Dec 10
Rick Joyner

         The “Great Commission” was to make disciples of all nations, not just individuals. This discipleship is defined as teaching them to observe everything Jesus commanded. This is not only an unfathomably huge task, it is an impossible one. He commanded many things that are impossible for us so that we would need Him. We must always keep in mind that nothing is impossible with Him, and He does not expect us to do anything without Him. All He is looking for is willing partners who will put their trust and dependence on Him. When we see something impossible that God has called us to do, know that this is the place where we will see miracles.

         So are we seeking to make our country a Christian nation? Absolutely—without apology and without compromise. The Bible teaches this and history confirms it. Consider this about our history: After the discovery of “the new world,” the southern European nations that sought to colonize it turned entirely toward Central and South America, where gold and treasure had been found. This left North America unclaimed and open to the northern European nations, such as Britain, Germany, and the Dutch. To establish a colony, a charter had to be issued by the government of the country. The charter given to the first English colony in North America was “for the propagating of the Christian religion.” When the first English colonists landed at what is now Virginia Beach, they planted a cross in the sand and prayed this prayer:

             We do herby dedicate this land, and ourselves, to reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the  kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this land, along with England, be evangelists to the world. 

         We see in Scripture that The Lord gives great weight to the decrees of those in authority on earth, even with heathen kings such as Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, and others. This is because “the heavens are the heavens of The Lord, but the earth He has given into the hands of the sons of men” (Psalm 115:16). For this reason, The Lord accepts our decrees and commitments, and treats them as solemn.

          We also see in places such as Numbers 16:38 and 18:19 that the things dedicated to The Lord are holy and cannot be used for profane purposes without serious consequences. Because our nation was dedicated to The Lord for the purpose of sharing His gospel “to the world” by those who had the authority to make this decree, this remains and will always be our main purpose.

         At the burning bush, Moses was shown the consequences of throwing our calling down. He was told to cast his staff, which represented his calling, to the ground. When he did it became a serpent and chased him until he picked it back up again. The same happens to every person, every church, and every nation that seeks to cast away their calling—it will turn into a serpent and chase them until they pick it back up again.

         One of the most important things we must do to prepare for the reset that is coming in the form of another Revolutionary/Civil War is to resolve that we will take up this mandate again as a nation—and that we will never again throw it down. We are not a post-Christian nation, but a Christian nation, and we will be to the end. Just as Israel had many deviations from its purpose—and always paid the price of bondage to the nations around them—we too have had our own apostasies and times of turning from God to follow the heathen nations. This has always led to terrible consequences.

         Even so, when the people cried out to God, He was faithful to send prophetic voices, revivals, and awakenings to turn us back to Him. Now is the time to cry out to Him for the turning of our nation back to our ultimate purpose, and for Him to send us wise, godly leaders who will help keep us on the path we have been called to follow. 

         In the writings of the Founders, and many other leaders since that time, we find that they understood that The American Republic was a Christian nation, and they were not apologetic about it. They also resolved that no particular stream within Christianity would be able to dominate, and that this freedom of religion was at the core of all of our freedoms.

          They also rightfully maintained that those of other faiths would be treated with respect, have the freedom to practice their faith according to their conscience, and not be penalized or discriminated against under the laws of this land. They understood that there could be no true religion under compulsion, and there could be no true worship without the freedom not to worship. This too is a core principle of who we are called to be—the place where there is LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

         Jesus preached repentance because the kingdom of God was at hand. He wanted people following Him because of the Light, not out of fear or seeking to escape their hard lives. When He is lifted up all will be drawn to Him. That is the main thing that will result in the main thing being accomplished in our lives, our churches, and our nations—Jesus being lifted up.

New Era

Harley Davidson