will be built on many of the freedoms that are foundational to America’s strength and accomplishments. People were created to be free, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The coming kingdom will be the world’s Jubilee. Like the biblical year of Jubilee in which all debts will be cancelled and all inheritances restored, this will happen for all mankind.

        In Isaiah 40 we see that we prepare the way for the Lord by building a highway. America is part of that highway. While other nations have a part in this too, my primary calling is to my own nation. With the crisis America is in now, I am focusing on its part although the same principles can apply to others. Though America has had many great crises that have threatened our existence, they have all resulted in a great advance toward our ultimate purpose. The present crises can do the same. As we are engaged in building our part of this highway, the favor and blessings of God have been upon us, and it is His way to save the best for last. We must not give up on our country now. We can be sure that God has not.


Crises = Opportunity

          For many years we have been saying that each year would be more challenging than the last. I don’t think we have been wrong yet. What can we expect for 2014? It will be even more challenging too, but that does not mean it will not be a great year. Keeping in mind that victories don’t come without battles, and no great victories without great battles, this is the year we can expect some breakthroughs and a turning. Now is the time to see these crises/opportunities and prepare for them.

          2013 gave us shocking revelations, unprecedented in American history, of the government’s use of the IRS to intimidate and control political opposition, domestic spying by the NSA, and the building of an apparatus that could be used for totalitarian control even beyond the imagination of the authors of 1984 and Animal Farm. The year ended with ObamaCare collapsing, the Administration reeling, stock markets soaring, and the politically incorrect Duck Dynasty rising in popularity far past the President or any other politician. We can learn much from these signs.

          Not everyone who stood up for Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty agreed with him. However, there was a rising agreement that he had the right to say what he thinks without being penalized. Repulsion to political correctness is on the rise as well as a refreshing embracing of anyone with clear speech and the courage to say what they actually think. This is certainly a good sign.

          The revelations of our government’s domestic spying apparatus should have caused the greatest outrage of Americans. The relative passivity of Americans about this is troubling. However, there are also signs that people are waking up to this threat as well.

          As the saying goes, “If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed.” Therefore, we will look at these and other major revelations that are illuminating ultimate issues with serious consequences. We will do this using a slightly modified version of The Three Great Questions:

Where are we headed?

Where should we be headed?

What can we do about it? 


Where Are We Headed?

          First we need to understand that where our government is headed may not be where the people are headed or want their government headed. There is a growing disconnect between the will of the people and the Federal Government.     

          We must also understand that you can be a liberal and not be a socialist. You can be a socialist and not be a Marxist. One of the most destructive deceptions at this time is to judge others, especially other people groups, by their most extreme elements. That being said, America’s turn to the left has gone past classical liberalism toward socialism, with momentum towards Marxism.

          The Federal Government has been steering us in this direction, although the general population of America remains steadfastly on the conservative side of moderate. A recent study revealed that those who identified themselves as liberal actually increased by 10%. However, that was from 17% to 27% with more than twice that percentage identifying themselves as conservatives. America remains a basically moderate nation, slightly leaning toward the conservative side.


Democracy is Being Destroyed

          Even though America still leans slightly to the conservative side of moderate, that may never again be reflected in voting without election laws that protect the validity and sanctity of the vote. Consider these facts:

          In every swing state where voter I.D. was required, Romney won in 2012. In the major swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania where no voter I.D. was required, dozens of precincts had 100% of the vote go to Obama. Some precincts counted more votes (all for Obama) than there were registered voters in the precincts. This is simply not possible. As even the Democratic Party pollster Patrick Caddell stated, “This election was within the margin of fraud.”  


Where Should We Be Headed?

          The American Republic must be restored. The Constitution must be restored as the supreme law of the land.


What Can We Do About It?

          There must be a general education about the Constitution and a resolute insistence that those who hold public office in any form keep their vow to defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic. Restoring the integrity of the vote is fundamental to the true will of the people ever being done in America again. How can we require an I.D. for buying a pack of cigarettes and not require one to vote?

          Overwhelming evidence shows that the 2012 election was not a legitimate election. Increasing doubt will be cast on every election from now on if basic voter I.D. laws are not implemented with all voter fraud being considered a serious felony with serious penalties, and serious enforcement.

          Voting is the foundation of democracy. To the degree that this most basic of all rights, upon which all of our other rights depend, is so abused, we no longer have true democracy in America. We should challenge the legitimacy of any election where voter I.D. is not required and enforced. Even the U.N. observers declared that it is not possible to have a legitimate election without voter I.D.

          Those who promote voter fraud by being against voter I.D. should be considered the enemies of our Constitution and of democracy that they are. If there is to be freedom, then the most basic right of every American—to have their vote count—must be restored. Our votes do not count if we continue to allow the level of fraud now common in our elections.

          The Secretary of State of each state is the one who authenticates elections. It was reported that the Administration invested far more heavily in this office than the Republicans, and in some states, more than they did in the governorship. Why? Obviously, this is a position where the utmost integrity is required to preserve integrity in elections. Without giving this position the importance it deserves, major voter fraud will continue.

          Laws should be passed and enforced that any government official who compromises the integrity of any election is guilty of treason—because they are. Voter fraud is the most basic attack against the American Republic and the Constitution.


Truth is Built on People of Truth

           We can have the best form of government and still have bad government, if we have people without integrity running it. We cannot expect those who would gain their position falsely to govern fairly, honestly, or without corruption. We will not rid our government of growing corruption without restoring the integrity of the vote.

           In a democracy, the people are the sovereign and the government works for the people. With the erosion of our Constitutional moorings, the government has been increasingly brazen to force its will on the people. The Revolutionary War was fought to throw off this tyranny, and it is this tyranny that our Founders encouraged citizens to rise up and throw off again anytime it manifests in our government.

          In fact, that was the reason for the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms was not for hunting or recreational target practice, it was specifically for the purpose of keeping citizens armed and able to overthrow any tyrant or tyranny that sought to impose itself on the people through the government. 


Another Revolution/Civil War?

         Some think another revolution or civil war could never happen in America because a majority of Americans would never allow it. It would not require a majority, or even close to a majority, for this to happen. Marx was right when he declared that a tiny percentage of the passionate would rule the majority who are indifferent. This was proven when just twenty thousand Bolsheviks overthrew the Czar and took over Russia, a nation of millions and one of the strongest countries in the world at the time. 

         During the American Revolutionary War, roughly 30% of colonists were in favor of the Revolution, and only a small percentage of those actually participated in the conflict. Another 30% were loyal to the king and steadfastly opposed to revolution. The remaining 40% of the people tended to drift from one side to the other depending on who it looked like was winning, or they turned against one side because of the atrocities they were committing.

        The revolutionaries during the American Revolution were liberals. The conservatives were loyalists to the British crown. The definition of liberal and conservative has changed since then but, after over 250 years, we continue to have the same general political breakdown: 30% liberal, 30% conservative, and 40% in-between. The American Civil War had a similar breakdown, and the acrimony is growing as it did before both of these two most terrible conflicts.


It Is Still About Slavery

       Signs are strong that if we are not soon drawn back together as a nation, we will be torn apart. The basic issue dividing us continues to be slavery. This is not about a single people group being enslaved, but whether we will all become slaves of the state or remain a free people.

       Many have attempted to give the impression that slavery in America was less cruel and diabolical than it really was. Some slave owners may have been relatively humane in their treatment of slaves, but the key word here is “relatively.” Slavery itself was inhumane and diabolical, and the American form was as bad, or worse, than what was found anywhere in history. The point is not to stir up old wounds, but to make a connection to the totalitarian slavery America is headed for if we do not change our direction. Neither Hitler nor Stalin had the technology for the kind of totalitarian control apparatus that is now in the hands of the U.S. Government. In the hands of the wrong people, whether from the right or the left, the kind of totalitarian control that could be imposed on America would be worse than has ever been known before.

       The revelations of 2013 regarding the use of the IRS to suppress political opposition is the worst abuse of power since the Civil War, and to date, there have been almost no political repercussions for it. Recent news reports say that the IRS is planning on handing out hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to “increase the morale of the agency.” Well I guess millions of dollars could help just about anyone’s morale! Certainly not everyone in the IRS should be implicated in the suppression of conservative groups. Many IRS agents and employees are faithful public servants. Even so, this could hardly be a more “in your face” insult to the victims of IRS abuse and a clear revelation of just how callous the IRS remains.

        Then we have the revealing of domestic spying by the NSA: the U.S. Federal Government not only developed the most sophisticated and comprehensive totalitarian control apparatus in history, but they are already using it against U.S. citizens.

        With the revelation of this apparatus, we cannot help but wonder if this is the reason why blatant violations of our Constitution by our Federal Government surface continually, yet only a few of our elected representatives, who vowed by solemn oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, have the courage to protest it, much less seek the impeachment and maybe even the arrest of those responsible.

       The Supreme Court found the Affordable Care Act (ACA) constitutional on the basis of a decisive vote by Chief Justice Roberts, that it was in fact a tax which no one could understand, and which Roberts could not even explain. How could we not believe that someone had gotten to him? Was he threatened with the revelation of something about himself or a family member that is now being used to control him? Nothing else seems to make sense of Judge Roberts’ decision.

       This will now be a cloud that hangs over all government officials—they are being controlled to keep them from speaking out or possibly voting as they would like, because something is being used to silence them. Just the threat that NSA information is being used in this way greatly erodes the trust of citizens in their government.


The Power Grab

      The Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA or ObamaCare) is the single biggest power grab in American history, and if fully implemented, could result in the worst tyranny ever. Just as rat poison is 98% food and only 2% poison, ObamaCare is filled with elements intended to appeal to almost everyone, but a most deadly poison is sown throughout it. Senator Rand Paul warned this in his letter released February 4:

President Obama’s NSA was caught spying, collecting, and storing data on virtually every American citizen.

And some are now saying the “ObamaCare” database may end up being even worse.

But I’m afraid the worst spying and data collection scheme of them all could turn out to be the massive National ID database buried deep within the so-called “Immigration Reform Bill.”

       Do you remember early in President Obama’s first term when he implemented the “Cash for Clunkers” program? The auto dealers logged onto the government site to take advantage of this and found that they had to agree that their computers and all of their contents became government property upon signing up. This requirement created such an immediate outcry that the Administration quickly backed off. However, they have not stopped using every means to seize private information on American citizens. A pattern persists in this Administration that you would have to be intentionally blind not to see.

       ObamaCare is not likely to ever be fully implemented. If we were shocked by the mismanagement of the website, the actual implementation of this law would be beyond even that. We can expect the outrage to continue to grow as millions lose the health coverage that President Obama promised they could keep. Outrage will grow as all others end up paying many times more than they were paying only to receive even less coverage, while the quality of our healthcare system continues to erode under the present mismanagement. We will not just be losing our freedom and our money, but many lives will be lost as this impossible red tape machine gets loosed upon America. Even if the ACA gets tabled soon, it has already infected the country with enough poison to be devastating.


America’s Lifeblood

             America’s strength was built on the freedom that released human initiative. This was summed up as the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Elements in the ACA attack all three of these basic freedoms at their roots. Just the threat of the ACA has dragged our economy to a virtual halt, costing millions of jobs, and will cause millions more to be laid off or dropped to part-time status.

            Those who promoted the ACA, and forced it upon America against her will, may not have intended to destroy our economy. Even so, the madness of this worst-ever devised legislation will accomplish this by mismanagement. If the government cannot design and run a website, how can it run the entire healthcare industry? This has now gone beyond Einstein’s definition of insanity—we actually need another word for the madness we are being subjected to by our government.

          If healthcare really was the Administration’s purpose with the ACA and not the control of the people, why was the IRS assigned to police it? The intent and ability of the IRS to suppress dissent has now been clearly exposed. Through the ACA, the government will have access to all of our financial records, as well as the authority to withdraw from our accounts at will. Then, as was illuminated a few weeks ago, we now know that buried within this law the government is given authority to seize the assets of estates to pay the medical costs of the deceased. Wasn’t the insurance supposed to do that? With the implementation of the ACA, Americans can kiss inheritances goodbye.

          We no longer have a government that is of the people, for the people, or by the people. Totalitarian control is reaching its tentacles deeper into our lives each passing day. Will we change our course, or will we end up where we are headed?

          We will change our direction. We will have a Jubilee. Our inheritance will not be stolen, but restored.