Jan 25
Chris Reed

      The context in which the Lord speaks is important for us to understand. That’s why I want to show you the backstory for the “40 Prophecies” I first shared at MorningStar’s 2022 Vision Conference. The accuracy of what the Lord revealed to me has generated much interest and excitement, but I want to show you the process that led to this series of revelations. I want to teach you how the prophetic process works in terms of receiving revelation, scribing it, releasing it at the right time, then tracking its fulfillment.

      “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (see Habakkuk 2:2-3).  

      Habakkuk was not the first prophet to write down the revelation that God gave him. This process of scribing revelation has always been central to the prophetic ministry. You may have a journal where you write down what the Lord says or jot down prophetic dreams when you first wake up. Others may type the revelations they receive on a computer, while artists have the ability to draw and paint the revelations. I tend to scribe the revelations I receive on my cell phone in my notes section. One benefit of this is every prophetic note I record on my phone has a clear and verifiable time stamp. The time-stamped screenshots of these prophecies are important to me because I place a high value on integrity, credibility, and prophetic accountability.

      My goal in being open about my process and how revelation is documented is to build greater faith in believers to move in the prophetic. I want you to know God still speaks today, and He invites you to hear from Him in new ways. When we properly scribe what we receive from the Lord, it brings our stewardship of the prophetic to the next level, so God can trust us with more. I believe the Lord is calling us to take the prophetic ministry to a higher level of excellence.

      An intensive time of preparation for the “40 Prophecies” began for me in October 2022, when I fasted, prayed, and asked God to begin showing me what would come in the 2023 New Year. However, many revelations I shared in the “40 Prophecies” were given to me three or four years prior—2018, 2019, and 2020—long before I moved to MorningStar in July 2021. I scribed everything He told me during those years because I knew it was important. Now that we are in the time of fulfillment, that documentation is valuable for lending credibility to the words the Lord entrusted to me and for building faith in those who see these things come to pass.

      “So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people” (Exodus 32:14). Some prophecies are set in stone because the Lord has made up His mind, as He did many times in Scripture when He made unconditional promises or heavy judgments. Still, many times prayer or human responsiveness can change the outcome of a warning the Lord has given or lessen its effects.

      For instance, in the New Testament, we see Agabus’ prophesy about a worldwide famine (see Acts 11:27-30). When he prophesied this international word, the church responded with disaster relief and helped those they could. Some things can be changed through prayer, other things cannot. We can mobilize in prayer so the Lord’s plans will be advanced, and the enemy’s plans will be thwarted.

      When I first shared these revelations at the Vision Conference, I made it clear these words were for “2023 and beyond.” The prophecies that have already been fulfilled have impacted the body of Christ, renewed interest in the prophetic, and even caught the attention of some important world leaders. Many of the most intense, world-shaking events that were prophesied have yet to come to pass. Some events, like food shortages, terrorist attacks, and global conflicts demand a coordinated response from the body of Christ. Hopefully, by presenting them, the Lord will be glorified, and many thousands will be inspired to intercede for America, Israel, and the nations in these tumultuous times.

      No matter what happens, God wants you to know He loves you, He has a plan for you, and you are called to become an on-fire, disciple-making believer who will lead many others to the Lord and teach them how to follow Him, even in difficult times. As all this unfold, we are not victims and we are not powerless because, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He will not leave you when times get tough, His promises never expire, and His blood will never lose its power!

      Click here to check out Praying Through the 40 Prophecies, a book which offers a unique look at the prophetic ministry and provides insights on how to pray for the days to come.

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New Era

Harley Davidson