Aug 22
Rick Joyner

All but one of these prophecies came on Friday evening, August 4, 2006 at the School of the Spirit (SOS) meeting. – Robin McMillan

Barcelona, Spain: The gates of the holy have been sealed in Barcelona, but those gates shall be broken wide open. I prophesy a move of the Spirit of God in that nation that begins in the slums of Barcelona and goes all the way to the seat of government.

Grand Cayman Islands: I believe this is a time of a move of the Spirit for the Grand Caymans. Father, we agree with You tonight for the Grand Cayman Islands. Lord, we know that has been a place for tax shelters, but it also has been a place where people have been duped into sending their money. Father, I ask in the name of Jesus, and I believe that You are saying that in the Grand Cayman Islands You are going raise up something to release finances that will help finance the kingdom. We ask for that tonight and believe for that tonight.

Cessationist: I believe the Lord is showing me that there is a major network of Cessationist Theologians that God is going to visit. So, Father we agree with You tonight that You are going to visit a major group or network of Cessationists all over again similar to the way You visited Jack Deere. We just agree with You tonight for that Lord—that You would visit them and shake them, and that You would show them that You still do what You used to do.

Scandinavian Nations: I am seeing the Scandinavian Nations—Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am just going to prophesy revival in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I believe Lord. You are showing me that there is a German who is going to have great influence and great anointing in the Scandinavian region. And so Father, I join with him now by faith, and I say "release that influence, release that power, release that proclamation" Lord for some transformation in those nations in the name of Jesus. And I get the name Marcus, I have no idea, but Lord if you are going to mark that person or if that is his name, we just believe tonight for a German who has a commission to the Scandinavian nations. We believe that he will make a marked difference in a number of cities in that region of the world.

Sicilian person:  Lord, I ask for the thing You showed me about the Sicilian, that Italian, apostolic figure. Lord, I pray now that You would embolden that person—embolden him Lord, give him an inordinate courage to step in the mafia circles and pull out those apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, who have been locked up into that great stronghold. Father, give him great courage, give him great boldness, and give him supernatural protection.

Word about Italian Apostle (July 16, 2006)

There shall arise a powerful and balanced apostolic voice that plants many congregations, that touches the Vatican, and that touches the great Roman Catholic centers of this nation (USA) and South and Central America. And there shall be a great restoration of faith in those places, but there shall be a clinging to Jesus, a clinging to the Savior, because of that voice the Lord raises up out of Italy. That person shall be from Sicily and he shall have ancestors who were very vibrant in the mafia. But this person shall stand for something of righteousness and truth and many from the underworld, many from the mafia shall come to the Lord because of that testimony, and that prophetic mantle, and that apostolic voice that the Lord puts there. And there shall come at a given point and at a given place in time blanket forgiveness, even from the government, for things that have been done in those circles.

Wellsprings: And I speak to the wellsprings of revival in the United States that are close to erupting, that are close to the surface. Lord I won't get credit for this because it's something You've been doing with many people praying, but I am going to do my part. I speak to that flood and say "come." I speak to those fountains and I say "erupt, spew everywhere, shake up regions, and establish new centers of revival with vision. We just break up, we break them up by faith, those last vestiges of crust." We add our faith to Yours Lord, and we speak to those fountains in eight, ten, twelve regions in the nation to come forth now in the name of Jesus.

Megalomaniac Leaders: I feel like the Lord is saying that there are megalomaniac leaders in certain countries who have done much harm to their people. The Lord is going to bring them down. So we agree with You that there are wicked leaders that You have decided You're going to bring down. Lord, we agree with You that You will topple thrones and dominions that are in the way of Your eternal purpose in the earth. And out of the ashes of those nations, particularly African nations, You will raise up godly voices to reestablish those nations on Your foundations, that there would be a blessing of kindness and goodness in many of those third world nations, even in places like Haiti and in the continent of Africa.

I turned to these Scriptures as confirmation after that prayer.

"Behold, I will lift My hand in an oath to the nations, and set up My standard for the peoples; they shall bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders;

Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; they shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered?

But thus says the Lord; "Even the captives of mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.

I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. All flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob" (Isaiah 49:22-26 NKJV).

This is a day and this is an hour when the Holy One of Israel shall stand up and shall shake nations, and wickedness shall break off of nations like dead leaves off of trees because the Lord has had enough of the wickedness of those places and He is releasing a life that will knock death down and restore glory in many lands.

Lord we agree with Psalm 24:1-2:  "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For he has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters" (NKJV).

So Lord, we counteract the philosophy that says the earth is the devil's because You say the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The world and every one of those people who dwell therein, You have by sovereign right. Lord, we know that Adam lost it, but Christ Jesus brought it back and the great Apostle Paul, with his divine revelation, said that You spoiled principalities and powers, that You made an open show of them by triumphing over them at the cross, and there are times where You release authority to change things. We believe this is a night like that Lord. We just happen to be mouthpieces tonight of a proclamation that's been in Your heart. And we just simply report that this thing shall come to pass. Rulers will be deposed by the sovereign hand of God. Godly leadership shall emerge in third world nations, and they will not be coerced by fame, finance, or sexual impropriety. They will have a godly countenance on them, a Daniel-like countenance on them, a Joseph-like countenance on them, a Jesus-like countenance on them.