Jun 30
Rick Joyner

We are well into some of the most interesting, challenging, and dangerous times in human history, and will continue to experience them daily. In order to survive, much less prevail in the times ahead, we must start to perceive the future more clearly, and take proactive steps to be prepared.

The church must also take more proactive steps to engage in what is unfolding if we are to be the light and salt that we are called to be in our times. The gospel has made the greatest advances in its history in the last two decades, but in the West and many other countries, it has been pushed to the very fringes of existence, and can retreat no further. Indeed, it will not retreat any further. The recapturing of lost territory will begin now, and we will see many great spiritual victories in America, Europe, and the Middle East.

To be the salt and light that we are called to be, we must understand the times, and the darkness and corruption that we are called to confront. After reviewing a few of the basic principles of what is now unfolding, we will address some specific principles of what we must do. We can know in great detail what is happening, and what is going to happen, and still be overcome by the times if we do not apply the faith and truth that we have been entrusted with.

Our Battle

As the Lord said in Matthew 13:39, "the harvest is the end of the age..." The harvest is the maturing and reaping of what has been sown in the hearts of mankind. This includes both the good and the evil. All the seeds that have been sown in man are now coming to full maturity. As these mature, the battle between them will rage from one end of the earth to the other. Understanding this most basic conflict will be necessary to understanding the world in the times ahead.

We must also understand that there are other ways to deal with conflict than to fight them head on. There is a way to actually win some fights by refusing to fight, at least until the time is most advantageous for us. Every general knows that choosing the battlefield can give the greatest advantage in any battle. Many of the great military victories in history were won by generals who repeatedly refused to be drawn into a conflict until the battlefield suited their strengths, or magnified their enemy's weaknesses. This is something that Christians must learn.

Too many needless defeats have come because Christians have allowed themselves to be drawn into conflicts on the basis of issues rather than by a true leading from the Lord of hosts," or "the Lord of armies." Most of the ground that has been lost by the church was lost because the devil was allowed to choose the battlefield, and/or the timing of the battle, and God's people ran ahead of Him to engage in it.

Of course, the Lord and one faithful person is an overwhelming majority against the entire host of the enemy, but we must understand that for the Lord to fight for us we must be in obedience to Him. He insists on being the Commander of the host. Any army that is not disciplined, or under the authority of its commander, is not likely to win any battles. We have lost too many battles with this kind of foolishness, and cannot afford to lose any more. We must, above all things, learn to be submissive to the Head.

A More Powerful Weapon

We must also understand the most basic spiritual truth Paul wrote about in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Because of the increasing conflict and fears that are spreading throughout the world, it is more important than ever for us to find, and abide in, the peace of God. Christians, who serve the One who is above all rule, authority, and dominion, should have a profound peace in the midst of any circumstance.

This is one of the foremost characteristics of one who is truly abiding in Christ. They will have a peace that is beyond human understanding.  This peace will increasingly give Christians a great advantage in the coming times. It will cause them to become a marvel and calm in the midst of the storms that will turn multitudes to the Prince of Peace.

We are told in Romans 16:20 that "...the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." This is very interesting since the title that the Lord uses for Himself more than ten times as that of other titles is "Lord of hosts," or "Lord of armies." He is a martial Leader, but what crushes Satan is not His martial power, but His peace!

We know that if God just wanted to destroy the devil, He could do so with the blink of His eye. The Lord Jesus could have destroyed the devil immediately after His resurrection. However, He did not do this for our sakes. Conflict is one of the greatest tests of character and what works maturity in us faster than anything else. The Lord does not want it to be easy for us, or He would have made it much easier. What He is seeking is for us to learn and grow from every conflict we face.

We must not waste our trials. Those who waste trials by not responding in faith or growing in the peace of God through them, will be increasingly overcome by the times. Those who use their trials to grow in faith and the peace of God will increasingly stand out as overcomers, and the world will turn to them for light to see through the darkness. The peace of God is one of the most powerful weapons we have been given, and to prevail in the times ahead, this must be understood and lived.

The Battlefield

We abide in the kingdom of God by abiding in the Spirit of God. When we abide in the Spirit of God, we will obviously manifest the fruit of the Spirit. The "peace of God" (see Philippians 4:7) is the linchpin fruit of the Spirit. By this I mean that if we lose the peace of God, we will quickly lose our patience, love, etc. When we lose our peace, we lose our footing in the Spirit, and begin to slide into the grip of the evil that is called "the works of the flesh" such as fear, anger, jealousy, etc. When we fall to these, we not only lose our own battle, but the devil has succeeded in getting us to change sides, fighting for his purposes. Instead of calming the storms of conflict in the world, which is the spirit of death's ultimate purpose, we add to it.

This is why almost every attack of the devil against us is first intended to rob us of our peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. If we are under His authority, we will not lose our peace. If we lose our peace, at best we will be drawn into fighting battles on the devil's turf, and on his terms. It is likely to get even worse so that the devil actually has us fighting his battles for him. His turf and his terms are basically to start fighting in the flesh, abandoning our "divinely powerful weapons" which will always defeat the devil.

We are told in Ephesians 6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." To summarize, when we lose our understanding of the spiritual nature of the conflict, we lose both the battlefield that we can win on, and the weapons with which we can win.

The obvious strategy of terrorism is to sow fear throughout the world, robbing the world of its peace of mind, and peace in general. The devil uses fear to bring people into bondage to do his will just as the Lord uses faith to set us free to do His will. These are basic counter-powers in the ultimate battle for the souls of men. That is why the peace of God, which guards our own hearts and minds, is what we must guard above all. This peace is rooted in our trust in God, His love for us, and His power to use all things to work together for our good (see Romans 8:28).

As fear continues to rise in the world, the kingdom of God will also grow stronger as His peace grows within His people. Again, it is fundamental to the coming conflict that we guard the peace of God which guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. DO NOT LET ANYTHING STEAL YOUR PEACE.

Regardless of how bad and confusing things get in the world, we can be sitting in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. From that place we will never lose sight of the fact that no matter how it may sometimes seem, we will win! We are already assured of ultimate victory. In the end, it will be proven that truth is stronger than any lie, and that the righteousness and justice of God are the guiding principles that true wisdom seeks.

So, the first battle will almost always be the devil's attempt to get us on his turf, or in the flesh, having departed from our position in the Spirit of God, which is maintained by abiding in the peace of God. Again, do not let anything steal your peace.

The Present Battle Array

I have given so much attention to the importance of abiding in the peace of God because of some of the things that I am about to share. If we become overly focused on these situations, instead of keeping our focus on the Lord and His ultimate victory, we will become gripped and controlled by fear. By that, the devil will at least win a victory over us personally, and that does not have to happen. However, if we do not understand the devil's schemes and learn how to effectively fight them, he will win far more than he should in this growing conflict.

Isaiah 30:25-33 seems to directly address the attack on the World Trade Center. Every verse is worthy of an in-depth examination, which would require a book instead of a bulletin. For now I ask you to read it carefully. We will examine a few of the more pertinent highlights in more depth, with my remarks being in parentheses after each verse:

And on every lofty mountain and on every high hill there will be streams running with water on the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall (emphasis mine).

(The great slaughter was more than just those killed in New York and Washington on September 11, but it began a time of great slaughter in the world. Even so, there will be streams of water on every lofty mountain and high hill. Mountains and hills often represent governments in Scripture, and water often represents the Word of God in Scripture (see Ephesians 5:26). This is the day when God's Word will be flowing to governments everywhere.)

And the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the Lord binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.

(The light and healing power of the Lord will be multiplied during this time.)

Behold, the name of the Lord comes from a remote place; burning is His anger, and dense is His smoke; His lips are filled with indignation, and His tongue is like a consuming fire;

(This is the time when the world will begin to experience the wrath of the Lord, and His words will be burning like fire.)

And His breath is like an overflowing torrent, which reaches to the neck, to shake the nations back and forth in a sieve, and to put in the jaws of the peoples the bridle which leads to ruin.

(This is the beginning of the shaking of the nations that is spoken of in Hebrews 12.)

You will have songs as in the night when you keep the festival; and gladness of heart as when one marches to the sound of the flute, to go to the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel.

(At the same time rejoicing will be known by God's people so that it will even seem like a festival in the midst of what is happening. Many will turn to the Lord as a result of this.)

And the Lord will cause His voice of authority to be heard. And the descending of His arm to be seen in fierce anger, and in the flame of a consuming fire, in cloudburst, downpour, and hailstones.

(Prophetic authority will greatly increase in His people. Usually the fulfillment of "the arm of the Lord"(see Isaiah 51:9) in biblical prophecy comes in the form of human armies. He does at times use natural events such as earthquakes, storms, etc., but it is most often armies.)

For at the voice of the Lord Assyria will be terrified, when He strikes with the rod.

(Biblical Assyria includes the territory from present day Iraq to Sinai.)

And every blow of the rod of punishment, which the Lord will lay on him, will be with tambourines and lyres; and in battles, brandishing weapons, He will fight them.

(Islam does not have inspirational music, and music will become a powerful weapon in this battle.)

For Topheth has long been ready, indeed, it has been prepared for the king. He has made it deep and large, a pyre of fire with plenty of wood; the breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.

(We will see fire consume many in this battle.)

War in Heaven, and on the Earth

God has established two types of government on the earth. One is civil government, and the other is His spiritual government. It is imperative that we understand the realms of authority that He has given to both of these, their distinctions, and their relationship to one another. In Romans 13:1-4, Paul addresses the purpose of civil authority: Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;

for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing;

for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.

I have heard Christians say that America and other nations should not retaliate against their enemies when attacked because of the Lord's exhortation to turn the other cheek when struck. We need to understand that civil governments have a different mandate than the one He gave to His church. Confusing these two mandates has brought considerable confusion through the centuries, and continues to do so. The Lord is preparing His church for ruling in the age to come, but we are not called to rule in this present age. That mandate has been given to civil governments until the Lord sets up His kingdom on the earth. Civil governments are "a minister of God" that "does not bear the sword for nothing," but is "an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil." Since we are commanded to pray for our governments, we should pray for them to be able to fulfill this mandate effectively, avenging evil, and bringing wrath upon those who practice evil.

Verse 29 speaks of there being songs and gladness of heart when the wrath of God is seen, so it is right to rejoice and celebrate the victories of good over evil. If we are in unity with the Lord, we will do this. It is a shame, and a tragedy the way that even our own news media has so focused on the negative aspects of the conflict in Iraq, giving almost no coverage to the good that has been accomplished. When good news is not celebrated, and bad news is, it should make it very clear which spirit is presently in control of the media. Do we even want to receive our information from such a source?

Right now, great victories for truth, righteousness, and justice are being accomplished by our armies, and it is right to celebrate them. There are problems, and everything is not being done perfectly. However, only the foolish or naive should expect them to be done perfectly on earth. In this present age, even the best solution to a problem is often only a little better than the worse solution, and both will be messy.

Even so, the ultimate result of the Lord bringing His judgments on the earth is rejoicing, and that is being done now by those who have understanding. It will increase as read in Psalm 98:1-9.

O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wonderful things, His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him.

The Lord has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.

He has remembered His loving-kindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre; with the lyre and the sound of melody.

With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.

Let the sea roar and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it.

Let the rivers clap their hands; let the mountains sing together for joy before the Lord;

for He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.

Rejoicing in the Lord is fundamental to those who understand Him, His ways, and His acts. God is working mightily through current events even if much of the media is trying to make it look like the devil is winning. Great doors for truth, righteousness, and justice are being opened in a part of the world which has known so little of these for so long.

Iraq really will begin to know truth, righteousness, and justice, and become a pillar of strength for its neighbors. Because the real war is not against "flesh and blood" (see Ephesians 6:12), but one of the strongest of all principalities in the spiritual realm, the war does need to be fought in prayer more than in the natural realm now. We must pray for our leaders and our soldiers, celebrating what they have accomplished, but not expecting them to accomplish that which is our part.the battle in the heavenly realm.

The Iraqi people, and indeed the Arab people, are some of the Lord's choice people, and will give us some of the greatest apostles and prophets in the last days. We must pray for truth, righteousness, and justice to be established over biblical Assyria. The ultimate result of present events will be the fulfillment of Isaiah 19:19-25:

In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord near its border.

And it will become a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them.

Thus the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day. They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and will make a vow to the Lord and perform it.

And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them.

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

The Big Reversal

For a time, it may look like the opposite is happening in the Middle East, but truth, righteousness, and justice will prevail there. The Lord deeply cares about all of the people of the Middle East. At the same time, many of the nations that have taken their freedoms for granted, that have turned from God as the only true Source, peace, and freedom, will see them swiftly eroding before being lost altogether. Europe is very close to suffering a future of more oppression and even more destruction than it suffered in the last century. Her leaders have been taking her down the path to a terrible future that will be far different from the one that they have promoted.

However, this dark future is not inevitable and can still be changed. Europe has learned very little from the conflicts of the last century and is still basically headed in the same direction that caused the previous devastation. Anyone who sounds the alarm is called an "alarmist," and is ridiculed and shunned. It is a good thing that America is now distancing itself from the general direction that Europe is taking.

American politicians that cow-tow to European leaders and want to lead America toward a closer alliance with her "traditional allies" would lead America to a likewise terrible future. Contrary to what these are promoting, the "Old World" is not the "traditional" ally of the New World. The New World should not try to follow the old. This is not to imply that we should not have any relations with Europe or align ourselves in the things that we do have a common interest in, but Americans should not be overly concerned when most European countries prove not to be true friends of America. Again, Europe is headed for a terrible future if it does not make a radical change to its present direction.

The EU and the Antichrist

Many Christians around the world view the European Union (EU) as the platform upon which the antichrist will seek world dominance. The EU is a godless, and blatantly anti-Christian, organization.

However, when viewing much of Europe's "Christian" history, it is understandable why so many Europeans want nothing to do with anything Christian again. Their history with Christianity is very different from that which is found in the United States, and other "new world," and even "third world" nations, yet they fail to make these distinctions.

Without question, some of the greatest souls to have walked the earth over the last two thousand years were European Christians. It was also European Christianity that gave birth to the greatest systems of government and justice in the world, which set the stage for the incredible advancement of civilization that the world has benefited from since. It is also true that some of the most evil, oppressive tyrants in history were also Christian leaders in Europe. These are likewise remembered not only by the general population of Europe, but by Jews and Muslims as well.

However, it is a fact that the strongest, most stable, and most free and prosperous nations on earth are almost entirely founded on the Protestant and Evangelical Christianity that was born in Europe. The reason for this is that the Reformation made salvation personal instead of corporate, the result of being a member of an institution. This focused on the importance and value of individual faith, instead of just membership in an institution, and gave infinite, eternal value to the individual, which gave birth to governments and systems of justice that upheld this view. This freed the creativity and initiative that has benefited the world. European statesmen likewise gave much to advance the civilization of the entire world. For these things we should be grateful, and it is right for us to honor our "fathers and mothers." Even so, the present generation of European leaders are not our fathers and mothers, and the other nations of the world would be very foolish to follow them in the way in which they are headed.

Much of Europe is in danger of an Islamic takeover much sooner than anyone has considered. Most European nations not only have large Muslim populations now, but traditional Europeans are aborting their children at such a rate that most now have negative growth rates. At the same time, Muslims are having very large families. By this attrition alone, many European nations will have a Muslim majority in a short time. However, there is another factor that will speed this up even more. When Turkey joins the EU, the floodgates to Muslim immigration in Europe will be thrown wide open, because there are open borders between all EU nations.

The pattern for Islamic takeover of a country has been seen repeatedly in Africa. The Muslim population remains very docile and compliant until a majority is reached. Then they become ruthless in their subjugation of the rest of the population. Anyone who does not understand the basic purpose of world dominion by Islam does not really understand Islam. Europe is their next main, natural target, and it is very likely that they will succeed to a great degree.

Germany and Britain - the Salvation of Europe

Germany, the nation that brought so much destruction to Europe in the last century, is the main hope for the salvation of Europe in this one. The European Union has been built on the back of the German economic strength, and the Germans have been willing to pay a very high price for inclusion into the European community. This is mostly the result of the continued guilt many Germans feel because of the Nazi regime, which other European leaders have learned how to manipulate. However, the price that the German people have to pay to carry this heavy burden for the rest of Europe is far more than their leaders told them, and the benefits are far less than they were promised. The German people will soon realize this. The awakening of Germany and all of Europe to what is happening to them by the EU, by opening the door wide for Islam, will be one of the ultimate sources of salvation for Europe.

The German people have a "martial gift." They are going to understand "the Lord of hosts," and they will follow Him. Germany will help stop Islam in Europe, and help save Israel, ultimately becoming one of Israel's best friends in the world. At least for a time Germany, Britain, and America will form a genuine alliance, and a much more natural one, and become pillars that uphold freedom and democracy in the world, along with many other partners.

What the enemy was able to use to bring so much destruction to Europe in the last century, conflict between Germany and Britain, may be the salvation of Europe in this century. Britain and Germany are natural allies, and together they can save Europe. We must pray for Europe, and especially these two countries. Both must cast off the guilt of the past, not forgetting its lessons, but moving ahead and using them as a moral compass. The British Empire accomplished far more good for the world than bad, and the same is true for Germany.

Africa and the New Breed

There is a new breed of leadership that will soon arise in Africa that is principled, and decisive. Africa will begin to unite, and through this unity it will prosper. It will also find ways to combine the best of both the European cultures and influences in its heritage with the best of Africa, forming a dynamic new engine of progress. This too is from the Lord.

Missionaries from Africa to Europe will also help lay a foundation for the Lord's deliverance for Europe. These are "bread upon the waters" that returned from the many great missionaries sent forth from Europe. These will have a moral clarity that many Europeans have lost. These missionaries from Africa may be viewed by many as "simple," because their education is different in many ways, but they will have the wisdom of the Queen of Sheba to know how to find true wisdom.

As Africa unites, it will become a powerful economic, political, and military force in the world. Reformation and Evangelical Christianity will reach new heights in Africa, and so will the democracies founded through them. There will be a mighty struggle for their birth and survival, but this too is a part of the process they must go through. It is Africa's time.

China and the Far East

China will also continue to rise until it becomes one of the most powerful economic, political, and military forces in the world. China will become increasingly desperate for Middle Eastern oil, devising a long range plan for controlling it. To do this, it must weaken America, and it is doing so by supporting the terrorism that is causing so much instability in the rest of the world. When it perceives that America is weak enough, China will march on the Middle East with the pretense of bringing stability to the region. However, their real purpose is to gain control of the oil. The Chinese will give no quarter to Islam, and will ruthlessly seek to wipe it out, along with Israel. It will be Israel, with God's help, that turns back China, which will ultimately result in the joining together of Israel, Assyria, and Egypt that is written about in Isaiah 19.


Russia is destined to have many struggles as it rebuilds after communism, but it will experience the greatest revival in history. Russia will likewise have a great conflict with China, and it will be devastating to both nations. However, Russia will become the source of some of the greatest moves of God in the last days. The Russian people will be blessed with great joy and spiritual prosperity from the Lord. Russia will become very rich in all of the true treasures, and in many ways the marvel and envy of the world.

The Collapse of the Present Energy System

Few are now talking about it, but before the end of this decade the world will have used more than half of its fossil fuels. This is a well known fact that no one seems willing to face. At the same time, consumption continues to climb at an increasing rate. One of the downsides to democracy is that they seldom face problems until they are at crisis level. This energy crisis becomes bigger every day that it is not faced, and when it cannot be avoided any longer, facing it will have devastating consequences to the world economy. Gasoline prices will multiply in a matter of months to over $20.00 a gallon in the United States and much higher in Europe and Asia.

At the rate the energy prices multiply, the standard of living will be falling. We are still a few years from this, and there are answers to this problem in alternative sources of energy, but these alternatives are not being developed at the rate that they should, and we are already quite far behind the curve. Solar power, wind power, hydraulic power, and nuclear power could already be reducing our need for fossil fuels by over 50 percent.

It is not likely that the world will start facing this problem as it should for another five to ten years, but when it does the changes will be rapid. If we are wise, we will begin planning for them now. Christians should be on the forefront of conservation, thinking fuel efficiency in all of our planning.

At the present rate of consumption, over half of the world's fossil fuel energy reserves will have been consumed in less than a single century. Think about how selfish we will have been to use up the world's energy like that! Christians who reverse their own consumption of energy will be doing the right thing, and this is how the wealth of the wicked will be given to the righteous.

If we stop running to the store for every single item, instead making lists and disciplining ourselves to go only once or at most twice a week, if we will carpool, buy efficient vehicles, and use public transportation whenever we can, we will begin to save a substantial amount right now. We should set a goal of reducing our own energy use by a substantial percentage each year, and use the savings to get out of debt. The ones who do this will be the ones who will have the financial reserves to buy when the world starts selling at bargain prices.

Our Great Need

In this age we can only "prophesy in part," and what I have presented here are a few brief scenarios that are obviously just a small part of the whole picture. I believe some of what I have shared here is fixed, and will certainly come to pass. I think some of the directions that some nations are heading can be changed by prayer, repentance, and/or revival. Presently, we are in desperate need of leaders who serve world leaders like Daniel did without compromising their beliefs, without defiling themselves with the world's food, who have the spirit of divine wisdom and revelation to understand the mysteries that the Lord is revealing, and a devotion to the Scriptures and biblical prophecy, interceding to see it fulfilled.

The world's problems are becoming increasingly complicated and dangerous. However, the answers to the world's problems are very simple. Man was created to rule over the earth, but to do so in fellowship with God. Without God we will inevitably come to a tragic end in anything that we seek to do. By the end of this age, all of mankind will have learned this lesson we cannot make it without God. We are in need of strong, wise, decisive leadership qualities that are only found by those who have built their lives upon the true wisdom of the fear of the Lord.

Many Christians, because of the numerous teachings and prophecies about the nature of the coming antichrist, have tended to shy away from any kind of strong, decisive leadership. Even if these teachings and prophecies about the nature of the coming antichrist are accurate, to shy away from strong, decisive leadership is the worst possible response to them. This only makes the vacuum bigger and easier for evil leaders to fill. Christians, who are followers of "the King of kings," and are supposed to be becoming like Him, should therefore be the strongest, wisest, and most decisive leaders on earth. This is stated in Daniel 11:31-32:

"And forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation.

"And by smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.

We see here that at the very time the "abomination of desolation" is being set up, the people who know their God are displaying strength and taking action. There has never been a more important time for strength and action by Christians. This is, in fact, the nature of true Christians. To be the "salt of the earth," or "the light of the world," one cannot be passive.

The New Leaders

A new breed of Christian leaders is beginning to emerge that is not seeking to build their own kingdom, but rather the kingdom of God. They are not seeking to use the people for their own interests, but are expending themselves for the sake of the people. They are not professionals or hirelings, who flee from trouble or confrontation, but they will be ready and willing to risk even their own lives for the people and the sphere of authority that has been entrusted to their care. They will not cower in fear at even the greatest threats of the enemy, but will walk in a manner worthy of their calling.in faith, courage, and integrity, standing for truth, righteousness, and justice without compromise or wavering.

As the world's problems are becoming so complex and dangerous, moral clarity is one of the greatest gifts that a leader can have. Because of the erosion of basic morality and integrity in much of the world, world leaders have become much more prone to choose the path of least resistance rather than seeking to do what is right because it is right. Therefore, when a leader does arise with basic and simple moral clarity, they will be hated and feared by a majority of the world's confused, opportunistic, and politically motivated leaders. Even so, the greatest leaders understand this, and will be willing to take the pressure to do what is right.

Because the world's problems are becoming increasingly complex, simple and honest solutions are almost always going to be the right answer to them, despite the ridicule and even rage they tend to generate in those who do not live by a clear moral compass. In the coming times, we will be given many choices between the morally wise and those who seem to be more worldly wise. We must start viewing moral clarity as the most important characteristic of any leader that we follow.

Ronald Reagan was a good example of this, and what can be accomplished in this fallen world. He was a relatively simple man, but his greatest strength was his moral compass. He saw right and wrong in black and white and he was devoted to doing what he perceived to be the right thing. It was this kind of moral clarity that started the cracks in the Iron Curtain and the collapse of communism one of the most diabolical and deadly evils to come upon the world. Communism was born through the philosophy of humanism combined with relativism. Such ultimate tyranny will always be the ultimate result of these.

Moral clarity and moral resolve will always push the darkness back. Martin Luther is one of the great examples of this in history. He was but a monk, living in a small village in a nation that at the time was broken and obscure. However, when Martin Luther took his stand on his convictions and refused to compromise them regardless of the consequences, the whole world changed. No conqueror in history changed the political landscape of the world as much as that one monk did by taking his stand for the truth as he saw it. Even though he was not right about everything, and even had some very bad theology mixed into his beliefs, he did have moral clarity in a time when very few others did. Such will set the course of history just like he did. Such people are desperately needed in these times.

The Trouble Gate

The Lord made it clear that the end of this age would see the greatest times of trouble the world has ever known. However, this was not meant to be discouraging, but encouraging. We are told concerning the apostle Paul that he went about "strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, ‘Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God'" (Acts 14:22).Note that it does not say Paul went around discouraging the saints by talking about tribulations, but rather "encouraging them." Many today are bringing far more ultimate discouragement to the church by not addressing tribulations or troubles. The end of this age will know the greatest troubles because it will be entering the kingdom age. Troubles should always be viewed by Christians as a gateway to the kingdom an opportunity.

As we are told in Hebrews 12, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Everything that is not built on kingdom principles will not survive the shaking that is coming upon the world. However, it is encouraging to know that everything which has been built on kingdom principles will survive, and become the bridge into that age. Some governments will qualify and some nations will not experience a complete collapse.

We must keep in mind that "the great time of trouble" that is the end of this age is the result of man trying to run this world that God created without God. The ultimate lesson that mankind will learn from this entire age is our desperate need for God. His fellowship, His leadership, His wisdom, His mercy, and His grace. Even so, many Christians have foolishly swung to the extreme of thinking that doing anything is futile. For Christians not to do anything because of a fatalistic view that nothing can be changed anyway is one of the most tragic delusions of our times. We are here to be the "salt of the earth," and "the light of the world." This means Christians should have the solutions to the world's ultimate problems.

However, without exception, the solution to every human problem is the Cross and acknowledgment of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Regardless of how complicated the human predicament becomes, we must not allow ourselves to be beguiled from the purity and simplicity of devotion to Christ (see II Corinthians 11:3). This is the ultimate truth that we must never compromise or our salt will have lost its saltiness, and our light will go out.

As the most wise human leader that ever lived once wrote, "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day. The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble" (Proverbs 4:18-19). So if we are walking on the path of the righteous, which is the path of doing what is right, we should have increasing clarity and light until we are walking in the very fullness of the light. If this is not a basic characteristic of our personal lives, then we have somehow departed from the path. If this is not the basic characteristic of our church life, then we have somehow departed from the right path as a church. The same is true of a nation.

We most often get distracted from the right path by departing from the simplicity of devotion to Christ. Complication is the path that leads to darkness, and stumbling over what you cannot even see. The worldly wise are the most foolish human beings on the earth, but to the immature or undiscerning, they come across as wise and learned because of their comprehension of the complex. The truly wise may seem to overly simplify things at times, but they are the ones who see, and they are the ones who will enter the gate into the kingdom. Follow moral clarity above all things.


These are the times that the prophets of old desired to see, and we have been chosen to live in them. For all of eternity it will be a great honor to have been one of the saints to live in the last days. The Lord has saved His best wine for last. It will be one of the greatest of all human mistakes to be spiritually asleep through these times. For this reason, He is graciously sending another "Great Awakening" to wake up His people to the times that we are in. This awakening is already spreading across whole continents and has by no means finished its course.

We are about to awaken to the truth that true Christianity is the greatest adventure and the most fulfilling life that one can have on the earth. It is also the most difficult. Christianity is not for the faint of heart. As the times grow more intense, it will require increasing courage, faith, resolve, and endurance to continue in the faith. Even more than these, it will require increasing love for God, and an increasing love for one another. For this reason, those who stand through the times that are upon us will be numbered among the greatest saints who ever lived.

Recent church history reveals a pattern of great in-gatherings followed by great pruning, followed by even greater in-gatherings, etc. Like birth pangs, these cycles are becoming more frequent and more intense as we get closer to the birth of the new age. This is the age in which Jesus will reign over the earth with His faithful who have stood true when tested.

The earth has also been experiencing its own birth pangs and the entire world is about to tremble with the struggle to give birth to the coming age. For this reason we will know the truth of Hebrews 12:26-29:

And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, And"Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven." this expression,

"Yet once more," denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe;

for our God is a consuming fire.

It is not wrong for us to love our countries and to seek to serve them, but we are entering a time when even the most trusted institutions created by man will be shaken. Only those that were born in the heart of God and have a foundation in Him, will remain. Even so, that which was added to them that was not from Him will be stripped away by the shaking. Again, that which was not born of God, regardless of how good it may seem, will not survive the shaking that is coming. We must build our lives and put our hope only on the kingdom of God that cannot be shaken.

The kingdom of God is coming to the earth and the Lord's will is going to be done on the earth just as it is in heaven. Regardless of how much we have been blessed, living in great places, having great jobs and lifestyles, if our hope is not rightly placed in the kingdom of God and our devotion focused on the kingdom above all things, we will soon prove to have been some of the greatest fools in history. Good can be the worst enemy of best and we must not allow our devotion to be to any other good but the kingdom of God.

A wise saying for the world at this time is, "If you do not change your direction you will end up where you are headed." Without major changes in direction, many of even the most stable countries in the world are soon going to experience unprecedented catastrophes. We must heed the warning of Psalm 32:6:

Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found. Surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach him.

This means that we should not wait for the floods to come to start building our houses upon the Rock. When the floods come, it is too late. Seek every day to sink your roots deeper into the truth that alone can make you free and seek every day to get closer to the Lord. He alone is our Rock.