• Dec 8
    Week 49
    Freedom to Believe—Heritage Brief 49
    Rick Joyner

         Many of the first colonists to North America were Christians and Jews seeking freedom from religious persecution. Some were Christians who may not have been persecuted, but had a vision for establishing a truly Christian nation in America. These were joined by others who were given a reprieve from prison sentences, and some who had their debts forgiven. There were also some just seeking a new life and adventure, but the common denominator for all was that America represented a new beginning. To this day, this remains the main draw for those who want to come to America.

         Even with the great dangers faced by the original colonists in what was a primitive wilderness at the time, the hope of freedom that America represented was worth the risk for those who came. The whole world was still under some form of a feudal system in which everyone was born into a caste or class that was nearly impossible to escape from. For nearly everyone, the major factors of their life down to smallest details was determined for them at birth. However, in America your life could be what you made of it by your own initiative and resourcefulness. 

         This new world was a major contrast to the old, and in many ways remains so to this day. However, all of the freedoms that have made America like no other nation on earth are under threat today. The question is if we are going to continue to be a true Republic and control our government, or are we going to let it take control of us? Will government be our servant or our master?

         The way America was founded and developed resulted in a unique and remarkable spirit in the Americans that became known as “American individualism.” Americans did not see themselves as cogs in a system or subjects of government. They saw themselves as individuals who trusted themselves to know what was best for their own lives. They believed they needed to instruct and guide their government rather than the other way around. 

         Even though most of the American colonists left something negative to begin a new life in America, they came filled with vision and hope of building a new and better world. They knew it would be hard and dangerous, but the freedom was worth it. Freedom is the oxygen of the brave and the bold, and that’s what Americans became known for, and those are the kind of people it drew from all over the earth. 

         For over 400 years America was known to be the most positive, visionary place on earth. However, in recent years both polls and studies have named America among the most negative countries in the world! What could have possibly caused this dramatic shift in the basic nature of Americans? Understanding what caused this terrible change is crucial if there is to be a recovery of our faith, vision, and even to remain a sovereign and free nation as many enemies stand ready to subjugate and plunder what has been the most powerful, wealthy nation in history.

         The pioneering, resourceful, and overcoming nature prevalent in America from the beginning is now becoming rare. More Americans are expressing a willingness to trade their freedom for more personal security. However, the present chaos in our government, and in our streets, is awakening many Americans to the fact that those who have promised security through their plan of appeasement are the least capable of delivering peace or security. Tyranny always comes in the form of a “bully spirit,” and you can never appease a bully. If you show any weakness, the demands of the bully will be magnified. The only way a bully can be stopped is to stand up to it with a fierce resolve. 

         The sowing of fear, doubt, and confusion about America as a nation was a planned strategy for wearing out her resolve. It was patiently and systematically spread throughout the land like a deadly spiritual pandemic. To find a cure for any disease we must begin by understanding the disease. This disease has especially attacked our vision and our heart by using “Satan’s cord of three strands,” which we began to address in the last Heritage Brief, Darwinism, Freudian psychology, and Marxism. 

         America was founded by those with a resolute faith in God, and that He had a specific destiny and purpose for “the new world.” Darwin, Freud, and Marx all attacked faith in God, but also the faith people had in themselves as having been made in God’s image as creative and resourceful. Such clarity was exchanged for a belief that we were only here by random chance, and that the “survival of the fittest” required that the strong rule over the weak. This meant that only the state could be trusted to make decisions for individuals or for humanity in general. Thus, faith in the state and its institutions replaced faith in God. 

         How has that worked out for us? Any thinking person would challenge the idea that any government in history has been proven worthy of such trust to micro manage our lives and our world as a whole. What government in the world today has even proven able to manage itself? 

         Studies on U.S. government bureaucracies have shown that from less than 30% to as little as 10% of the resources appropriated to them reach the needs the bureaucracy exists to meet. The rest is consumed by the ever-expanding bureaucracy to feed itself. Such revelations on the nature of modern government is why Reagan stated the obvious truth, “Government is not the answer to our problems—government is the problem!” 

         We do need government for some things that only government can do, but for all other matters that governments attempt to do has resulted in devastating waste and increasingly oppressive control. The wisdom of our Founders was that government must be limited, and its limits constrained by a Constitution that was “the supreme law of the land.” When government becomes our god so that we put our trust in it instead of God and we begin looking to it as our provider, we begin to lose our own resourcefulness and become increasingly dependent on government. When this happens, government becomes the biggest threat to our liberty and keeps us from being who we were created to be, and who we can be.

         It is noteworthy that Darwin, Freud, and Marx have all been debunked by science and their own track records, yet, they continue to be sown into the fabric of American society through public education, the media, and arts and entertainment, as well as members of our own government. The main reason this has been successful is not for what they accomplished, which has been the opposite of what they promised, but it has been because of the power of their propaganda.

         This three-pronged attack on our basic humanity was done with characteristic brilliance and subtlety by the devil who has had the experience of trying to destroy God’s work for so many millennia. However, God has an undefeated record, and always will. This ultimate strategy of the devil to remake man in his image while debasing the image of God in man will end up being another brilliant Divine trap for the devil. The God who began a good work in mankind, in America, and many other nations, will complete it. The ultimate victory of light over darkness is certain.

         In future Heritage Briefs we will examine how both science and history have debunked Darwin, Freud, and Marx. We will contrast the devil’s strategy with God’s purpose for mankind, for our nation, and for us as individuals. 

         Leaders who excel are those who motivate to produce excellence through inspiration, not threats or manipulation. Unknown

         If you do not know where you’re going you’ll end up somewhere else. ~Yogi Berra

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© 2020 by Rick Joyner. All rights reserved.