We knew that we would get a lot of response to our last bulletin, but we really were not prepared to get as much as we did. Expecting it to be as much as 50% negative, we were surprised that it was over 99% positive. We also have had requests for almost 50,000 additional copies, and they are still coming in. It does seem that this message struck a responsive chord in the body of Christ. It was also encouraging that most who disagreed with our positions in that bulletin, responded with such grace and maturity. Some challenged us...
“Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy ... and be turned into another man.” (I Samuel 10:6)
The following article is the result of a prophetic dream given to Paul Cain on November 2, 1992, the night before the election. In the dream Paul was told that Bill Clinton was about to be elected president and was given some of the Lord’s reasons for allowing it. Paul was also shown the headlines that would appear on five specific U.S. newspapers the day after the election. These were...
It is encouraging to know that God often calls or speaks to men and movements more than once. He spoke to Abraham more than once, Moses and others more than once. Stephen’s great sermon recorded in Acts chapter seven is a summary of the continual moving of God throughout Israel’s history. Stephen points out how every one of the leaders sent by God were rejected the first time, but accepted the second time.
God is Speaking the Second Time
The history of Israel and the history of the church reveal how God speaks to His people...
The Scriptures frequently use military metaphors to describe our spiritual conflict because the principles are similar. One of the oldest and most effective military strategies is called concentration of forces. This strategy was employed for many in the most decisive military victories in history, including the recent Persian Gulf War. This strategy is about to be employed by the church to accomplish some of the most spectacular spiritual victories realized in centuries.
The Battle for Hearts
Battles usually unfold along lines of confrontation. From these lines each side will try to maintain defensible positions while...
Significant events which take place in the natural often reflect what is happening in the spiritual realm. The Persian Gulf War is such an event. It is essential that we understand this war because the prayers of the church can be more powerful in effecting world events than all of the politics and weapons combined. Effective prayer moves God, and He is the One who controls the affairs of men. The following are a few of the natural parallels which I believe we should consider in relation to their spiritual applications:
1. When it is time to