Oct 15
Rick Joyner

      Some consider it dangerous to seek revelation from angels, since cults and sects have started that way. That is true, so we need to acknowledge and learn how this has happened to avoid the same mistakes. It is dangerous to receive revelations from angels, but probably not as dangerous as not receiving them.

      Almost everything we do is dangerous, but we don’t stop doing everything because of it. If we are wise, we learn how to do things safely. Driving a car can be one of the most dangerous things we do, but we don’t stop driving cars because of the danger. We learn to be as safe as possible when we do. God created angels to serve those who are heirs of salvation. Do we not receive counsel or understanding from other people? Surely it would be much safer to receive them from angels than other people!

      Only those who are led by fear more than by faith would think to stop doing anything that is dangerous, as that would be just about everything. Those who think this way are already deceived in many ways, and they are wide open to more deception. We must have more faith in the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth than we have in the devil to deceive us. As someone once said, “Fear is faith for the things you don’t want.”

      If Daniel and John needed angels to instruct them, who are we to think we don’t? We are instructed to “test the spirits,” and we should. However, we must not reject angels whose job it is to minister to the heirs of salvation. As we approach the end of the age, we are going to be having more interchange with angels, because we will need them even more. We must get used to it. As you may have already sensed, I am trying to prepare you for angelic visitations. They are coming, and we need them in these times.

      It is more dangerous not to understand the book of Revelation than to seek understanding of it. We must seek this, and all understanding, with the humility that depends on the Holy Spirit to lead us to the truth. To be ignorant of what God obviously has given us to navigate through the times is far more dangerous.

      But why has the Lord made it so difficult? If He had wanted this life to be easier for us, He would have bound and cast the devil into the lake of fire immediately after His resurrection. The trials and tribulations He allowed are because He is still seeking those whose hearts have been proven true to Him, so as to rule and reign with Him in the age to come.

      God’s truth is the most valuable treasure on the earth, and what makes something a treasure is that it is rare and/or hard to find. This difficulty separates those who just want the truth, but do not love the truth enough to relentlessly pursue it, from those who do value it as unparalleled treasure.

      As we are told in Proverbs 25:2, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” He is now the King of kings. Who are these kings over whom He is the king? They are the ones who will rule and reign with Him in the age to come. But God is not hiding His truth from us, but for us, so that we are able to prove our love for His truth.

      People will quit for almost any other motive than love. That’s why we’re told in 1 Corinthians 13:8, “Love never fails.” This could have been translated, “Love never quits.” Those who truly love the revelation of our God and His ways will never quit seeking it. Because of this, God will not let them fail, but will give to those who seek without quitting.

      Even though the pursuit of truth is challenging, to the lovers of truth, the reward of this treasure is greater than any worldly treasure. The exhilaration that comes with the knowledge of God and His ways is greater than any other. To know Him and follow Him is the greatest and most rewarding life we can have.

      One of the greatest satisfactions in this is the discovery of Him and His purposes in biblical prophecies. Some of the greatest of these are found in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Both Daniel and John were told these would remain locked away from human discovery until the end of the age. They are being revealed now because we have come to the end of the age, when this revelation will be needed by His people living at this time. He has saved some of the best wine for last.