Jun 6

      On March 9, I had what I called the “Rebirth of America Dream.” Well, I believe that was more than a dream. In fact, we're starting to see evidence of these events coming to pass. We have also begun to receive more clarity about a significant date the Lord showed me in that dream—July 11. We now know July 11 is the sentencing date for former President Donald Trump.

      On May 30, President Trump was convicted of 34 class E felony charges for “falsifying business records.” This is probably the biggest travesty of justice our nation has ever seen. We've crossed the line from which we can never return—the political prosecution of political opponents. It is telling that this case did not happen until after the first three years of the Biden administration had passed and Trump was preparing to run for reelection. Even talking heads on the left are starting to acknowledge this is unprecedented. It makes you wonder why they so badly do not want this man to win.

      The day after Trump’s conviction, May 31, I woke up weeping. I am not one who cries very often, but I woke up feeling very sad and asked the Lord why. Throughout the day, I had a reoccurring vision that there would be no limit to what certain people would do to stop Trump from getting to November. I do think he will have some success with appealing this court decision, but I saw in a vision someone attacking him. I saw Trump near a vehicle, and someone tried to take his life. We must pray against that.

      We need to pray more than ever before. We have to pray for our nation, and we have to pray that God will protect all of the candidates. I don’t want to see President Joe Biden harmed either. As I mentioned in the 40 prophecies I first shared in 2022, I do not think Biden’s term is going to end the way it normally would, but I don't mean harm against him. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if the chaos continues in August at the Democratic National Convention.

      I don't think the attack on Trump is the last traumatic event we could see happen. In the “Rebirth of America Dream,” I saw a 16-month period starting with the eclipse on April 8. After the eclipse, there were forty long weeks of pregnancy, with intense birth pangs happening before the delivery. There were complications before and after the birth. Since the conception happened around April, nine months later would have the baby born in January 2025. January is also typically when the presidential inauguration takes place.             

      I also saw that, right before the U.S. presidential election this November, it was almost like there were false contractions. It seemed the baby would come prematurely, but somehow it was delayed. So, the baby was born in January 2025 and placed in an incubator for several months after. The baby lived, and it was beautiful. The dream ended with me seeing this baby lying in a maternity ward wrapped in an American flag. The baby was in a little bed with a name tag at the top, and the name of the baby was America. I believe this dream showed the rebirth of America. At the end of the dream, it was July 2025. It seemed like most of the chaos ended in the nation, and things were starting to heal.

      When I originally shared the “Rebirth of America Dream” in March, I said there would be a literal shaking at the time of the April 8 eclipse which would be a sign it wasn’t just a normal eclipse. On April 5, a 4.8 earthquake hit the New York and New Jersey area, and an earthquake of that size had not happened there since the 1800s.

      Then, July 11 was also highlighted to me on the calendar. There are two Julys in that 16-month period from April 2024 until July 2025. However, we now know that July 11, 2024, will be significant because of President Trump’s sentencing. This is the first time in history that a U.S. president is being sentenced for a crime. Assuming they keep his sentencing on that date, it is going to be chaotic. I see an economic, political, and literal shaking coming in this pre-election event.

      So, we have lot to pray for and pray against. The Lord has also highlighted the date August 11. There's something about that date as well for which we need to pray. We need to pray for protection and grace and divine intervention on both July 11 and August 11, 2024. As I mentioned, I have felt a warning to call the people of God to pray against someone trying to take Trump’s life or attack him. Please pray against that and any other potential planned event that would try to thwart what God wants to happen. We need to pray that the baby—America—survives this. We don’t want to see the purpose of God aborted before it’s born.

      When you receive a prophecy, a dream, or a vision, you get bits and pieces of the full picture. Remember, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:9, “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” A lot of people are frustrated when you don't have the whole picture right away; they discredit or minimize it because it comes in part. However, we are also told to pray for His will be done “on Earth as it is in heaven” (see Matthew 6). If our prayers align with God’s will, the timing of prophesied events and how they happen may be altered by human behavior or prayer. Some prophecies are warnings of what's going to happen unless we pray. So, please keep those things in prayer. Pray for God to help America.