- Aug 311995
Strategic Prophetic Words
September, 1995
The following are words, dreams and visions from those whose prophetic gifts we have come to trust. They include words of knowledge, wisdom and prophecies which we believe are of strategic importance for the body of Christ at large. We consider and judge all prophetic messages in three stages: 1) the revelation, 2) the interpretation, and 3) the application. Accurate revelation can be wrongly interpreted. Those which are accurately received and interpreted can still be mix-applied. Here I give the name of the person receiving the word, dream or vision, but the interpretations and applications offered are either mine, or were the consensus of a number of prophetic friends who I meet with on a periodic basis. We also know that there is much more to some of these revelations than we have received, or than we felt needed to be included here. We therefore encourage you to prayerfully consider and judge the messages, the interpretations, and their applications. Rick Joyner
All Scripture References are NAS.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM PAUL CAIN:John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the One who was greater. Then the greater One, Jesus, came and left, but even years later there were still people following John (see Acts 19:1-4).
> Interpretation:We must not view the fore-runner ministries, messages, or movements as the conclusive work of God, but be ready to move on to what they are sent to prepare us for.
> Application:We must receive the forerunner movements, and let them do their work in our lives, or we will not be prepared for what is coming. They are sent because we need them. However, we must be ready to go on to the next purpose for which these are meant to prepare us. Of course, this includes the prophetic movement, which is but one of many movements now helping to prepare the church for something greater that is coming.
It is often difficult to leave a ministry, or emphasis upon a truth, that has been a blessing to us. However, this must be done if "we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). Even so, this does not mean that we forget the emphasis or truth. Like the foundation of a building, when it is completed it is not discarded, but is rather used from then on to support the rest of the building. When John the Baptist preached repentance to prepare for Jesus, he was seeking to impart a spirit of humility and repentance that would remain a part of the daily life of Israel. The Lord Jesus even continued to preach repentance. When something is incorporated into our life by God, it will always be a part of our life, even though it may not continue to be the main focus.
Also, we must be careful not to leave that which is being used to prepare us for more until the work has been done, and we clearly see the next step we are to take. Otherwise, we will be like "children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14), or as one friend calls it, "chasing after each new Christian flavor of the month." When we go on to something
higher, let us be sure that it is higher, and that it is building solidly upon the foundation that has already been laid in our life.
PROPHECY FROM PAUL CAIN:Paul was shown the hydrological cycle. This is the process by which heat causes water vapor to rise into the air. When the air is saturated it condenses and falls back to the earth as rain. Rain in Scripture usually speaks of God's blessings. Paul was shown that our praise and worship ascending to the Lord was the spiritual water vapor that rose from the earth. Once the heavens over us become saturated with this praise it comes back to us as renewal and revival.
> Interpretation:The degree to which we will receive renewal and revival can be impacted by our faithfulness in worship and intercession.
> Application:The rain of the Holy Spirit is already increasing; renewal is now sweeping across the body of Christ. Let us persevere in our intercession and worship even more, seeking a continual rain of true revival on the earth.
PROPHECY FROM BOB JONES:A few months before the floods came to the Midwest in 1994, Bob was shone that floods were coming to "the heartland" as a sign that revival would come to the heart of America. Several times since, he was told to watch where the floods came in the natural because they would indicate where revival would also come.
> Interpretation:The natural often foreshadows what is about to happen in the spirit. This is especially true in the weather patterns as Psalm 19:1 declares: "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." Floods come when there is so much rain that the rivers and streams overflow their banks. That God is using floods as a sign of how the revival is coming indicates that He is going to move in such a way that it will go beyond our present boundaries. Just as it became impossi-ble for men to contain the floods on the Mississippi and other rivers, it is going to be impossible for men to control what is coming. We may restrain the river in one place, but that will only mean that there will be a bigger breakthrough downstream. What is coming is going to be much bigger than anything that we can control.
> Application:The Lord is going to move beyond the present boundaries that men have set for Him. Floods will destroy or damage everything that is not built in anticipation of them. For all of the interest and emphasis on the coming harvest over the last decade, there has been little planning and preparation for it. If we have a good flood plan the waters will be channeled into productive use. If we do not have a good flood plan, what would have been a blessing will do damage. True revivals test the quality of spiritual founda-tions. The wise man who built his house on the rock was the one who both heard and acted on the words of the Lord. If we really believe that revival is coming we should prepare for it with the zeal of an army that is about to go into battle.
Many new Christians are going to be born into the kingdom as spiritual babies. Babies need almost constant attention in order to survive. We must equip multitudes of home group leaders who can pray for the sick, cast out devils, and help to lay a strong biblical foundation in the lives of new believers. We should begin stockpiling supplies
such as Bibles, Bible studies, teaching tapes, etc. These new Christians must be established in the faith, and incorporated into the local church. The New Testament makes clear that those who are being saved are added to the church. We must preach the gospel while the fields are white for harvest, and we must also have the wisdom to gather the harvest into the barns, taking care of those who are born again into the kingdom.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM PAUL CAIN:We must heed the biblical exhortation to "watch and pray" (Matthew 26:41).
> Interpretation:Some of those who pray fail to watch, and those who watch fail to pray. If we do not do both we can fail in our mission.
> Application: One of the sad facts of history is that many who were used to pray in past revivals missed those revivals because they were not watching. Many just went on praying and failed to begin working when the time came. Others even opposed the movements that they had spent their lives praying for because they did not have the discernment that comes from watching. Unlike worship, prayer is not an end in itself, but a means. Once the Lord answers our prayers, to go on praying is a dead religious exercise.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM DON ROBERTSON:Don received the word "triage," which means: "a system of assigning priorities of medical treatment to battlefield casualties on the basis of urgency, chance for survival, etc." (Websters').
> Interpretation:We must use wisdom in how much time and attention is given to the wounded. If we do not use wisdom we will end up spending most of our time on those who will not change, while the ones who could have been helped are not.
> Application:One of the enemy's strategies for "wearing out the saints" is to send false brethren to steal the children's bread. These false brethren infiltrate the church to consume the majority of the leadership's time and ministry so that there is little left to give to the true saints. Beware of those who consume time and require a lot of attention, but do not change. These will often be the first in every ministry line, and swarm the pastor after the meetings to take their attention away from those who really need it. Seldom will these people know that they are being used in this way, but the fears and insecurities that the enemy has yoked them with drive them to require this kind of attention. The Lord Jesus did not respond to human needs--He only did what He saw the Father doing. He did not minister to everyone, and at times even seemed to rudely reject those who came to Him until they demonstrated faith. We must not feel guilty about refusing to minister to some, but we will in fact be guilty of going beyond what the Lord is doing if we are motivated by guilt or human compassion rather than led by the Spirit.
DREAM FROM PAUL CAIN:On the night of August 20, 1995 Paul dreamed that he was in a vehicle that was racing down a boardwalk, which was also a bridge between two continents. The boardwalk was not very safe. He was both going so fast that he could not read the signs he was passing, but at the same time not getting anywhere. Then he had to shout, "Watch out! You're about to miss the exit to Santa Ana," which was on highway 5. He noticed fishing boats in the water that were not using nets, but
each just had one line out. They were in danger because of a large storm that was coming upon them, but those in the boats either were not aware of the storm, or were not concerned about it.
> Interpretation:Even though the church is moving fast, creating a lot of activity, it is not really getting anywhere in relation to true spiritual advancement. We are so busy that we are not seeing the signs that we are being given. Traveling on a boardwalk indicates that even though we are so busy, this has become a "bored-walk," which Paul knew was dangerous. The exit to Santa Ana speaks of the prophetess Anna (santa means "saint" in Spanish), who dwelt in the temple watching and praying for the coming of the Lord. Entering into her type of ministry represents the exit from the present bored-walk, but a loud warning must be given or we will miss it. Because 5 is the number of grace, this represents the road to the grace of God that we need for this time. That the fishing boats were only using one line speaks of the way most of our evangelism has been an attempt to use just one truth or emphasis of the gospel. Our present "fishing boats" are either unaware of, or unconcerned about the storm that is coming, which has them in great danger.
> Application:The activity which is not helping us to make true spiritual advancement must be stopped or we will miss what God is about to do. The grace of God will be found in learning to watch and pray as Anna did. She was both praying for the purposes of God, and looking for that which is born of Him.
The bored-walk is the Laodicean spirit of lukewarmness that is now prevailing over much of the church. This is largely a result of her being worn out from the constant activity. The answer to this lethargy is not more activity, but a return to the kind of simple relationship to God that Anna enjoyed. As the Lord stated through Jeremiah:
My people have become lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside on the mountains; they have gone along from mountain to hill and have forgotten their resting place (Jeremiah 50:6).
The mountains and hills in this text speak of the high places. A recurring failure of even the righteous kings of Israel was that "they did not tear down the high places." The high places were set up to worship God, but not in the way or place that He had prescribed. The church too has built many high places, which are ways that we have chosen to minister or worship Him, but they are not ways that he has ordained. Many who were "led to Christ" have never experienced anything but a constant pressuring to get involved in one project after another, seeking to get them involved in our worship on these spiritual high places. These projects may be started with the best of intentions, but they are still of human origin and bear little real fruit. These usurp the place of true ministry by having us occupied and unable to respond to what God has called us to do. This is a primary reason for the lack of power and fruitfulness in the church today.
The high places erected in Israel were ultimately used to lead the nation into idolatry, as the people soon began to use them to make sacrifices to other gods. When we depart from the place of His presence, and the worship that He has prescribed, we are opening the door to other worse compromises which will almost certainly lead to some form of heresy or apostasy. Today we are occupied with many good things, but
they are not things that He has called us to do. If we do not turn aside to seek Him like Anna did, we will not get off the bored-walk, and it is becoming increasingly dangerous as the storm approaches.
The fishing boats had two problems. The first was that they were fishing with just one line when the Lord stated that the way of His kingdom was to cast a dragnet. It is time to question the common strategy to just target one people group for evangelism, or to use just one truth. A dragnet catches all kinds of fish and the true gospel of the kingdom will attract those from every nation and language.
The second problem that the fishing boats had was that they were not aware of, or were unconcerned about, the storm that was almost upon them. Most fishing boats can ride out storms as long as they are prepared for them. If a large wave hits them from the side they can be capsized, so they must turn to face the wind. The wind represents the movement of the Holy Spirit (John 3:8), and the Lord often comes in the storms (Job 40:6, Zechariah 9:14). Many evangelistic ministries (fishing boats) are in jeopardy because they are not aware of, and facing, the impending moves of the Holy Spirit.
WORD OF WISDOM AND PROPHECY FROM RICK JOYNER:"The Toronto Blessing" has been a blessing to multitudes throughout the world. It is already possible that more wounded saints have received spiritual, emotional, and physical healing through it than through any other movement in history. This has helped greatly to prepare the church for what is coming. However, once the army is healed it must march or it can be subject to an even worse ambush from the enemy.
> Interpretation:If we do not go on to mobilize and equip the people to do what they were called to do, they will fall back into their previous condition, or worse.
> Application:The overwhelming majority of testimonies from those who were healed by The Toronto Blessing was something that they should have been healed of when they were born again (when "old things have passed away," and "all things become new"). Many others were healed of wounds that were the result of backsliding. The whole movement seems to only be bringing Christians back to "ground zero," or where we should have started from when we were born again. This is by no means insignificant, and is greatly needed, but we should also be examining why we have fallen to such a low state.
Every Christian has a calling and ministry. Our spiritual ministry is a significant part of our identity. Those who do not know who they are, or what they are called to do, or who are not allowed to function in their calling, will walk in perpetual frustration and discouragement. We must give ourselves to the mandate of Ephesians Four, to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, to see that every Christian knows their calling, is equipped to fulfill it, and be allowed to take their place as a functioning member of the body, or they will backslide again. Every Christian that is not advancing will fall backwards.
Ephesians Chapter Four makes it clear that the primary calling of an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. Our great commission is not to make converts, but to make disciples. Every evangelist
should be producing other evangelists. Every pastor should be producing other pastors, every prophet other prophets, etc. If we are not equipping others we must question the validity of our ministry. In such cases we are at best "seedless fruit." If we are too insecure to give authority and ministry to others we obviously have not received our authority from above in the first place, and have no business in the ministry ourselves. The church cannot accomplish its last day mandate until we obey Ephesians Four.
The time is soon coming when those in ministry who do not obey the mandate to equip the saints will be removed from their place by the Holy Spirit. Their "talents" will be given to those who will use them. We are coming to a time when true equippers will be esteemed far above those who are just great preachers, or who prophesy and do great works themselves, but who do not equip others to do them.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM RICKY SKAGGS:Ricky was impacted by the death of a friend who had never been able to determine if he was supposed to be a musician, an evangelist, or a pastor, and constantly shifted between them. The Lord showed him that it would be increasingly deadly for us not to know our place in His body and faithfully serve in it.
> Interpretation: I Corinthians 11:28-30 states,
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself, if he does not judge the body rightly.
For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep.
To discern the Lord's body is to discern where we fit into it. No part of the body can survive long without being properly joined to the body. This is a major reason for much of the weakness, sickness, and premature death in the church today.
> Application: "The life is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11). The Lord's life is in His blood. As John explained, "but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin" (I John 1:7). Just as the blood can flow through the members of our body for as long as they are connected, if we are cut off from the body we are cut off from the flow of the Lord's life. If a member of our body were severed, it would become weak, sick, and then die very fast, just as Paul said this was happening to those who did not discern the Lord's body. It is crucial that we all find our proper place, and begin to function in it. Even if a part is properly joined to the body, if it is not used it will become weak and atrophied.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM BONNIE CHAVDA:We must beware of homogenization for the sake of unity. True unity does not come from conformity.
> Interpretation:Man's concepts of order and unity are often very different from the Lord's. The Lord makes every snowflake different, every tree is unique, and so is every person. The highest unity of all is realized when all of the different pieces come
together like a puzzle to form the whole picture.
> Application:Just as a husband does not become one with his wife by making her a man, we do not become one in spirit by making others like us, but by honoring our differences and looking for how they complement each other rather than conflicting. Teachers need to learn from prophets, and prophets must learn from teachers. Pastors and evangelists need each other to be effective in their own ministries. We would not need each other if we were all alike, just as a body that has one good heart does not need another--he needs lungs, kidneys, etc.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM BONNIE CHAVDA:The Lord is not going to have test tube babies or clones, but only those who are born out of a passionate love relationship with Him.
> Interpretation:True Christianity is not a process, but a relationship. The Lord is not seeking a mass produced army, but an army that is also a bride. Those whose lives are formed by a spiritual process will be artificial, and will bear artificial fruit that cannot be eaten. Hybrid corn may look better, but it does not have the ability to reproduce. The Lord has already answered the question of what He will do with the fig trees that look good but do not bear fruit.
> Application:Those who have come to just intellectually accept right doctrines are not necessarily true Christians. True righteousness comes from loving the truth, not just knowing it. Our number one priority as shepherds or leaders is to prepare the bride for the king, and do all that we can to see them joined. It is not by believing in our minds, but in our hearts, that it results in righteousness. Relationship is fundamental to the true faith, and a true relationship to Jesus will bring forth fruit.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM PAUL CAIN:It is important that we know the power of God, for "the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power" (I Corinthians 4:20). Even so, it is just as important that we understand the purpose for the power or we will misuse it.
> Interpretation:The main purpose for the power that we have been given is to glorify the name of Jesus, and to save the lost by bringing them to Him.
> Application:Peter took advantage of the spiritual phenomena and miracles to preach the gospel. Too often we have tried to use miracles and healings to verify our own ministries instead of lifting up the Son of God. If we would be more faithful in doing all things for His glory, He would be able to trust us with much more power, and we would never have to worry about promoting ourselves. As Leonard Ravenhill used to say, "You don t have to advertise a fire." The real fire of God will get more attention than advertising can bring.
VISION GIVEN TO BRUCE MCISAAC:He saw the church as a body which had mechanized joints that had become rusty. The Lord was oiling them so that they could move again.
> Interpretation:Joints are where two parts come together, which speaks of relationships. Joints usually become rusty from a lack of use. That the Lord is "oiling"
the joints speaks of the anointing coming upon relationships so that we can begin to function again.
> Application:We should all be sensitive to "joints" that are becoming "rusty," or rigid. We must always esteem the precious value of our relationships, and ask the Lord to anoint them with the oil of His Holy Spirit. Since the fall all relationships have been difficult. When there were just two brothers they could not get along. We need the Holy Spirit and the power of redemption working in all relationships.
Also, we must be sensitive to when the Holy Spirit wants to use us to help apply the oil to relationships that we are not directly a part of. Often those who are not directly involved in a relationship can be used in this way better than those who are. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9).
VISION GIVEN TO MIKE CHAILLE:The church was separated into islands with castles on each one. The moats had dried up around the castles and the Lord was placing bridges between the islands.
> Interpretation:Castles are homes which are strongholds people felt that they needed to live in for protection. They were also homes of kings or feudal lords who claimed domain over a territory. That the church was composed of this speaks of the way we have been building personal kingdoms. Moats are canals that surround the castles and are used to keep others out. Because water is often used as a symbol for the word (i.e., Ephesians 5:26), these moats speak of the way that some have used doctrines to protect their own domains. These moats dried up to indicate that this can no longer be done. That the Lord was placing bridges between the islands indicates that He is now building interchange between churches, movements, etc., which have been isolated in the past.
> Application:Because the Lord was building the bridges indicates that we do not have to do this part, but simply be ready to cross the bridges that He provides. If this is so, rather than expending the time and effort trying to initiate relationships, we should devote ourselves to looking for the relationships that God is making a way for us to have. Just as no part of the body can be directly joined to every other part of the body, no one can have close relationships to everyone else. We must give ourselves to being closest to those the Lord wants us more directly joined to. Letting the Lord build the bridges will help us to discern these, and keep us from devoting too much attention to relationships that really do not have a purpose in Him.
NOTE:Such interpretations and applications indicate a principle rather than a law. In this case we must also be sensitive to when He wants to use us to build a bridge, or even be one of the bridge builders for others. Even so, in general, the application above is probably relevant to most of us.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM STEVE THOMPSON:The warnings in Scripture are that the cowardly and unbelieving will not enter the kingdom (see Revelation 21:8). We do not have such warnings about the stubborn, or strong willed.
> Interpretation:Those who are afraid of missing God because of making a mistake
are far more likely to miss Him than those who are out making mistakes while trying to serve Him assertively.
> Application:True faith will always be found in initiative. Faith would not be faith if there were no risk involved. The Lord exhorted Joshua many times to be strong and courageous when entering the Promised Land. There would have been no need for courage if there was no possibility of failure. To remove the possibility for failure also removes the possibility for faith, and we must have faith to please Him.
Much of the church's attempts to discipline rebellion and self-will over the last few decades has worked to inhibit spiritual initiative, which is the essence of faith. Peter made some of the worst mistakes in the first century church, but he was also the one who ignited some of the most important spiritual advances. Peter was actually used to open the door of faith to both the Jews and the Gentiles; the Lord knew what He was doing when He gave the keys to the kingdom to him. Those who are prone to make some of the biggest mistakes will also accomplish some of the greatest victories. Stubbornness becomes tenacity, loyalty and faithfulness when it has been tempered. Stubbornness and initiative at least give the Lord something to work with, as we see in the life of Jacob. Jacob was a rebel and a deceiver, but he had such esteem for the calling of God that the Lord chose him and rejected the more pliable Esau, who had so little esteem for the calling.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM MAHESH CHAVDA: It is now time for us to do battle against the spiritual Amalekites. The victory will be accomplished just as it was in Exodus 17.
> Interpretation:The Amalekites attacked the weak and stragglers who were on the fringes of the camp of Israel. We must not continue to allow this to happen, but defend our brothers and sisters even if we think they are just "fringe groups." Moses won the battle against the Amalekites by sending Joshua and the young warriors to confront the enemy while he took his stand on the mountain, and lifted up the staff of God.
> Application:The battle against the spiritual Amalekites will be won the same way. The fathers must take the high ground with support of the prophets and intercessors, just as Moses had his arms supported by Aaron and Hurl Just as we see this battle being won on the field as well as in the heavenlies, our battles are won in this same manner.
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE PROM DON ROBERTSON:One of the strongest manifestations of witchcraft that is now being released against the church is the betrayal of the leadership.
> Interpretation:Satan knows that if he can strike the shepherds, the sheep will be scattered, and then they become easy prey. We can expect a great increase of attacks against shepherds through betrayal in the future.
> Application:To be forewarned of an attack is helpful if we use the warning to properly prepare for it. We must first of all guard our hearts against the spirit of betrayal. If we betray others we open ourselves up to the same attack. As we do unto
even the least of the Lord's people we are doing it unto Him. The most common form of betrayal is slander and gossip. Even if we are just repeating gossip we are just as guilty as the one who originated it.
As the Lord stated, there will always be stumbling blocks. Betrayals are a part of life that almost everyone must learn to deal with. Even so, they are usually much more vicious against those in ministry, and more painful to them because they usually come from those the ministers have given their lives to serve. Our first priority should be to prepare our own souls to overcome evil with good, never returning betrayal in kind, but seek to raise our level of devotion and faithfulness. No one was more unfairly betrayed than the Lord. During His greatest time of need even His best friends deserted Him. Suffering betrayal and desertion is one of the quickest ways that we can become like Him. Our first response to betrayal should always be forgiveness. If an attack cannot steal our peace, patience, love, etc., but rather is used to increase these in our life, then we have overcome evil with good. No attack of the enemy would be possible unless the Lord allowed it, and He only allows that which is for our good.
We must not allow any attack of the enemy to knock us from our course, but rather use them to grow in grace, which is to grow in spiritual authority. Faithfulness is the counter-power to betrayal. Let us determine to grow in faithfulness every time we are betrayed, just as the Lord is faithful even when we are unfaithful. Do not allow betrayals to sow seeds of distrust or bitterness in your heart, by which the enemy can then use us to betray others. Rather determine that you will trust the Lord more, knowing that even this is in your best interest.
Even though the Lord was betrayed and denied by the very leaders He had chosen for His church, He had complete confidence that the church would prevail. He had this confidence because He had not put His confidence in men, but in the Holy Spirit. Even the greatest men of God are earthen vessels who can, and often will, fail us. If our trust is in them it is misplaced. If our trust is properly placed in the Holy Spirit, we will never be disappointed, and we will always have complete confidence in the outcome of every trial.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM BONNIE CHAVDA:Like Jonathan, we have come to the time for us to reveal ourselves to the enemy and begin the battle for our freedom from our oppressors.
> Interpretation:(I Samuel 14)--Jonathan knew that if the Philistines called him up they would be delivered into his hand. When we are revealed to the enemy, we must not fear when he challenges us, but know that the Lord has already defeated him and delivered him into our hand.
> Application:As the church becomes more visible in these last days, the enemy is going to try to lure us into his traps, but they are actually traps set for him. He who is in us is much greater than he who is in the world. It does not matter how many the enemy has, just one person with God has all of the enemy hosts outnumbered. We must not be afraid of revealing ourselves, or of going to meet the enemy when he challenges us.
PROPHECY FROM BOB JONES:Bob was told that the Lord was about to slay the
"red bulls." He was told that the Book of Obadiah was for our times. In this prophecy Esau, who is also called "Edom," which means "red," gloated over and participated in the ransacking of his brother Jacob (the nation of Israel). Because of this the house of Esau was judged so that there would be no survivor (Obadiah 18).
> Interpretation No. 1:Bulls often speak of natural strength. They are also territorial and will seek to kill other bulls who approach their territory. This speaks of the Lord putting an end to such "territorial" ministries that bring so much division to His church. He will also remove those who gloat over the demise of their brothers, which is one of the primary symptoms of jealousy. It was because of jealousy that murder was first released into the world, and it was because of jealousy that Christ was given up to be crucified. Jealousy is one of the ultimate revelations of both pride and selfish ambition:
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing (James 3:14-16).
Esau also sold his birthright for the temporary gratification of his flesh. This prophecy indicates that the Lord is about to put an end to the ministries that are of this nature, who live for the temporary rather than for the eternal purposes of Christ.
> Application No. 1:Esau's tragic fall came when he esteemed his immediate needs over the eternal calling that he had in Christ. We must cease to build with short range vision, or for ourselves. It was for this purpose that the Lord said "Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hated" (Malachi 1:2-3). Those who live for the temporary will always be controlled more by political expediency than by the righteous purposes of the Lord. Those who live this way will always end up selling their birthrights for the immediate gratification of their flesh, which will come in the form of the "three G's--girls, gold and glory."
> Interpretation No. 2:Many prophecies have double meanings, as we believe this one does. A bull is also the symbol for a stock market that is going up, and the bear is a symbol for one that is going down. That the Lord is going to "slay the red bulls" could mean an end to the present rising stock market. That the bull speaks of natural strength also implies our dependency on our own natural resources. The love of money is the root of all the evils because it is a most basic form of idolatry. An idol is not just something that we worship, but what we put our trust in. That the Lord is going to slay the "red bulls" also speaks of Him slaying the natural things that we have put our trust in.
> Application No. 2:The Lord does speak and give wisdom concerning economics as we see in the life of Joseph and other prophets in Scripture. However, we do not advise anyone to use this for personal financial advice. This is an area that we must learn to hear the Lord much more clearly in, but because of the present immaturity of both our prophetic ministry, and much of the church, He has not been inclined to
speak on a very high level yet. The above interpretation is an opinion of what we think the word and vision mean and we encourage everyone to seek the Lord themselves before taking any kind of action on it.
VISION FROM STEVE THOMPSON:Steve saw a polar bear in a vision.
> Interpretation:Steve felt that this polar bear could indicate that a bear market will begin in the winter.
> Application:Again, we are offering this for both judgment and interpretation. It is not wrong to invest, as the Parable of the Talents encourages us to invest wisely and for the maximum return. Even so, the most wise investment that we will ever make is in the kingdom. When the early church was warned prophetically about the impending famine that was going to come over the whole earth, their first response was not to hoard, but rather to give by taking up an offering for the saints in Jerusalem. Whatever we invest on this earth will be subject to corruption and loss. Only that which we invest into the heavenly purposes of God can we ever truly count on returning to us in our time of need.
To the degree that we have built our lives and faith on our money, or any other resources, we have built on a very shaky foundation. We know that the time will come when everything that can be shaken will be The time that we have been given until that happens is for the purpose and trust on that which alone cannot be shaken--the kingdom of God.
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE FROM JOSEPH SAMUELS:The pride of man still functioning in ministry is curtailing the manifestation of the glory of the Lord.
> Interpretation:Many of us are still insisting on displaying our gifts and preaching abilities when the Lord is often wanting to do something very different in our meetings, or in our ministries.
> Application:This is a call to become much more sensitive to the Lord for all that we are doing in His name. Our own plans often get in the way of what the Lord really wants us to do. However, the answer to this is not to stop planning. The Lord planned all that He has done "before the foundation of the world," and if we are to be like Him we too must be able to formulate the best long range plans. The issue here is that we are often planning without Him instead of with Him. One of the most important keys to King David's success was that He inquired of the Lord before all of His most important decisions. Our pride is that we think we know what the will of the Lord is without inquiring of Him, and for this reason many of us are greatly missing the glory that we could be walking in.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM SUZANNE DE TREVILLE:Some heaviness is oppression, but there is another kind of heaviness--the great weight that a branch carries when it has a lot of fruit on it which is not quite ripe and ready to be picked.
> Interpretation:This is the kind of heaviness that many people are now experiencing. The closer the fruit gets to being ripe the heavier it gets. This is why many experience great travail of soul just before a major spiritual breakthrough.
> Application: If we are experiencing heaviness we should seek to discern why. Just as the burdens were made heavier on the Israelites just before their deliverance by the power of God, we must understand that every trial in our life is meant to bring forth more spiritual fruit in our life. When we really understand this we will "count it all joy" when we encounter various trials.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM ROBIN MCMILLAN:Ben Franklin once said, "Hunger is the best sauce." Only the hungry seek food. One of the names of God is El Shaddai, "the many breasted one," and that is an important way that we must know Him.
> Interpretation:Milk will keep flowing in nursing mothers for as long as the child keeps nursing. The pure milk of the word will flow to us for as long as we remain hungry. Just as we see in the story of Elijah and the widow, the oil will only flow for as long as there are empty vessels.
> Application:The Lord once said that a mother could forget her nursing child easier than He could forget His people (Isaiah 49:15). A nursing child is completely dependent on its mother for sustenance and survival. The truly wise are that dependent on God. They will cry with desperation for food from Him, and know that they are totally dependent on Him for all of their needs. As Paul Cain once said, "Every one of us is as close to the Lord as we want to be." The more we hunger for Him, the more of Him we will receive.
Many congregations complain about the lack of anointing they see in their leaders, but often this reflects their own lack of hunger more than the spiritual condition of the leaders. If the people were more hungry for the Lord, He would meet them with more.
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE FROM BOB JONES: We are coming to the time when drugs will have little or no effect against disease because of the overuse of antibiotics, and men will be defenseless against the new strains of diseases that are about to be released.
> Interpretation:Many germs and viruses are no longer affected by antibiotics because they have developed their own immunity to them. At the same time, the overuse of antibiotics has inhibited the strengthening of our own immune systems. This combination can be the foundation for plagues of truly biblical proportions.
> Application:"Overuse" is a key word here. Medical science has done much to improve the quality and longevity of life. Even so, even the greatest wisdom of men is limited, and often shortsighted. Our first response to any problem should be to turn to the Lord and seek His wisdom. His provision may come through a doctor, or the use of antibiotics at times. We should not compel those who are either young, or weak in the faith, to abandon such provisions. Even so, we must all seek to grow in our faith, and we must use wisdom, not becoming overly dependent on this artificial means of fighting diseases. The time will come when we must know Him as our healer. Now is the time for us to seek to trust Him more and more for our health and healing, not when the plagues come. "Seek the Lord in a time when He may be found, for surely in a flood of great waters they shall not reach Him" (Psalm 32:6).
Just as the overuse of antibiotics have weakened our immune systems, the same is true of "spiritual antibiotics." Much of the body has been weakened because we have tried to substitute artificial means for bringing healing to believers rather than allowing them to fight the spiritual diseases and grow strong on their own. We are a generation that will do almost anything to avoid pain. Pain is not an enemy; it is a friend. Pain is given to alert us to even more serious problems. Because we have often been in too much of a hurry to just get rid of people's pain by taking care of their surface problems, we have inhibited their ability to reach God for themselves, or heal their real problems.
WORD OF WISDOM FROM RICK JOYNER:The church must begin to use the wisdom of the shopping malls.
> Interpretation:Shopping malls use "anchor stores" that are large, popular department stores to attract people to them. Many smaller specialty stores are then able to live off of the traffic generated by these anchors. Sometimes the specialty stores attract people who will also stop in the department stores. All of these stores have learned to work together for everyone's benefit. They have seen such a benefit from this that now large department stores will seldom locate in a mall unless their main "competitors" also agree to locate a store there, along with a good number of the specialty stores.
> Application:Large ministries and churches are not in competition with each other, or with smaller works. The closer we get to each other the more that all will benefit. The present war between the "mega" churches or ministries, and the smaller works must end. God is doing both, and the closer that we get to each other the more we will all will benefit. Many smaller churches can thrive just on the overflow from the larger works they may locate near. Many people do not do well in a large church, and many do not do well in a small one. Both the large and the small works act as a "relief valve" for each other, taking the people from the other which would only produce frustrations and splits if they did not have an alternative to go to.
A large church or ministry may be able to have many different departments, but smaller churches and ministries should not try to duplicate this in order to compete with the larger ones. It is right for the smaller ones to specialize and focus on just doing one or two things well. We must understand that God owns the whole "mall" that composes His church and that we will all prosper together if we stay in unity. We should not fret, but rejoice when other works locate near us. The closer we are together the more that everyone will benefit by the flow of people who are attracted.
The "wisdom of the shopping mall" can also be applied to individual churches or ministries. We should use the larger, general meetings like the department stores. They can do things that cannot be done in the home groups. Likewise, we should allow the home groups to specialize in different ministries. Some may specialize in evangelism; some in healing, others in teaching basic doctrines to new believers, deliverance, etc. Just as the first century church met in the temple and from house to house, there needs to be different types of meetings if the people are to be properly equipped.