Aug 8

      For those following the ascending/descending topic I wrote about last week, I haven’t forgotten where we left off. But there’s a more urgent matter we need to discuss today.

      This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.      

      During July, we had an acceleration of prophetic fulfillment. Things we have been prophesying from MorningStar Ministries for two or three years have been fulfilled. What's going to matter over the next few months is how well you can hear God’s voice—not my voice but His voice. I think we're in a time of prophetic acceleration, and there's much more to come. We need to prepare, but without getting into fear. There is a difference between being in fear and being prepared without fear.

      We are about to see a significant economic downturn. I have been saying this for a while. This is one of the things in the Rebirth of America Dream and one of several traumatic events that could trigger the loss of the “baby,” America. The U.S. jobs report on August 2 came out with the lowest levels of job growth since the pandemic, and we saw the Dow already begin to slip this week.

      I do not know as of now who is going to win the 2024 election. God has not shown me, and I've said that repeatedly. I personally know what I think is best for the nation and best for how I align my values and beliefs, but God has not shown me. As of right now, I do not feel peace about this coming election.

      Without getting into details, I think the party that told us Trump is the biggest threat to democracy just did a coup against the sitting president, Joe Biden. I believe the elites from Hollywood pressured him out financially, and Democratic Party bosses pressured him out of office. They hid his condition from us until they couldn't hide it anymore. They then gave us a candidate, Kamala Harris, who hasn’t received a single primary vote. I have nothing against her personally; I am certainly not against her because she's a woman or because she’s a person of color. I think we will have a woman president someday, but I hope she has a different set of values than the current Democratic Party candidate.                                      

      The media is baiting Trump with crazy questions to get him to hurt his own campaign, and they are covering up Kamala Harris’s record. Every person needs to look into her past comments as a politician. The Democrats have undemocratically selected—not elected—a party nominee and are hoping people will vote against Trump's personality instead of voting against her policies. She is the most liberal, anti-Christian candidate we have ever seen run for president in the history of this nation. This isn't a personality contest; it's a policy issue.

      As of now, the baby, America, is at risk of not making it to full term. We have got to pray like never before. There is an economic crash in the future that I think that could be much worse than 2008. That is just around the corner. I saw a red October and a black November.                              

      I think we're on the brink of significant challenges for our country, including an expansion of war in the Middle East involving Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Lebanon, and Israel. Unless we pray, Israel is about to get hit hard, then Israel will hit back hard. I've been prophesying for years that a nuclear development would be struck in the conflict between Israel and Iran and that Israel would attack back with her allies.              

      I also saw that, between now and the election, there will be a Chinese embargo or an attack on Taiwan from China. I also saw a potential threat of a coalition of China, Russia, and Iran—particularly China and Russia—working together to hit the U.S. power grid and affect our technology. That would ultimately impact transportation and communication. Please hear me: These things can be changed through prayer.

      I also believe there are soon-coming terrorist attacks in the United States, and I think churches will be targeted. We have got to pray like never before, because we are about to come into some turbulent times. I'm trying not to get you in fear, but I'm telling you that whatever you're worrying over today is not what you will be talking about in a few months. I'm saying all of these things in the fear of the Lord to warn us to be prepared.

      Please hear me: We are on the verge of World War III, and we are on the verge of Depression like we were in 1929. Whether that is prolonged or put off will be determined by how the church responds the next three months—September, October, and November. Whether it comes sooner or later depends on us how many of the people of God are ready for the challenge. Our prayer and preparation will make a difference in this hour.       

       So, God, give us wisdom. I ask that you would help us as a nation to see past what the media would project to us. Help the silent majority to rise up and speak before we become the resistant minority. Give us grace and help our nation and help our elections coming up in less than three months. God, please intervene, because whoever ends up winning the presidency will spend the four years of their presidency trying to turn this economy around and trying to bring peace to the world.